Getting what's in it out of life

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Official Music Video)
Video: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Official Music Video)


"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get" -Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump.

But for those who make crucial decisions, life can be something else. How true it is. The meaning of your life is something that you create yourself every day, through your own actions and thoughts. Life is made up of choices, and the decisions you make are essential. After all, every choice has both advantages and disadvantages. Please try to outweigh the benefits and always choose life. Always keep asking yourself what you can learn and how you can grow. Stop blaming others when things don't turn out the way you want them to.

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  1. Carpe Diem, Seize the Day. Live every day like it's your last, and do it! Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why the English also call it “the present”. Life presents us with opportunities and possibilities for a lifetime. But you only get the chance of a lifetime if you make the right choices. Be there to enjoy the moment. Each day is a fresh start, with its own options to explore. What are you waiting for?
  2. Accept the present. This is a great way to live. It means that you accept the present as it is. From your own habits, to the people you meet in life, to your thoughts about what people have to say, and so on. Accept it, don't try to resist it. You cannot stop the flow of life. The real way to change things is to not try to hold back life. Think deeply about this. It does not mean that you should just swallow everything and not try your best to make changes. It means that you really have to be yourself, that you accept the things around you, and that you try to change them. It's a sign of proactivity. Ask yourself whether the opposition you have offered has ever served you a favor. Remember, life goes on.
    • Accept yourself. Don't judge yourself. This is the very first step you need to take if you really want to get the most out of life. Why? Because if you condemn yourself all the time, or make a part of yourself bad, then you will limit yourself. And if you limit yourself, you cannot get the most out of life.
  3. Be adventurous. Explore, live on the edge, embrace new challenges. Visit new places with your loved ones. Deviate from the beaten path. Don't just stick to the things you already know. Life is a lot more exciting with a little bit of adventure!
  4. Keep a diary. Write down your victories and joys in life. Take time to reflect on what you have written before. Be an inspiration for yourself and others.
  5. Express your gratitude. Daily acknowledge the things you are grateful for. Let your family, your friends, and your loved ones know how grateful you are for them. Share your love and express your love. As long as you can.
  6. Love everyone.
    • Love yourself. Focus on your inner and outer beauty in order to be the same with others. Acceptance comes from within. Do not focus on the things that you are not satisfied with. Rather, look for the things you do love. Are you not the most important person in your world?
    • Love others. Love those who treat you well. Love without expecting anything in return. Be selfless in your attitude towards others.
  7. Accept everyone. Be kind and courteous. Enjoy the company of others. Acknowledge their goodness, and don't just focus on the difference in their views. Don't judge others. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  8. Find purpose in life. Look for something that gives meaning to your life. For example, think of a great friend, sibling, parent, grandparent, teacher, neighbor, etc. Once you find something that gives your life meaning, you will live a better life. Of course you don't necessarily have to designate a relationship as the most important thing in your life. You can also think about your work, or about something outside of your work. The meaning of your life is something you determine yourself. Set goals and try to achieve them step by step.
  9. Give something back. Be selfless in your service to others. For example, start with your neighbor. Volunteer. Doing something in return will not only make you better as a person, but will also help others.
  10. Be realistic. Set goals that you can actually achieve based on your skills and talents. Think of every attempt as an achievement. Achieve one step at a time and work towards stability and security.
  11. Find balance. Understand the day and the night, the back and forth, the good and the bad. In everything.
  12. Stay positive. Focus on good thoughts, and good things will happen to you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Being too hard on yourself won't help you. Stay positive. Say, think, and do positive things. Always look at life through rose-colored glasses. Remember the glass is not half empty, it is half full.
  13. Stay in control. Be responsible for your activity and passivity. Stay close to yourself. Keep a personal code with which you can solve certain situations. Find common ground.
  14. Follow your heart and soul. Follow advice, but also trust your own decision-making. Follow your instinct. Don't let others tell you what to do.
  15. Purify your mind. Yoga, meditation, and tai chi will rejuvenate and replenish your soul. You will learn to focus more on peace and happiness.
  16. Do not worry. Desires and obsessions take over you. Free yourself from your impulses. Make an active decision to have simple daily needs.
  17. Laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. It releases endorphins and promotes longevity. Inner happiness is beautiful! Remember that life is all about fun. If you are not having fun, then you are not doing something right.
  18. Be flexible. Accept that change is a positive force in life. Sometimes blow downwind if necessary.
  19. Set yourself a few goals each day. Meet a new friend, go for a swim in the lake, or go for a walk in the park. Expand your life and have fun!
  20. Part. Share something good on a regular basis. When you share something good, it brings an inner joy. It also promotes the abundance mentality. For example, if you share information with others, or give someone something that he / she needs, then that also conveys things on a deeper level. For example, you can realize that you have enough yourself. Do the right thing so you can share in the future.
  21. Appreciate the little things. Take a walk around the neighborhood, and experience its beauty as you have never experienced it before. Pretend that you are a foreigner and that you are here for the first time. Go out with your family and take the time to appreciate them. Take in everything and see the beauty in it. That beauty is all around you. You just have to open your eyes!
  22. Forgive yourself and others. Release the negative energy and past failures. Embrace all that life has to offer.
  23. Be honest with yourself and others. Especially to yourself. Dishonesty can lead to denial once you start to believe in your own story. When you do that, it brings a hidden stress that consumes your energy and happiness. Self-acceptance is important, self-honesty with others makes life easier. It makes it easier to avoid the people who don't like you or your views. It builds trust when you are honest with others. It builds confidence when you are honest with yourself.
  24. Anticipate the world of tomorrow. Every day is unique, just as every cloud cover is unique. It is never the same, but always beautiful. When things aren't going well, remember there is always a tomorrow. Your life can change for the better tomorrow.
