Building trust in a relationship

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to build (and rebuild) trust | Frances Frei
Video: How to build (and rebuild) trust | Frances Frei


The happiest, most satisfying relationships are built on a foundation of implied trust. If you want your relationship to be all it can be, then both of you will have to learn to create this type of trust. Most couples think of trust only as not cheating, but in principle there is a lot more to it ...

To step

Part 1 of 3: Maintaining mutual core values ​​within a relationship

  1. Stay true. If a partner isn't loyal, a relationship quickly becomes unworkable. People can recover from an affair, but usually need professional help. Make a commitment to be faithful and stick to it. If you are not happy in the relationship, seek guidance and not a part-time lover.
    • If you are loyal to someone, it means that you are faithful on all levels. This means physical but also emotional. Some people think it is okay to form intimate bonds because they are just spending time with another person without anything else happening; But that's not true. It will eventually lead to problems in your relationship.
    • Be as clear as possible about appropriate boundaries. What is appropriate varies from culture to culture, and often also depends on a person's age. But it all comes down to understanding what's respectful, clear, and not uncomfortable to ask for from a romantic relationship.
      • For example, going out with someone once is not a steady relationship. If a person asks you out on a date, make sure this is clear; it can feel awkward when a woman isn't quite sure whether she's in a restaurant as a date or as a regular girlfriend.
      • State whether you consider a sexual relationship casual or more serious. Some people find relationships that involve "quickies" or "friends with benefits" fine. Others see sexual relationships as a special, profound emotional act with someone they have a committed relationship with.
      • There are a wide variety of behaviors within a relationship that are considered "union", from traditional marriage and "cohabitation" to the more radical "open relationships" and polyamory. A person looking for a traditional marriage may be disappointed if the intended mate is looking for something different.
  2. Give your partner space and encourage kindness. Trust is built in an atmosphere of safety and security. The cycle of hurting each other, verbally or physically, and then rejecting the other person creates a lot of fear that undermines trust. Trying to control your partner's every move is another type of mistrust, so avoid clinging to your loved one in a possessive way. That will only push him or her away from you.
    • If your love partner wants to spend different time with friends, try to be at peace with that. However, you can always talk about what is acceptable behavior and what is not. For example, if your partner tells you that he or she wants to go to a dance with friends, and you feel uncomfortable about it, then that is something to talk about (both in this case and for the future), so that it does not always occur. occurs again.
  3. Love your partner without any ulterior motives. Both of you will need to be sure that the other loves you for who you are, and not for any other reason. That could be family, your money or your appearance, or even the fear of being alone. Make sure you are with your partner for the right reasons.
  4. Make your relationship a top priority. It's all too easy to start taking each other for granted and ignoring each other. Don't try to put all your energy and time into other people or activities. Keep your priorities clear. If your relationship is important to you, make sure it stays at the top of your list.
  5. Don't abandon the other. Misunderstandings, conflict and anger will arise. However, allow disagreements and the careful expression of anger to arise without creating separation anxiety. So never use the threat that you are leaving.

Part 2 of 3: Building trust on your part

  1. Stick to your routine. A lot of people believe that constantly changing things guarantees a good relationship. In other words, he or she is always planning something new to surprise the other. While surprises are nice from time to time, stability and uniformity are much more important within a relationship. Uniformity sounds boring, but you have to be somewhat predictable to make things workable in the long run. Predictability builds confidence.
  2. Be trustworthy. Trust is just another way of saying you can trust someone. You trust that your partner will do certain things no matter what. This trust creates security within a relationship. Make sure your partner can always count on you.
    • If you say you will be home by 5 p.m., do so, or at least let the other person know that something has come up. The most important factor in this is consistency. If you just come home 4 times out of 5 when you want and don't bother to call, that's a strong indicator that your needs are more important to you than your partner. A happy, successful relationship is when both parties make an effort to keep agreements.
  3. Mean what you say. Your partner can read your face better than anyone else. If you lie or try to hide true feelings by not fully expressing what's going on inside you, he or she will notice. The person may even think you've cheated on you. When the person knows that he or she can trust whatever comes out of your mouth without hesitation, you build an unshakable bond.
  4. Tell the truth. Do not keep anything hidden, nothing should be kept secret from the other. Sooner or later the truth will come to light, and the consequences of not being completely honest with the other person will ruin trust and your relationship.
  5. Tell the other person what your real feelings are. Too many people never let their partners know what they really need. Don't let your partner wonder or guess what to do for you. It is essential that both partners adhere to this. If only one partner takes care of the other, it is great that one feels suffocated in the relationship, or that the other feels neglected. Both scenarios are not good.
  6. Say no every now and then. It's good to listen to and always try to meet your partner's needs, but sometimes it's just as valuable to say no. You can't do everything all the time, and you will actually build respect from the other person if you refuse to do something now and then. Standing up for something and enforcing your own will can actually improve trust between you.

Part 3 of 3: Promoting trust in your partner

  1. Believe in your partner's competence. In other words, if you are convinced that your partner is not competent in some of the things he or she does, then your trust is not solid. If this is the case, then you should be honest with him or her about those matters, in an honest and loving way. This will allow you to process this and continue to trust each other.
  2. Trust your partner. How can your partner trust you when you don't trust him or her? Trust takes two people, and without the other person building trust, this is like a fish without water.
    • This is where you have the opportunity to practice vulnerability. Trusting another person often comes down to how you feel inside. In other words, if you tend to become insecure about things, it can negatively affect your relationship. You have every reason to trust the other until the person actually does something that makes it clear that trust is not justified.
  3. Give the other person the benefit of the doubt. An indicator of trust issues is the tendency to think the worst in every possible situation. Just because your partner doesn't answer the phone doesn't mean the person is cheating on you. When you trust your partner, it means that you are giving him or her the benefit of the doubt. Everyone deserves a chance to explain a matter before coming to a conclusion. Only then can it be considered objectively.
  4. Don't touch your partner's phone. Do one of you (or both of you) have passwords on your mobile? If so, it could be a sign of trust issues. Privacy is important, it doesn't mean your phone should be protected like Fort Knox.If there is a true relationship of trust, the other person will respect your privacy, even if he or she has access to your phone. But the bigger problem is when you feel that the person calling your partner is a threat to your relationship; in that case there are clear trust issues that need to be addressed.
  5. Give your partner self-determination in his or her life. Often in trust issues there will be a desire to control everything the other person does and with whom. It's easy to have a territorial drive and feel threatened by anyone. However, trust is about believing in the other person and giving that person free rein. When you trust someone, it also means that you have confidence in yourself, which promotes healthier relationships in the long run.


  • There will always be trials in a relationship, but when you face problems with an open mind and actively face challenges, trust in the relationship will grow stronger.


  • Trust cannot be maintained if you do something behind your partner's back (such as cheating). Your partner will eventually find out and stop trusting you. And once trust is gone, it can never be fully restored, and there will always be a little bit of doubt, instead of full trust.