Store fresh mushrooms

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Store Mushrooms For Optimal Freshness
Video: How To Store Mushrooms For Optimal Freshness


Mushrooms can be one of the trickiest vegetables to keep because they can quickly absorb too much moisture and spoil. Mushrooms can be kept fresh for longer by keeping them in their original packaging for as long as possible, storing loose mushrooms in a paper bag or paper towel and freezing mushrooms.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Use the original packaging

  1. Keep the mushrooms in the original packaging. If you do not use the mushrooms immediately, you can easily leave them in the original packaging made of cardboard and plastic foil. There are usually holes in the plastic wrap so that the excess moisture can evaporate without the mushrooms drying out.
  2. Shrink wrap the mushrooms. If you do need a few mushrooms right away, make a hole as small as possible in the plastic foil around the packaging. When you have removed the mushrooms you need from the packaging, wrap cling film around the place where you made the hole.
  3. Keep the mushrooms in the refrigerator. After you have taken the mushrooms home, put them in the original packaging in the refrigerator. Putting fresh mushrooms in the fridge slows down the growth process and prevents the mushrooms from spoiling quickly. With this technique, the mushrooms should stay fresh for about a week.

Method 2 of 3: Using a paper bag

  1. Place mushrooms in a paper lunch bag. If you don't want to keep the fresh mushrooms in the original packaging, you can also put them in a paper bag. The size of the bag depends on how many mushrooms you are storing, but brown paper lunch bags are generally the best choice.
    • You can also wrap the mushrooms in moist paper towels before putting them in the bag.
  2. Leave the paper bag open. Do not fold the top edge of the bag of mushrooms. Leaving the bag open keeps the amount of moisture in balance. The bag retains some moisture. Leaving it open will prevent the mushrooms from absorbing too much moisture.
  3. Keep the bag in the refrigerator. Keep the paper bag with mushrooms in the refrigerator, preferably in a vegetable drawer. This way, the mushrooms do not absorb the smells and flavors of other foods. Vegetable drawers are also designed to keep fresh vegetables fresher for longer. Use this method to keep the mushrooms fresh for a week to 10 days.

Method 3 of 3: Freeze mushrooms

  1. Clean the mushrooms first. If you don't want to use the fresh mushrooms within a week, it's best to freeze them to make sure they keep well. Rinse the mushrooms under the tap first and then let them air dry. You can place them on a paper towel or tea towel to catch the excess moisture.
  2. Brush or wipe the mushrooms with a paper towel or mushroom brush. When the mushrooms are relatively dry, brush or wipe them with a paper towel or mushroom brush. This way you can remove the most stubborn dirt.
  3. Slice the mushrooms and sauté them. Cut the mushrooms into slices of even thickness before sautéing. With an egg cutter you get slices that are the same thickness. Sauté the mushrooms in one to two tablespoons of olive oil and some salt and pepper to season them.
  4. Let the mushrooms cool. When you're done sautéing the mushrooms, let them cool before freezing. Place them in a single layer on a baking sheet until they are cold to the touch.
  5. Freeze the mushrooms in resealable plastic bags. When the mushrooms have cooled, put them in resealable plastic bags and freeze them. Preparing the mushrooms for freezing prevents them from absorbing too much moisture when you thaw them.


  • Keeping the mushrooms in a paper bag can cause them to shrivel. However, this is not bad for them and you can still use the mushrooms in cooking.