Dating a woman

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dating women made me understand men
Video: Dating women made me understand men


Dating a woman is different from dating because it is a more traditional way of getting to know her, where you spend time with her in public places, get to know her before moving on, and ultimately decide if you want to be with her. Marry. Dating is not so much about rules as it is about selflessness, friendship, and commitment to the woman you are dating. While dating is more serious than dating, it can be just as much fun as dating, and the benefit is that you really get to know the girl you're interested in really well.

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Part 1 of 3: Preparing for a courtship

  1. Learn the difference between dating and courtship. Dating and dating are two different things, especially in modern society. Dating is usually informal, and often without a commitment from both parties. If you want, you can date a woman, or you can date several women at the same time, and that's often just for fun. Courtship, on the other hand, is a serious commitment; you make the effort to really get to know a woman, with the intention of marrying her at a later stage in the relationship.
  2. Decide if you are ready. Since courtship is different from dating, it is not something to be done impulsively; it really is a serious way to make a commitment with a woman. Most dating people decide during the courtship stage whether they want to marry each other - so if you're not ready to marry just yet, you may want to date or remain single.
  3. Look at the benefits of dating. While courtship may come across as "old-fashioned" or as something with too many rules, it is an opportunity to have a serious relationship with a woman without feeling uncomfortable wondering if you are on the same wavelength. Maybe you've had enough of dating and are ready to take the next step. Dating is a very convenient way to do that.
    • You may think that a relationship that doesn't involve physical intimacy isn't much fun, but the benefit of dating is that you really get to know a woman, without the distraction or confusion that often comes with dating or dating. spontaneous meeting. If you are dating, you can enjoy all kinds of creative ideas that you can express in it. You can also get to know her very well through the conversations you have together and the activities you undertake together, which is a solid foundation for a marriage.
  4. Get to know her in a friendly way first. Since dating is a bit more serious than dating, it's best to find out if she's someone you'd like to have a love affair with before you date her. Spend time with her and her friends, get to know her character, and decide for yourself whether you are attracted to her.
  5. Find out what kind of family she's from. This is because dating has a lot to do with dealing with family and the community, because courtship is usually requested by people who belong to a religious community where a healthy and serious relationship is important. Getting to know the woman's family will help you determine if you really want to date her. Get to know the norms and values ​​that apply within her family, and try to determine whether you would be a good fit for her and she would suit you.
    • All families are different, and in some families it is not necessary for the family to get to know you well before you start dating her. But in other families it is very important for the man to introduce himself extensively to the family and do his best to be involved, because then the family wants to know if they can trust you before they allow their daughter to spend a lot of time. to spend with you.
    • If you are a bit older, and the woman in question no longer lives at home but independently, then the involvement with the family may be less important. But do discuss this with her so that you can be sure that you are not crossing any boundaries.

