Taking care of lion head rabbits

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lionhead Rabbit 101: All You Need To Know
Video: Lionhead Rabbit 101: All You Need To Know


Lionhead rabbits are small rabbits that have a distinctly hairy mane on their heads. Indeed, they are clearly distinguishable from other rabbit breeds by this remarkable tuft of long fur between and around the ears. That's why they have the name lion head. This breed is originally from England and has not yet been officially recognized. Caring for a lion's head is much the same as looking after other bunnies, it takes love and attention to keep them healthy and happy, but its unique coat also needs specific attention.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing the perfect Lionhead rabbit

  1. Be patient. Do not make a hasty purchase, and never buy one as an impulse just because you happen to see a beautiful lion head rabbit in a pet store. First, do your homework and think carefully about whether you can provide good care for a lion's head for a lifetime. Realize that they can live up to 10 years old, so this is a long-term commitment.
  2. Consider the ongoing costs of caring for your lion head rabbit. Be aware that the initial purchase price of a lion's head can be relatively low compared to the cost of ongoing maintenance. There are the purchase costs of running and hutches, bedding and feed. Then there are the costs of veterinary care, possibly nail trimming and tooth filing, and preventative health care such as products to prevent fly brood (when flies breed on the skin) and vaccinations.
    • In addition, there may be unexpected costs, such as when your rabbit gets sick and your vet costs add up.
  3. Find a lion head rabbit at a rabbit shelter. A rabbit shelter is a good option and you may well find a lion head there looking for a new home. Large facilities work with veterinarians, so your new rabbit will likely have been checked and declared healthy.
    • Many establishments often receive litters of unwanted rabbits if the owners thought they had two rabbits of the same sex, but actually had a male and female, so there is a good chance you will find the bunny you are looking for in the sanctuary.
  4. Go to a rabbit breeder. To find a rabbit breeder in the area, contact a local small animal association. Make an appointment to visit a breeder and see his rabbits. Check that the rabbits are kept in spacious enclosures with plenty of resources such as clean bedding, food, hiding places and toys. The rabbits should look alert and inquisitive, have clear eyes without discharge, smooth, shiny coats and no runny noses, coughing or sneezing. Look at the droppings in the run and make sure they are dry, not watery or diarrhea.
  5. Look for a lion head rabbit at a pet store. Be aware that rabbits have moved from pet stores and can suffer from stress, which can make rabbits susceptible to illness and disease. It is also difficult to assess the conditions in which the rabbit was reared, and thus to know whether this was done ethically and in an animal-friendly manner.
    • Encouraging unscrupulous breeders is undesirable as it perpetuates unnecessary tension for the animals.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing to bring your lion head rabbit home

  1. Decide whether to keep the rabbit indoors or out. It is good to keep rabbits as pets because outdoor rabbits forget can be and more easily neglected. But one drawback to keeping rabbits indoors is lack of exposure to grass, sun, and fresh air, all of which are basic needs.
    • Choose a run that is predator resistant and breakout proof to keep the rabbit safe. Consider building the run yourself.
    • You could compromise and only put your rabbit outside when the weather is good, or else train him to wear a harness so you can take him outside but stay in control.
  2. Have the rabbit's cage ready before you bring it home. If the cage is indoors, it should be ready in an area where the rabbit can see you, but also have peace and quiet. Your rabbit's cage should have a place to sleep, with plenty of bedding, a food bowl and a water bottle.
    • Your lion's head should never be in a cage with softwood (cedar or pine) bedding, as this can cause respiratory problems. Choose a brand with safe, recycled bedding, or use a soft towel. Fleece is a good choice, especially if your lion's head is potty trained.
    • Buy the cage big enough so that the rabbit can move around. It should be at least 4 times the length of your rabbit. Even better than a cage is a large run or bedroom, the best thing is to let it roam freely! Put a bowl for his food in the cage, and don't forget the water!
    • If you have more than one lion head, make sure they all have their own food and water bowl so that no rabbit can dominate the others. It is best to place the trays at both ends of the run to prevent this.
    • Make sure each rabbit has its own hiding place. If the rabbits can't get along, they can ease the tension by retreating to their own space. If this is not offered, the rabbits may start fighting for their provisions.
  3. Make sure your house is rabbit safe if the rabbit moves indoors. Rabbits make excellent pets, but you do need to prepare. The most important thing to know is that rabbits will gnaw and chew, and will happily gnaw on electrical cables with disastrous consequences. Lie on the floor and look around for anything the rabbit can grab and gnaw on. Remove or make safe all hazards, such as placing cable protectors over electrical wiring.
  4. Bringing your rabbit home. Give your bunny a few days to get used to. Talk to him regularly, but do not take him out of the cage. Don't let the children touch him either.
    • Your bunny may have diarrhea from the stress if he has just gained weight. Feed him some oatmeal to help.