  25. Appreciate the environment. Take a break now and then and go for a walk. Imagine you are from another planet. Take a new look at the clouds, the colors of the sky, the sunset, and sunrise. Look at the plants, the flowers, the leaves, the trees, and watch the wind rustle them. Look at the myriad of life forms - insects, animals, birds, and people. This practice will rid you of bad memories and the monotony that kills the joy of life.
  26. Clear your negative thoughts. Take action to address the root causes of bad thoughts (fear, anger, doubt, hate…). Undo any negative thought with affirmations, "I'm over it," "I'm brave," "I know I can!" I forgive, I don't hate. ” You may not feel your best right now, but you will start to feel better once you start thinking about the positive things. Think of all the things that life has to both. Although things seem sad now, the future offers hope. It should make you smile. You should not store negative thoughts that you will revive later.
    • Question your point of view. Things are as we see them. When something "negative" happens in life, most people respond with a negative emotion or action. Because we consider that negative as such. But are you actually sure whether it was a negative situation? You see everything best when you are at your lowest point. These so-called "negative" situations in life were seen as opportunities by the great people of the earth. Those opportunities have made them the greatest achievements. The greatest despair drives man to the deepest hope. Well-known examples are:
      • Steve Jobs. In his speech at Stanford, talking about his forced layoff from the company he founded, he said, “I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to me. The weight of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a new beginner. Being less sure about everything. It liberated me so that I could start one of the most creative periods of my life. ”
      • Martin Luther King. He saw inequality as an opportunity to create the African-American Civil Rights Movement and thus end that inequality. And he did, didn't he?
      • Bruno Mars. After his hit single was rejected by a record company because of his race, he saw this as an opportunity to try even harder. He has since become one of the most successful artists of all time.
  27. Maintain a strong belief in your own views. However, be also humble and respect the views of others. Stand up for what you believe in, and don't let others walk over you. You can do this without closing yourself off from the ideas of others. Their ideas might surprise you. Don't lift too much on the little things. Know when you are dealing with a substantial conflict and find creative ways to learn to live with it. What's more important that you disagree with or love someone you love?
  28. Make a "bucket list". Make a list of all the things you want to do before you die. Think of learning an adventure skill, making progress in your work or sport, bungee jumping, skydiving, rappelling, etc. And make sure you can tick things off! This will make you feel like you have achieved something.
  29. Make friends. Make real friends. Friends with whom you can be yourself. Visit multiple places with your friends so you can share your happiness with others. By being among people you will become understanding.
  30. Inspire yourself. Do something that inspires you. Find a role model or read an inspirational saying. Life is better when you have enlightened yourself!
  31. Don't dwell in the past! Do not worry about the mistakes you have made in the past. Get over it and learn from it. Every mistake turns into a lesson. Don't worry about the past, after all, the past has disappeared. Don't worry about the future either, it hasn't arrived yet. Live in the present and embrace it!
  32. Don't take anything for granted. Appreciate everything and everyone around you. Your family, your friends, your home, your pets, your environment, the world. One day you will wake up and one of those things will be gone. So appreciate them for as long as you have them.
  33. Put everything in perspective. Keep in mind that even if your life seems tough right now, there will always be someone worse than you.
  34. Don't let possessions rule your life. Don't let new electronics, clothing, or cars take over your life. Don't let them change who you are. Material possessions are just accessories for you and your life. You come first.
  35. Follow your dreams. Make an overview of everything you have ever dreamed of. And then chase those dreams. Dreams never come true by waiting. They come true by getting up and working on them. Work hard and make sure your dreams are not a fraud. Work hard and play harder! You can always fulfill your dreams. If you really want something, there is a way to achieve it.
  36. Do not give up. Don't accept loss, even if it seems like the only option. Look at the obstacles others have faced in order to be who they are.Translate that into your daily life, and use that train of thought to achieve simple things in life.
  37. Be yourself! Be brave enough to be yourself. You don't have to be shy. You are who you are! Even if society doesn't like it, you are who you are. So forget what others think of you and live your own life! Do what you want, life is what you make it, and your life is yours! No one will live your life for you, so it's up to you!
  38. Every day is a new day. Learn from the past, set goals for the future, but live in the present!
  39. Choose your friends wisely. If you screw this up, you will be dealing with a bunch of losers limiting each other and you.
  40. Be aware of guilt. We all blame someone from time to time. The trick is not to blame others for your misery, but to become aware of it yourself. If you blame others, you are NOT getting what's inside of life.
  41. Know the power of the question. Questions control your focus. Your focus controls your experience, regardless of the situation. Always keep asking yourself what you can learn from this, and whether you could possibly learn even more. Or ask yourself how you can get even more fun out of this situation. Asking good questions will help you get the most out of life.
  42. Control your emotional state. You, and only you, are in control of your emotional state. External factors do not. Be aware that factors can influence that condition. So take a proactive stance to keep those factors in check.
  43. Remember that your physiology always comes first. Stay healthy, full of energy, and make sure you drink enough. You can do this by avoiding sugars, alcohol, dairy, and too much red meat. Drink plenty of water and eat “live foods”.
  44. Be a go-getter, but also a communicator. Of course it is nice to achieve things and to earn a lot of money. In fact, it's delicious. But that's not enough for anyone to feel exceptional in the long run. You get satisfaction from doing things that are outside of yourself. By contributing to the well-being of others and the world around you.
  45. Always keep learning. Regardless of the situation, you can always focus on what there is for you to learn. How can you grow, what can you take with you from this situation? If you always keep learning, you can tackle similar situations more effectively in the future.
  46. Don't automatically disagree with others. You don't always have to express your own opinion. Try saying, "Agree, tell me a little bit more about it" when you hear something for the first time. Especially if this is something you would normally disagree with immediately. Listen to what the other has to say and try to see it from a different perspective.
  47. Be happy. This sounds too simplistic, but luck is always a choice. Distress NEVER arises solely from external factors. Distress always comes from the meaning you give to things. Realize that misery only comes from your own thoughts. When you realize this, then you can get out of life what is in it.


