Find out if there are ghosts in your home

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Ways To Tell If You Have Ghosts In Your House
Video: 13 Ways To Tell If You Have Ghosts In Your House


Do you ever wonder if the house is haunted? You may have heard strange noises or felt a presence that gave you the shivers when no one was home. Then it's time to get to the bottom of this mystery.

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Part 1 of 3: Communicating with ghosts

  1. Ask the ghost what it is coming to do. If you suspect you have visitors from beyond, take the direct approach and try to speak to him. Ask him who he is, what he wants, and if his mind might be stuck in your house. While the mind will usually not speak back, you may be able to get signs of its presence in other ways, such as doors opening or closing on their own, or manipulating the environment to make its intentions clear.
    • Some good questions to ask are, "What's your name?", "Why are you here?" and "How did you die?"
    • Before you ask the questions, make sure you can handle the answer.
  2. Communicate with the spirit realm through a Ouija board. Although often thought of as a type of toy or fun object, the Ouija board has been used to communicate with the beyond for centuries. Ask a friend to help you connect with the spirit realm. Place both hands on the wooden board. Then ask the mind questions and wait for the answer. If you feel the plank moving, it could mean that the mind is trying to tell you something.
    • The ghost can answer "yes" or "no" by sliding the board over these words, but it can also point out individual letters on the board that you can use to form words.
    • Take it seriously. Don't cheat by making the board move itself, and ask your friend to do the same. If you turn it into a game, you will never find out whether your house is haunted or not.
  3. Have a séance. If you are almost certain that there are ghosts in your home, the next step is to organize a séance. A séance is a ceremony where the dead are invited to speak with the living. To perform a séance, you must meet with other believers in a place where someone feels the energy of a spirit. A séance is a somewhat more formal way of contacting spirits than simply addressing them. This works best when led by an experienced medium.
    • Dim the light, shake hands and sit in silence until the mind manifests.
    • For a séance to succeed, skeptics have to leave the room. Spiritists claim that their negative attitudes are distracting, and that spirits therefore do not want to communicate.
  4. Interpret troubling dreams. Sometimes a ghost visits you in your dreams, for it is said that the wall separating our world from the spirit realm is the easiest to penetrate there. If you have vivid, confusing dreams, write down what you saw and how you experienced it. If you meet people in your dreams that you don't know, or if you are getting cryptic messages, it may be a mind's way of reaching out to you.
    • If you have no idea what a dream could mean, you can consult a medium. These experts are often experienced in dream interpretation.

Part 2 of 3: Getting evidence of the presence of a ghost

  1. Watch for strange occurrences. Write down all the strange things that are happening around you. This could be anything, such as thinking you see something move out of the corner of your eye, hearing someone whisper while you are alone, or devices turning on or off by themselves. If you are looking for paranormal activity, you must first use your own senses and intuition.
    • Investigate as soon as you see, hear, or feel something so that you have a better chance of catching the entity red-handed.
    • Don't be fooled into believing that every thump or rattle is a ghost. The explanation can be a creaky floor, the draft, a playing pet or just your imagination.
  2. Photograph different areas of your home. Take a photo of every room in the house every few days. Make sure you can see as much of the room in the photo as possible. There are theories that say that ghosts consist of a kind of residual energy, and that you can capture it in a photo under the right conditions.
    • Some signs to look for in photos include strange lights or orbs, shady spots, and faint streaks of pale, smoke-like fumes.
    • To avoid confusion, make sure that your camera's lens is clean and that no glare of light is visible in the room.
    • Focus especially on rooms where most of the strange things happen.
  3. Turn on your video camera to catch ghosts. In addition to photos, ghosts can also appear on videos. Place a camera in a place in the house where you can feel the presence of a ghost most strongly. On a movie, where you actually take 24-30 photos per second, you are more likely to find a ghost if you look closely.
    • Pay attention to strange things you see on the film, such as weird disturbances or small movements.
    • Sometimes you only see a ghost on film for a fraction of a second. To be sure what you are seeing, you can always pause the film or view it frame by frame.
  4. Record unheard voices. Run a recorder when you try to talk to a ghost, and play the recording later to check for sounds you couldn't hear at the time. There is a phenomenon called EPV or "band voices" where ghost voices can be heard on recordings. These voices can only be heard at extremely low frequencies, which means that you cannot hear them with the normal ear, but you can hear them with advanced audio equipment.
    • Because of these low frequencies, you probably have to play the recording very loud to hear the voices.
    • Write down words or phrases that are clear enough for you to decipher. If you are lucky, you can get the message and find out why the mind is so restless.
  5. Work with psychic investigators. If you feel like it is getting too much for you, you can contact paranormal investigators in the area. These people are often interested in the paranormal and occult, and know a lot about ghost history, folklore, science, and myth. They may be able to provide you with the expertise, equipment and resources you need in your research.
    • Give a detailed description of any phenomena you have experienced so that the psychic experts can determine whether they can help you or not.
    • Working with an expert may make it a little less scary to search for ghosts than doing it all on your own. A good psychic investigator also knows the best way to ask questions of a ghost and how to deal with a ghost that won't go away.

