Stop thinking too much

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
XXXTENTACION - youre thinking to much, stop it (prod. trbld boy)
Video: XXXTENTACION - youre thinking to much, stop it (prod. trbld boy)


It is of course good to think before you say something, but if you think so much that you are no longer able to take action, or if you are suffering from anxiety attacks due to thinking, then you have a problem. Are you looking for ways to stop grinding? Then read on.

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Part 1 of 3: Letting go of your thoughts

  1. Accept that you think too much. Like food, thinking is necessary for survival, so it is sometimes difficult to judge whether we are overdoing it or not. However, there are some signs of overthinking. Here are some of them:
    • Do you keep busy with the same things in your head? Are you unable to progress because you keep having the same thoughts over and over again? That could be a sign that you should let it go and move on.
    • Have you already looked at the same situation from a thousand different angles? If you to having many ways to look at something before you react can backfire.
    • Have you taken the advice of 20 friends in solving a particular problem? Then it's time to realize that you're just driving yourself crazy asking so many opinions.
    • Do people often tell you not to think so much about things? Do people tease you because they think you worry too much, are philosophical, or just stare out the window? Maybe they are a bit right ...
  2. Meditate. If you don't know how to stop thinking, it is good to learn how to "let go" of your thoughts so that you can always do that when you want to. Imagine that thinking is the same as breathing; you do it all the time without realizing it. But if you have to, you can hold your breath. Through meditation you can learn how to stop thinking.
    • Try to meditate for 15-20 minutes every morning, it will make a huge difference in your ability to stay in the present and stop worrying.
    • You can also meditate in the evening so that you can relax.
  3. Move. Running or even walking is a great help in taking your mind off you and focusing on your body. Do something that makes you very active, such as power yoga, self-defense, or volleyball, and you'll be so focused on your body that you don't have time for your thoughts. Here are some good things to try:
    • Take a circuit class at the gym. Running to a different machine every few minutes will keep you from getting lost in your thoughts.
    • Go for a walk. When you are in nature and experience the beauty and silence of it, you will be able to focus better on the present moment.
    • Go for a swim. Swimming is a very physical activity, so it is difficult to swim and think at the same time.
  4. Speak your ideas out loud. Once you've said your thoughts out loud, even if only to yourself, start the process of letting them go. You put your thoughts in the world and out of your mind.
    • You can talk out loud to yourself, your cat, or a friend.
  5. Ask for advice. Perhaps you have exhausted your own brainpower and can give someone else a new perspective on the matter so that you can make a better decision. This way you can get rid of worrisome thoughts. Your friend can cheer you up, ease your problems, and tell you when you worry too much about something.
    • In addition, you are cozy with your friend, so you don't have to think much, right?

Part 2 of 3: Controlling your thoughts

  1. List the things you worry about. Whether you write it on paper or on the computer, you must first define the problem, write down your options, and list the pros and cons of each option. If you envision your thoughts like this, they will keep racing in your head less. When you can't think of anything more to write down, your mind has done its job and it's time to stop thinking.
    • If the list still doesn't help you make a decision, don't be afraid to follow your intuition. If two or more options seem equally attractive, it doesn't make much sense to think about them. Then you have to listen to your feelings.
  2. Keep a journal of the things that keep you busy. Instead of dwelling on the most persistent thoughts, just write down everything that comes to mind. At the end of the week, review what you've written and make a note of the things that concern you the most. You have to tackle them first.
    • Try to write in your journal at least a few times a week. This will help you get used to the idea that there is a special time to think, when you give some quiet attention to your thoughts instead of spending all day on them.
  3. Make a to-do list. Make a list of all the things you want to do in a day. Unless "worrying" is at the top of that list, this forces you to see that there are more important things to do than worrying about the meaning of the universe! The fastest way to organize your thoughts is to turn them into something doable. For example, if you feel like you haven't gotten enough sleep recently, make a plan first to get enough sleep instead of worrying about it!
    • This list can be very practical and related to more important things, such as: "spending more time with my family".
  4. Set aside some "thinking time" every day. This may sound crazy, but setting a set time each day to be allowed to think can help you use your thoughts in a more productive way. If you have to, give yourself an hour, for example every day from 5 pm to 6 pm. Then try to shorten that time from 5 pm to 5.30 pm. Earlier in the day, if a thought comes to your mind that might upset you, tell yourself, "I'll think about it at 5:00 p.m."
    • This may sound strange, but give it a try.

