Getting rid of men's breasts

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Say BYE To MAN BOOBS | How To Remove Chest Fat & Puffy Nipples | Gynecomastia Explained | BeerBiceps
Video: Say BYE To MAN BOOBS | How To Remove Chest Fat & Puffy Nipples | Gynecomastia Explained | BeerBiceps


Male breasts are caused by excess fat or glandular tissue on a man's chest. The medical name for this condition, especially when there is enlarged mammary glands, is gynecomastia. This condition can cause a lot of stress and social discomfort for the men who suffer from it. If you also have gynecomastia, read this article to find out how to control it or get rid of it.

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Method 1 of 3: Reduce short-term visibility

  1. Buy a tank shirt that looks like a regular shirt, but works like a corset. Some sites also sell Chest FX which is the best in this area for sale online right now.
  2. Look at your clothing size. You may not have the time or money right now to deal with your gynecomastia permanently. If so, the best solution is to hide it a bit by wearing slightly larger shirts. If you have really big breasts this won't work, but in most cases wearing a wider shirt is an acceptable short-term solution if you're having a reunion or anything else that involves mingling with people. Start by looking at what size shirts you have now.
    • You probably know your size, but write it down anyway.
    • Measure the circumference of your neck (collar size) with a tape measure. The collar size is usually shown in centimeters or inches. Remember your collar size for when you go shopping. The collar size can generally be converted to a clothing size and goes as follows:
      • 14-15 "/ 35-38 cm: Small
      • 15-16 ”/ 38-40 cm: Medium
      • 16-17 "/ 40-43 cm: Large
      • 17-18 ”/ 43-45 cm: Extra Large
      • 18-19 ”/ 45-48 cm: Extra Extra Large
      • Over 19 ”/ 48 cm: 3XL, or special sizes available only in specialist stores.
    • Also measure your waist circumference (over your belly button) and the height of your upper body. If either of those two numbers are high, you may need clothes especially for tall or fat people. There are special stores ("Big & Tall stores") where you can get this type of clothing, but some large chains also sell that type of clothing.
  3. Buy a shirt with a collar. Choose something that fits you well. The sleeves should be fairly loose and large enough so that you can button it up easily, even if you don't button it up.
    • Avoid "work shirts" (those plastic-wrapped shirts that you can buy at large supermarkets and other large chain stores, for example). These are not suitable to wear open and are slightly longer at the back so that you can tuck them in your pants, but look weird if you don't tuck them in your pants.
    • Do not wear shirts with bright prints or eye-catching patterns, such as flames, dice, or skulls. (Those skulls with flaming dice eyes may still be entertaining as a concept, but they've been out for years.) Shirts like that don't really make you fancy unless you already dressed like that, but then you don't have to buy them either, since you already have them.
    • Try different colors and patterns and see what suits you. Silk and other soft fabrics will not really hide your male breasts; you'd better wear some stiffer fabrics. Still wearing silk or something similar is at your own risk. Consider gingham, tartan, checkered prints or Hawaii shirts, choose something that suits you and doesn't clash with the rest of your wardrobe.
  4. Wear your shirt. Don't button it up, tuck it in your pants, and wear it over a T-shirt. (The T-shirt can be tucked into your pants or let it hang loose, whatever you want.) The shirt hides your gynecomastia, so you can participate in social activities undisturbed.
    • If just a shirt won't do, consider tying off your breasts. While it may be uncomfortable, binding your breasts with a linen bandage or similar lightweight material is an effective way to conceal your breasts. By combining binding and wearing a shirt, even severe cases of gynecomastia can be temporarily hidden.

Method 2 of 3: Reduce male breasts by exercising

  1. Start losing weight. If you are overweight and suffer from male breasts, the most practical long-term solution is to burn fat and lose weight. Once you start to lose weight, you will lose fat everywhere, including on your chest. It is not a guarantee that it will clear the gynecomastia, especially if it turns out to be a glandular tissue problem rather than a fat problem, but it is a lot cheaper than the following solution and you will feel a lot more confident about yourself anyway.
  2. Make a plan. Weight gain and loss are generally caused by calorie intake. If you burn more calories in a day than you take in through food and drink, you will lose weight (and vice versa). This means that any successful weight loss plan must be a combination of a healthy, controlled diet and plenty of exercise.
    • Active sports, such as running, swimming and martial arts, burn more calories per hour than strength training, for example. On the other hand, strength training makes for strong muscles and the more muscular you are, the faster you burn calories, especially if you also do cardio training. So make sure you include a combination of cardio and strength training in your plan.
    • Forget about local weight loss. Bench presses, presses, and similar exercises do not make you lose fat on your chest alone. You only lose fat if you burn more calories than you take in by eating and drinking. If you focus on losing more calories than taking in, the rest will take care of itself.
    • Eat a varied diet. The moment you control and reduce your calorie intake, chances are your diet will become one-sided. The less energy you can get from food, the more important it becomes that what you eat contains sufficient nutrients. You can look up information on the internet about recommended daily amounts of nutrients and adjust your diet accordingly. You can also make an appointment with a dietician to receive a tailor-made nutrition plan.
  3. Follow your plan. Don't stray from the routine you have planned for yourself. Bad habits suddenly arise, but making a healthy lifestyle a habit can take months. Be strict with yourself and persevere in the difficult initial period, until your new lifestyle becomes second nature to you. When you get fitter and leaner, your excess fat will melt away and your breast size will also decrease, which will increase your self-confidence.
    • Have patience. It takes time to really get fit. There are no healthy shortcuts. Crash dieting creates a yo-yo effect, so don't go for short-term fixes, it will likely get worse than it initially was.
    • Work with yourself. It is important that you are strict with yourself and do not deviate from your diet and training schedule. If it does, don't get discouraged or give up. Instead, you swear to yourself it will never happen again and pick up where you left off.

Method 3 of 3: Consider surgery

  1. Save money. The most effective and permanent way to get rid of your gynecomastia for good is through cosmetic (plastic) surgery. In the medical world, surgery to remove male breasts is called mammoplasty. A surgeon cuts open the chest, examines it, and removes the excess tissue. Unfortunately, gynecomastia is not a life-threatening condition, so surgery is often not covered by insurance. Count on about 3,500 euros that you have to pay yourself. Contact your doctor or a specialist for the exact amounts.
  2. Know the risks. For many men with gynecomastia, surgery is the only solution. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that breast reduction surgery in men, like all surgeries, carries risks. Discuss these risks with a specialist in advance and make sure you know exactly which complications can occur during and after the operation. Follow any advice the surgeon gives you to minimize the risk.
  3. Get operated on. First you will be put under anesthesia and then one of the treatments below will take place.
    • Liposuction: If the source of the gynecomastia is mainly adipose tissue, liposuction will be performed to remove the adipose tissue and reduce breast size.
    • Excision: If the cause of the condition is glandular tissue, the excess tissue will be surgically excised.
  4. Recover and relax. Recovery from breast reduction surgery usually takes a while. The wounds need to heal and excess fluid needs to disappear. However, this operation is not so severe that you have to stay in the hospital for it. The surgeon will give you specific home recovery instructions; follow these instructions carefully. You will likely be left with permanent scars from the surgery, especially on the underside of the chest area.


  • Drink less alcohol. Alcohol can cause a lower testosterone level and a higher estrogen level. Alcohol indirectly maintains or reduces male breasts.