Get radiant eyes

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to beat No Eyes (Radiant) | Hollow Knight
Video: How to beat No Eyes (Radiant) | Hollow Knight


Shining eyes look bigger and more beautiful than eyes that are matte. Using white eyeliner and other strategic makeup products is a great way to instantly brighten your eyes. You can also reduce puffiness and make them look bigger and brighter by using natural items such as cucumbers and tea bags. After all, it is much easier to keep your eyes beautiful and clear when you eat well, get a good night's sleep and take care of your health.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Using makeup

  1. Get a good night's sleep. You cannot correct everything with makeup. A good night's sleep is essential for having clear, healthy looking eyes. Try to get seven or eight hours of sleep a night so that you will wake up bright and bright.
    • Try to go to bed at a set time and wake up at the same time each morning. The routine will help your body to rest properly, and you will wake up feeling refreshed.
    • On the days when you didn't sleep well the night before, treat your eyes with extra care to help them look and feel their best during the day.
  2. Drink plenty of water. When it comes to your eyes (as well as your skin and hair), drinking water is an essential beauty trick. When your body is dehydrated, your eyes may look dull or bloodshot. By drinking plenty of water you keep them clear and radiant.
    • When you feel thirsty, drink water instead of reaching for coffee or soda. There is no other drink that hydrates your body as well as water does.
    • A good way to stay hydrated is to bring a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day. That way you will never be without water when you are thirsty.
  3. Avoid alcohol and salty foods. Both alcohol and salt can make your eyes look puffy by drying out your body.The worst time to eat salty foods and drink alcoholic beverages is right before going to bed, before your body has had time to process everything you have absorbed; you will inevitably wake up with swollen eyelids. Stop eating and drinking a few hours before going to bed, and drink plenty of water to make up for any alcohol and salty substances you may have eaten.
  4. Eat foods that take care of your eyes. As a long-term way to get more radiant eyes, research your diet and see if you can add more nutrients that are known to benefit your eyes. Eat more of the following nourishing foods to promote eye health for years to come:
    • Carrots and Sweet Potatoes: These contain beta-carotene, which is great for preventing macular degeneration and cataracts.
    • Spinach, bell pepper and Brussels sprouts: these vegetables are high in vitamin C, which protects the eyes.
    • Turkey and other lean meats: They contain zinc and B vitamins, essential for eye health.
    • Salmon, sardines and almonds: these contain omega 3 fatty acids, which protect the eyes.
  5. Make sure the power of your lenses is correct. Even if you eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep, eye strain can cause your eyes to become irritated, dry and red instead of radiant and healthy. Make sure to visit your eye doctor regularly to make sure you are wearing correct prescription glasses or contact lenses.
  6. Stay away from allergens. Dust, cat dander, mold, and other allergens can cause eyes to look bloodshot and puffy. Try to keep your environment free of allergens as much as possible. During allergy seasons, take medication to reduce swelling and irritation in your eyes so that your eyes look and feel radiant and healthy.
  7. Use eye drops as needed. It's a quick way to quickly moisturize your eyes and make them look brighter instantly. Saline drops are formulated to replace your natural tears and lubricate your eyes.

Method 3 of 3: Try natural brighteners

  1. Soften your eyes with cucumbers. This is a great remedy to try when you wake up in the morning with puffy eyes. Lie down, close your eyes and place a few slices of chilled cucumber on your lids. Keep them there for five minutes, until the slices are warm. The cold temperature will help reduce swelling and irritation. If you don't have a cucumber, try some chilled spoons.
  2. Use chamomile tea bags. Chamomile is a soothing tea that can help reduce eye irritation. Soak two tea bags in water, squeeze them, and then chill them in the fridge for a few minutes. Place the tea bags over your closed eyes and leave them there for about five minutes.
  3. Use grated potato. Grate a potato and spread small chunks of potato over your closed eyelids. Leave the potato on your eyes for five minutes and then rinse with cool water. Potato has astringent properties that help reduce swelling.
  4. Make a compress with witch hazel. Witch hazel is a gentle astringent often used as an ingredient in first aid products designed to help with swelling. Soak two cotton balls in witch hazel and then place them on your eyes for five minutes. The swelling and irritation should now subside.
  5. Make a compress with aloe vera. If your eyes burn and itch, aloe is your solution. Dip two cotton balls in aloe vera gel, then chill them in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Place the chilled aloe on your eyelids for five minutes and then take them off.