  • Try to exercise for 20 minutes a day and eat a healthy diet.
  • Enjoy the simple things in life. Sit down, relax, and think about how you can enjoy the blue sky. Or how to enjoy your sister's laughter or your dad's stupid jokes. Think about what life would be like if they hadn't been there.
  • Be strong with decisions that could change your life. Don't let anyone talk you into it.
  • Allow yourself to do whatever you want.
  • Don't let others walk over you. Don't let anyone take control off you. Be the best you you want to be. Not the best you others want to see.
  • Life is too short to live with regrets. Let go of anger and ease your emotions to prevent illness.
  • Don't be afraid of your inner strength. You will be amazed at how much you can achieve.
  • First of all, love yourself. After all, you are the best. Just think of the road you have traveled so far. That wasn't easy, was it? So be proud of yourself.
  • Put yourself first. Know what you're worth. Get even with success, not dirty tricks.
  • Release your fears. Your fears keep you small and suppress you. When we talk about your hair and desires, fear is like a disease. To feel free and fulfilled you have to live in the present. Share your inner bliss with everything and everyone around you.
  • Stay yourself. Dispel rumors and gossip. Don't worry about people who judge you.


  • Know the difference between fact and fiction. Don't get lost in the stories you make up yourself.
  • Don't let external factors determine how you feel. You cannot always determine external circumstances, but you are always in control of the meaning that you give to things.