    Feed your rabbit. Talk to your vet about the correct diet for your rabbit. In general, your rabbit should be fed a limited amount of pellets (about 1/8 cup per 500 grams of body weight), fresh vegetables, and unlimited amounts of timothy hay (or if the rabbit is under 7 months of age, alfalfa hay). Since rabbits are prone to kidney stones and bladder stones, limit vegetables that are high in calcium, such as broccoli.

    • Treats such as apples, carrots, bananas, etc. can be fed in small quantities (a few tablespoons per day).
    • Always make sure your rabbit always has water.
    • As a rule of thumb, you can say that each type of food contains a lot of a certain nutrient. To prevent the rabbit from taking in too much of a nutrient, which could result in a health problem (for example, too much oxalate in carrots, which can cause bladder stones), never give the same fresh food two days in a row. By offering variety you can avoid this pitfall.
    • Never, ever give your rabbit human foods, such as sweet biscuits. The rabbit's metabolism is not designed to digest sugar and it will cause diabetes in your rabbit.
    • Make sure your rabbit has plenty of fiber to help prevent wool blockages (hairballs) and keep teeth healthy, and brush your lion's head daily for the same reason.
  5. Brush your lion head rabbit daily. The lion's head has a soft, fluffy coat, and if he takes care of this and swallows large amounts of soft fur, it can lead to intestinal blockages. To prevent this and to forge a bond between you and your rabbit, you can brush your lion's head daily.
    • During the time of year when your lion's head sheds the most (spring and fall), you should brush it more often.
    • Pay particular attention to the longer coat, or "mane" between the rabbit's ears. It is important to keep this hair tidy. Comb it through to avoid knots and tangles, but you need to be careful around the delicate areas of the rabbit's face, especially his eyes.
    • Check the back of your lion's head every day. Fly brood occurs when urine or feces adhere to the back of the rabbit. This attracts flies, which then lay eggs in the soiled coat. Those eggs hatch like maggots, which burrow into the meat of the rabbit.
    • To avoid this, check the coat for contamination every day, and immediately clean the back of the rabbit with a damp cotton ball if it is dirty. Be sharp on small white points attached to the fur (fly eggs) and remove them immediately. If you see maggots, contact your vet immediately for an emergency appointment.
  6. Provide your lion-headed rabbit with good preventative health care. Your rabbit should be checked at least once a year by a rabbit-friendly vet. Vaccinations are an important part of protecting your rabbit's health and vary between regions. Consult with the vet about what is needed in your area. Vaccinations are currently available to protect your rabbit against myxomatosis and HVD (viral haemorrhagic diarrhea). HVD is caused by an aggressive virus that you can bring in under your shoes, so even if you have a house rabbit, you should still consider vaccination.
    • Rabbits are also susceptible to a parasite called Encephalitozoon cuniculi, which can cause neurological damage, kidney failure, and vision problems in middle and older rabbits. It is estimated that around 75% of rabbits carry this parasite, although not all of them get sick from it. Consult with your vet about treatment with a product containing fenbendazole.
    • Be aware that female rabbits are at high risk for uterine cancer.With this awareness, veterinarians now recommend routine sterilization of female rabbits at a young age, from about 5 months.
  7. Be on the lookout for signs of ill health. Warning signs of a problem include a wet chin (dental problems), watery eyes, or a discharge from the eyes (infection or overgrown tooth roots), weight loss, unusually withdrawn or diarrhea. Also check that your rabbit is eating regularly. If a rabbit doesn't eat for 24 hours, its intestines will go to sleep and a harmful circle of decay begins.
    • If you are concerned, call your vet right away.
    • Lion heads weigh between 1 and 2 pounds (if purebred). If he is over 2 pounds, then he is either overweight or pregnant (or it is a cross where one parent was not a dwarf). To see if your rabbit is overweight or underweight, run your hand over its spine, pressing gently. If you can't feel the spine at all, then your rabbit is overweight. The spine should be smooth to the touch, with rounded bumps. If the bumps feel almost pointed and noticeable, the rabbit is underweight.


  • Do not overfeed your rabbit, as these are high in sugar and can cause diabetes.
  • Make sure your pet has fresh drinking water at all times.
  • Do not try to cut your rabbit's nails; rabbits have many nerves in their nails that can be pinched or cut. Instead, take him to the nearest pet store.


  • Some rabbits growl when they are happy to see you, but usually they do when they are ready to attack. Their ears will also be tucked back.
  • Watch for symptoms that indicate illness. Rabbits can get sick or they can get rabbit diseases, look out for the following symptoms: Diarrhea, blocked nose, fly brood or overgrown teeth.
  • Lion heads love attention, but if they don't want to be held anymore and you keep holding them, they can bite or scratch you.