Part 3 of 3: Living in the present moment

  1. Solve as many problems as possible. If your problem is that you think too much about nothing, worry unnecessarily, or think about things that are beyond your control, then there isn't much you can do to fix the problem. But think about what things you can fix and make an action plan to do that, rather than keep grinding. Here are some ideas:
    • Instead of wondering if the person you have a crush on likes you too, take action! Ask if he / she wants to go out. What's the worst that could happen?
    • If you are concerned that you may fall behind with your school or work, make a list of everything you need to do. And do it too!
    • If you often think, "What if ..." you should try to do the things that are feasible.
  2. Be social. Surround yourself with people who love you so that you can talk more and think less. Get out of the house at least a few times a week and do your best to build lasting and meaningful relationships with at least two or three people in your neighborhood. You are much more likely to worry if you spend a lot of time alone.
    • Being alone is definitely good for you, but it's important to combine that with hanging out with friends, letting go and having fun.
  3. Find a new hobby. Take the time to discover something completely new. A new hobby makes you have to focus on a new activity. Don't think that you already know exactly what you like and can't use any other distractions. You can learn to live in the moment through a new hobby because you have to focus on what you make or do. Try this:
    • Write a poem or short story
    • Take an evening class in history
    • Learn how to make pottery
    • Learn karate
    • Go surfing
    • Get on your bike
  4. Dance. There are all sorts of ways of dancing - alone in your room, in a club with friends or at dance class where you learn hip-hop dancing, ballroom dancing or tap dancing, for example. Whatever form of dancing you choose, you are moving your body, listening to the music and concentrating on the present moment. It doesn't matter whether you can do it well or not. Maybe it is better if you are not very good, then you certainly do not have time to listen to your nagging thoughts.
    • When you go to dance class you immediately have a new hobby.
  5. Explore nature. Go outside and look at the trees, smell the flowers and feel the cold water on your face. That will help you enjoy the moment, embrace nature and be happy that you exist. And you see that there is a whole world outside of your thoughts. So put on some sunscreen, put on your sneakers and get out of your bedroom.
    • Even if you don't like walking, running, cycling or surfing, it is good to go for a walk in the park at least twice a week, to go out for a weekend with friends in the nature or to take a short drive to the beach to look out over the sea.
    • If even that is too much of a hassle for you, just get out the door. If you breathe in fresh air and walk in the sun for a while, you will automatically become happier, healthier and worry less.
  6. Read more. If you focus on the thoughts of other people, you not only get more insights, but you also make yourself think less. By reading biographies of inspiring people, you can see that behind every great thought is a great act. In addition, it can also be wonderful to escape to another world while reading a beautiful book.
  7. Make a list of things you are grateful for. Every day, make a list of at least five things you are grateful for. That makes you focus on other people and things instead of your own thoughts. If you find too much every day, you can at least try to do it every week. It could be anything, even the nice girl at the coffee shop who makes such a nice cappuccino for you every day.
  8. Appreciate beautiful music. Listen to a beautiful song so that you connect with the world outside your head. This can be done by going to a concert, by looking up a song on Spotify, by putting on a CD in the car or by digging up your old LPs from the basement. Close your eyes, absorb the sounds and live in the now.
    • It really doesn't have to be Mozart or anything fancy. Maybe you enjoy Kate Perry more!
  9. Laugh more. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Go see a stand-up comedian. Watch a comedy series on TV or a funny movie. Watch nice videos on YouTube. Do whatever it takes to make yourself laugh, throw your head back and laugh your thoughts away. Don't underestimate how important laughter is to your emotional health.


  • Don't dwell on the past, especially if it's negative. Realize that this prevents you from enjoying the present.
  • Know that you are not alone, everyone is thinking. Why do you think we should sleep? So that we get some peace of mind from those thoughts!
  • By thinking you can get good or bad ideas. Try to use your thoughts only for good things and you will become a better person.
  • Don't think negatively about yourself. If you do that, you will only become more afraid and you will end up in a negative spiral. Get used to things not always turning out the way you want them to. Learn to deal with disappointment by letting go. Tell yourself, "It's over and it didn't go the way I wanted. But I will survive ". Using the word "survive" sounds like a life-upon-death matter. You can laugh about that because it is often not that serious at all. You often worry too much about nothing.
  • Be proud that you can think. You don't have to put on a whole new personality, you just have to make sure that you can better control thinking.
  • If your thoughts overwhelm you, relax for a moment and analyze your thoughts before stiffening.
  • Play with a pet. That's a great way to get out of your mind. A pet makes you laugh, which makes you realize it's all about the little things in life.
  • Be neutral and use your brain to communicate information effectively. Thinking and acting are much better when your hormones are in balance.
  • Stop reading this article and see a friend! Have fun and relax!
  • Take a nice warm bath with lots of foam and candles and relax, that really helps!