Get rid of red spots from acne

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!
Video: How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!


The red spots left after acne can be very frustrating. Have you finally gotten rid of the acne itself, you have all kinds of spots and even scars on your skin! Either way, you don't have to be reminded of acne for the rest of your life. Try these steps to get rid of acne marks.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Prepare to remove the spots

  1. Find out if you have scars or blemishes. While the term "scars" is often used when it comes to acne remnants, it actually refers to something specific. Acne scars are permanent dents in the skin, while blemishes are non-permanent. You can also have a combination of both.
    • Scars can be "hypertrophic", then they protrude above the skin, "keloid", where there is excessive production of skin tissue, or "atrophic", which means that there are dents in the skin. There are also different forms of each kind. Scars must be removed by a dermatologist.
    • Non-permanent blemishes from acne are the red and brown spots left after someone has had acne. Dermatologists call this "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation". Usually this will disappear on its own within 3 to 6 months, but this process can often be accelerated using methods mentioned in this article.
  2. Fight the acne. Before starting any treatment, you must first get rid of the acne. At least then all efforts are not in vain. The presence of acne also means that your skin is inflamed, which will certainly not improve the effectiveness of the treatment.
  3. Protect your skin with sunscreen. Your skin heals faster if it is not damaged by the sun. And while sunscreen won't get rid of acne blemishes, the sun can make the areas more visible, so protect your skin well.
    • Choose a sunscreen that won't clog the pores (it can cause more breakouts).

Method 2 of 5: Reduce acne and blemishes

  1. Apply a product containing benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide can help against acne and the spots that remain. You can find benzoyl peroxide in the form of cleansers, tonics, gels, and anti-acne creams.
  2. Treat your skin with salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps against redness and pores around acne remnants. You can find it in facial cleansers, tonics and other skin care products. It can even help prevent acne in the future.
  3. Try a skin-bleaching serum for brown spots. While this doesn't work well for pink or red spots (which are due to irritation, not changes in melanin in the skin), you can lighten brown spots to reduce hyperpigmentation.
  4. Use Hydroquinone. Although this product is declining in popularity, it remains a well-known skin whitening agent. Hydroquinone is only available by prescription. It may be used twice a day for a short period of time (ask your doctor) to lighten dark spots.
    • Usually only three treatments are needed to remove dark spots. Do not use this medicine for too long as this may permanently discolor the skin to gray.
    • Bleaching products make the skin more sensitive to sunlight and premature aging. Always put on sunscreen when using these remedies, even when it's cloudy.

Method 3 of 5: Exfoliate or peel to reduce hyperpigmentation

  1. First, scrub manually. Depending on how your skin feels, you can exfoliate manually or use a chemical peel to remove dead skin cells.
    • You can exfoliate manually using a washcloth, baking soda, or any other exfoliating agent specifically designed to remove dead skin, such as a facial brush.
    • While exfoliating manually is more natural, be careful not to irritate the skin as it will chafe away the top layer of skin.
  2. If exfoliating doesn't work, try a chemical peel. Chemical peels come in different forms. Two known and effective types are BHAs and retinoids.
    • A BHA peel uses beta hydroxy acid, which contains salicylic acid, to penetrate deep into pores, dissolve dirt and remove dead skin. Areas of acne fade faster and you are less likely to develop new pimples.
    • Retinoid creams can be used to speed up the natural process of cell division in the skin, so that discolored skin cells are replaced sooner. This treatment makes the skin extremely sensitive to sunlight, so only apply the cream to your face at night.
  3. Exfoliate or peel your skin every morning and evening. Make sure to use a mild remedy (so that you don't irritate the skin further), and exfoliate or peel your skin every night and morning.

Method 4 of 5: Treat stubborn spots

  1. Do a thorough research on the following methods. If your acne spots aren't getting better with the above treatments and you don't want to wait for them to clear on their own, or if you have actual scars, consider looking into other treatments with a dermatologist.
  2. Ask your doctor about chemical peels. They work the same as retinoids. An acid is applied to the skin that can remove the discoloration by stimulating the formation of new cells and replacing the top layer of skin.
    • Although you can also use peels at home, it is better to discuss this with a doctor first.
  3. Immerse yourself in laser therapy. As a result, the skin remains red for some time after the treatment, sometimes for a year. It is very important to take good care of the skin after the treatment to prevent infections.
    • This treatment is often very expensive. Since the treatment is seen as purely cosmetic, most health insurance companies do not reimburse it.
    • Choose a non-ablative laser. Ablative lasers are usually used for scars, not red spots.
  4. Consider dermabrasion in small areas. This treatment has largely been replaced by laser therapy, but is sometimes still used for small spots. After the skin is numbed, a dermatologist will scrub away the top layers of skin with a rotating brush.
    • Here the skin is sanded so that a new skin layer is formed. Because it is very abrasive, it is only applied on small spots.
  5. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment. This treatment is increasingly replacing regular laser treatments because there is less risk of damage to the skin. IPL treatments are performed by a dermatologist to stimulate the production of new skin without damaging the outer skin layer. The spots due to acne will disappear.
    • IPL is also used for many other purposes, such as removing wrinkles and facial hair.

Method 5 of 5: Natural treatments to soothe the skin

  1. Eat anti-inflammatory foods. In addition to things that you put on your skin, you can also eat many foods with anti-inflammatory properties. This can reduce the size and visibility of the spots.
    • Leafy green vegetables, fish and walnuts are some examples of anti-inflammatory foods.
  2. Use antioxidants to soothe acne-irritated skin. While this may not remove redness, antioxidants are helpful in reducing the irritation to the skin that causes the redness. Antioxidants come in three forms.
  3. Spread antioxidants on the skin. Creams containing antioxidants can be applied to the skin to soothe irritation. Some antioxidants that seem especially effective are kojic acid and licorice root.
  4. Use a natural bleaching agent. There are also many ways to lighten the skin naturally. Creams containing kojic acid (from a mushroom), arbutin (from a berry extract), and vitamin C are all good natural options.
  5. Take supplements. If you are deficient and need extra antioxidants, or if you find it difficult to get them from your diet, certain supplements such as vitamins A and C can also provide you with antioxidants.
    • However, don't overdo it with antioxidants. Many people think you can never get enough of it, but recent research shows that you can overdo it and negate the benefits.


  • Don't forget to deal with the acne yourself. If you start early, the chance of spots and scars is smaller.
  • Be patient, the red spots will eventually go away on their own.
  • There are all kinds of tips you can find on the internet, for example home remedies for hyperpigmentation such as lemon juice, baking soda and tomato juice. Do research home remedies thoroughly before trying them or ask your doctor for advice.
  • The best "treatment" for acne blemishes is self-acceptance, self-love, and a positive outlook on your body. It is not bad at all to have the spots. You are still a beautiful, valuable person, no matter what your skin looks like.