Part 3 of 3: Freeing your home from spiritual energies

  1. Know that you are not in danger. A ghost that lives in your house usually doesn't want to hurt you. When he was alive, it was just a human, just like you. Keeping that in mind, you may not mind living with a ghost, and you don't necessarily want to get rid of it. For example, the mind may think that the house is still his - the activity that scares you is essentially nothing more than the deceased reenacting the events of his daily life.
    • It is rare for a ghost to harm people. When activities are observed, it is usually in the form of minor disturbances.
    • If you believe in ghosts, you know they are all around us. So it is not surprising that one or two live in your house.
  2. Burn sage. By burning sage leaves, you purify the air in your home and cleanse the room from negative or evil influences. That might be a nice idea if you think the ghost haunting your house has evil intentions. Take a bunch of dried sage, let it smolder as you walk it around the different rooms in your house, and focus on spreading peace in your environment. Burning herbs like sage can calm restless spirits and make you feel more relaxed too.
    • Sage has traditionally been used as a medicinal herb, and is thought to protect both body and mind.
    • Use sage in conjunction with holy water, prayers, and asking the spirit to move on.
  3. Encourage the entity to leave your home. During a séance or while talking to the ghost, you can nicely ask the ghost to leave your house. It is often thought that ghosts still have "unfinished business" to deal with, causing them to hang around in a particular place. Put your otherworldly visitor at ease and tell them there is nothing he can do if he stays here. Hopefully he will understand and move on to a new, peaceful existence.
    • In a compassionate yet strong voice, ask the spirit to leave. Use pleas such as, "I live here now, you don't belong here anymore," or "Don't be afraid to move on. There's no reason to stay here anymore."
    • Knowing some details of the mind's past life may help so that you can better connect and guide it further.
    • Don't take a hostile tone. An evil spirit can become vengeful.
  4. Hire an exorcist. If you are plagued by a bad, mean, or disturbed mind, you should know when enough has passed. In that case, it may be necessary to expel the ghost. Look for someone at the church who is qualified to cast out spirits and ask them to visit you to assess the purpose and power of the spirit. A well-trained exorcist knows the correct incantations and rituals necessary to successfully dislodge the spectral intruder.
    • An exorcist is usually a member of the Catholic Church, and has had special training in dealing with supernatural forces. However, other religions also have priests or shamans who can cast out ghosts.
    • Depending on the method of the exorcist, you may be asked to leave your home, or to stay with it.


  • Research your home's history to learn more about the ghost that haunts it.
  • Talk to the mind in an inviting, respectful way. If you are mocking or mean, you may actually attract negative energies.
  • Have patience. Ghosts hardly ever show themselves when you ask. Their energy is sometimes stronger than other times. Stay on the watch and try to take the opportunity to see some of the spirit when it is there.
  • People who are very sensitive to the influence of spirits should make sure to ground their energy before opening up to communicate. In other words, clear your mind, suppress your fear, and face the mind with an emotionally neutral attitude.
  • If you want to capture evidence of the presence of a ghost, make sure you always have a memory card in your camera and your battery is charged.
  • Ghosts are like candles, so if you light a candle that flickers, it could mean there is a ghost in the house. Make sure that there are no drafts in the house.
  • Pay close attention to what is happening in the house. Violence, such as a blow, can involve an evil spirit.


  • Do not mock ghosts or try to invite evil spirits into your home, even as a joke. Whether you are convinced of the existence of ghosts or not, there are powers that you should not scoff at.
  • Exorcism is no joke. This is taken very seriously by the Catholic Church. Church officials will first check that there is no false report or joke before visiting your home.
  • Use of the Ouija board is at your own risk. Some spiritualists believe that spirits can enter our world through such aids and thus take possession of a person's body.
  • Use an EVP recorder so you can hear what ghosts have to say. This is very simple, but if you find it to be an evil spirit, ask a priest to come and help you. Usually he takes holy water with him.