Part 2 of 3: Dating a woman

  1. Be direct with her. Before asking the woman to date, it is important that you let her know that you are seriously interested in her and that you want to see if a marriage to her is in the offing. Make sure she is on the same wavelength as you and ask her what her expectations are regarding the relationship with you.
    • Not all people who are dating are serious about this to this degree; sometimes courtship is more like dating, except it is exclusive and more serious than dating. If you are not ready to get married yet, make sure you tell the woman in question in advance so that she knows and is okay with it, as this will not cause frustration or confusion for either party.
  2. Ask her father for permission to start dating. This can be an important step in courtship if the woman you're dating sees it as a serious commitment. Since courtship often involves family or a mentor, it is important to ask her father for permission so that you get the trust and consent of her family.
    • It is useful to make sure that she really wants a relationship with you before you ask her father for permission. It takes a little courage to go to a girl's father and explain that you are interested in his daughter, and of course it would be quite embarrassing if she said no to you at the end of the story.
  3. Make sure to spend time with her in public and alone with her. Depending on the type of dating you are having, it may be important to take your girl to places where you can really get to know her, through conversations and activities. In a more traditional courtship, you only spend time with her when there are other people around, so you are always together but with groups or with the family. But sometimes it also happens that you are alone with each other; then you are usually in a public space such as a cafe, but then there are two of you during the date.
    • Some fun date ideas that you can do together in public are outdoor activities such as kayaking in a lake, picnicking in the park, going to the movies with a group of friends, visiting tourist spots in your home town, a new hobby. or learn sports, or go to a nearby amusement park or zoo.
  4. Seduce her and court her. Even though dating involves others, such as a mentor, meddling in the relationship, it does not mean that you cannot court the woman you are dating. Come up with creative ideas for your dates, compliment her, and show her that you love her personality.
    • Courting a woman also has a lot to do with the way you treat her in front of others and your desire to serve her. Some women want to do everything themselves, but one of the best ways you can show that you care is to be of service to someone. If you care about the woman you are dating, there is a very valuable way to convey to her how you feel about her, by doing all kinds of things for her, and by helping her through difficult times.
  5. Don't be too quick to say things that are emotionally powerful if you're not sure yet how things will turn out. Emotional intimacy can be just as powerful as physical intimacy in a relationship, and that sometimes requires boundaries. Before you say things like "I love you," think carefully about whether you really mean it. Because you don't want to mislead the woman or make her believe that you are in a certain phase of the relationship, when in reality you are not ready for it.
  6. Determine where the physical boundaries are. If a couple is seriously thinking about dating and getting married, they are less likely to start a sexual relationship. Talk to the girl you're dating about what she likes as physical boundaries. Remember that in the case of a courtship, it is often the case that there is a commitment rather than intimacy.
    • Sometimes it is illegal to kiss during a courtship, because then the couple has decided to save their first kiss for the wedding day. Other couples who are dating are more casual, and have physical contact throughout the relationship. It is important that you talk about it with the woman you are dating so that you can make sure you feel the same way. It's a shame if you unintentionally cross a border and if she turns you off, but of course you don't want her to have to wait too long for the next step in your physical contact.
  7. Make friends with her friends. It is important to get to know her friends as some of your dates will be in front of the group of friends. You can also show the woman you are dating that you enjoy being a part of her life.
    • This doesn't mean you have to become best friends with her best friend. Get to know her friends and be friendly with them, but keep your distance. If you become best friends with her friends and the courtship ends, it could be difficult for you if you want to continue the friendships afterward.
  8. Seek guidance throughout the relationship. Dating is a serious matter, and it is important that you get advice from wise men and women on how to manage the relationship and whether you are taking good care of each other. Having a mentor or someone involved in your relationship will also help you maintain your responsibility and make sure that you live up to the intentions you initially expressed to the woman you are dating.
  9. Keep her updated on the status of your relationship. One of the worst things you can do is make a girl wonder what you think about the relationship and how you are in it. Make sure you have a conversation with each other about your intentions in the relationship and where you are emotionally in the relationship at that moment. This allows her to experience some stability in the relationship and enjoy the relationship without worrying about what will happen next.

Part 3 of 3: Deciding if marriage is the next step

  1. Talk together about the goals you have set for yourself in the future. You've taken the time to get to know your girl, and now it's time to see if the two of you have a future together. Talk to her about the desires you have in your life for years to come. Make sure you want the same, so that in the future you don't have any surprises about the way she wants to live. A few questions to focus on are:
    • Do you want to spend a lot of time building your career?
    • Would you like to earn a substantial income?
    • Would you like a large family, or would you rather not have a family?
    • Do you want to travel or live in one place for a while?
    • How much time would you like to spend with your family?
  2. Talk to her about your desire to start a family. People all have their own desires, values, and norms that they hope to pass on to future generations, so it's important to review them if you are serious about getting married. First, see if you both want children, then talk about how you envision a family together.
    • When it comes to a family, some important things to talk about are the number of children you would like to have, whether one of you stays at home with the children while the other works, whether you would like your children to be raised according to a religion. , and whether you want to be parents who are not on top of the children, or who want to be very involved parents.
    • While it may be difficult to talk about, it is important that you talk about how you feel about a possible divorce. If you believe that a divorce is allowed, but the woman you are dating doesn't agree, this could be a signal that you should perhaps not get married. It is important that the woman you are going to marry has the same standards and values ​​as you, so that there are as few conflicts as possible within the marriage.
  3. Take a course together "Handling money well". This may seem strange, but money and finances are often major stressors in a marriage. It can be of great value to find out what your individual spending patterns are before you get married so that you can discuss any concerns or concerns you may have. You can find these types of courses on the internet or in community centers.
  4. See if your personalities are a good match. Hopefully, some of the above topics will help you determine if the woman you're dating is right for you. Yet it is also important that you look at your characters if you want to determine if you fit together. If during courtship you have noticed that your personalities clash and you argue a lot, or if the woman you are dating has a lifestyle that you disapprove of, marriage may not be the best option.
    • While courtship traditionally leads to marriage, not every courtship ends in marriage. When you have reached the point where you realize that marriage is not in the offing for you, then it is necessary to break the courtship. In that case, have a pleasant conversation in which you explain why you think a relationship or marriage would not work in your case in the future, and make it clear that you have found dating her valuable. Make sure she understands that it's not all her fault, but that the two of you are just not a good match.
  5. Ask her father for her hand. If you've thought through everything carefully, discussed potential problems with your partner, and you still want to marry her afterward, the last step is to ask her father for her hand. While this may seem old-fashioned, asking for her hand to her father in courtship is a symbolic gesture, showing that you respect him and value his consent.