Stop watching porn

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Happens When You Quit Porn?
Video: What Happens When You Quit Porn?


If you are looking for ways to stop watching porn on the computer, chances are you have a porn addiction. Porn addiction has adverse effects on your physical and mental health and is also very time consuming. If you want to learn how to start enjoying your life without obsessing about porn, read this article for some tips that can help speed your recovery.

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Method 1 of 3: Realize you have a problem

  1. Admit that you spend too much time on porn. Before you can stop watching porn, it is imperative that you admit that this activity is taking up too much of your time. Also admit that this has a negative effect on your emotional and physical condition.
    • Brainbuddy is a free app that can help you determine if your porn use is excessive.
    • Only you know how much is too much. There is no absolute number of hours or times in the week that indicates “addiction”. Recognizing the warning signs and using your own judgment are especially important.
  2. Recognize that you cannot stop. For the average person, it is nearly impossible to determine in the middle of a hot scene that you are going to stop watching porn. However, if you decide after you just woke up and you can't last a day (or even a few hours), you may have an addiction. Wanting to stop, but not being able to stop, indicates a problem.
  3. Watch your schedule. If you find yourself thinking about porn in class, at work, or even among friends, and are even planning when to watch it, the situation is worrisome. Of course it's not a big deal if you think about porn every now and then, but if you think about porn every time when there is no computer around, then you have a problem.
    • If you watch porn every time you sit in front of a PC, or feel the need to turn on porn while on a public computer or a friend's PC, then you associate computers with porn. This means that you have to learn to separate two things in order to heal.
  4. Evaluate your relationship. Do your personal relationships suffer from your relationship to porn? If you're having trouble in the bedroom because porn only turns you on, or if you'd rather watch porn than hang out with your new crush, then you should be careful.
    • Keep in mind that porn addiction can be a sign on the wall. A porn addiction can sometimes be the product of a bigger problem, such as a sex addiction or depression.
  5. Write down all the reasons why you want to stop watching porn. Rather than wanting to quit because you find watching porn embarrassing or taboo, it's better to dig a little deeper. Go deeper into the matter to find out if watching porn has hurt your life, how quitting porn can improve your situation. Here are some excellent reasons to quit watching porn:
    • Because you want to regain a healthy, loving relationship with your friends, partner and family.
    • Because you want to enjoy life and don't want to spend your life behind your computer.
    • Because you don't want to be a slave to your addiction.
    • Because you sleep too little, because you forget to eat and because your problem makes you feel sick.
    • Because you feel like you have lost your self-esteem, your dignity, and control of your own life.

Method 2 of 3: Take steps to quit

  1. Make it harder to watch porn. While a lot of people spend a lot of time in front of the computer, there are ways to make it difficult for you to access porn. If you only watch porn two or three times a day, install a porn filter on your computer. Software like "K9 Web Protection" is one such program that can block pornography. This way it will take longer for you to access porn. This makes you less motivated to watch porn.
    • Try to spend as little time on the internet as possible and use the computer in the presence of others. Avoid closed spaces and try not to sit alone at a computer.
    • Set up a fairly rigorous ritual to make accessing the Internet more difficult for yourself. For example, set a very long, complicated password on your wireless network. Or force yourself to do the dishes every time you want to access the internet.
    • Porn addictions are caused in part by the fact that porn is so easy to get - if you make it harder for yourself to get porn, you may not want to watch it as often anymore.
  2. Approach it step by step. If a large part of your day consists of watching porn, it is almost impossible to suddenly stop doing this completely. Instead of cold turkey To kick the habit, you better make a plan to gradually overcome your addiction. Here's how to do this:
    • First of all. Reduce the time you spend watching porn by masturbating quickly. Get the porn ready, cum yourself and turn it off.
    • Thereafter. Reduce the number of times you watch porn per day. Do you watch porn five times a day? At the end of the week, try to do it with just once a day. Just be careful not to replace your addiction with another obsession.
    • Reward yourself for good behavior. If you've lasted a day without porn, treat yourself to your favorite dessert, for example. Surprise yourself with a small gift, such as the pair of shoes you already had in mind.
  3. Stay busy. Your porn addiction may have started when you were lonely and bored and couldn't think of anything better to do. Now is the time to take matters into your own hands by adopting a meaningful routine that reduces the time you spend watching porn. Read here how:
    • Exercise. Develop a new appreciation for walking, running, or team sports. Engaging yourself in anything that requires physical exertion keeps you away from the computer. But not only that. You will immediately start to feel a lot better about yourself.
    • Pick up a hobby that keeps you away from your computer. Paint outside, take a photography class, or read in the park. Do something, whatever, to give meaning to your life without a computer.
  4. Maintain valuable relationships. Spending more time with good friends or your partner will make you more confident and will make you spend less time at the computer. Getting to know someone well and loving someone intimately can make porn less attractive.
    • Make a schedule. Keep yourself busy by filling in as many hours as possible with activities. Set the schedule when you wake up. That way you know that there is no time to watch porn that day.

Method 3 of 3: Stay consistent

  1. Set your limits. Once you've started decreasing, be careful not to fall back into your old pattern. If you've reduced porn viewing to once a day, don't celebrate too exuberantly. Determine for yourself what your ultimate goal is. Do you want to stop watching porn altogether?
    • Determine the ideal ground rules for yourself once you have started decreasing. Write them down. Also consider sharing the rules with a good, understanding friend. That way you keep yourself accountable.
  2. Recognize that masturbation is normal. Most likely you watch porn for the purpose of masturbation and you may be a little embarrassed about this. However, masturbation is the most natural thing in the world and watching porn is an addiction that can be cured.
    • Don't be ashamed of masturbation. If you're an adolescent and exploring the realm of masturbation for the first time, you'll probably be extra curious - that's okay. Masturbating once or twice a day is a healthy way to relieve some tension.
  3. Talk to a good friend about it. Talking to someone about your problem makes you feel less alone. Even if they can't help you with your problem.
  4. Know when to seek help. If you've been trying to stop watching porn on your own in vain, you may need outside help. You may be embarrassed to talk to someone else about the situation. In the long run, however, you will not regret it at all. Here are some places where you can find help:
    • Seek help online. Research the topic and see what other people with similar problems recommend. If the Internet is too much of a temptation for you to watch porn anyway, limit your time online. Or go on a search with a friend.
    • Visit a support group. Look for support groups in your area. You will gain a wealth of knowledge and you will also feel empowered by the fact that other people are also suffering from your problems.
    • Do you realize that many auxiliary groups have a religious character. While this could certainly help you, it is recommended that you get some information about the agency first.


  • Put some pictures of your family next to the computer. The smiling faces of loved ones can make you less likely to do things that they wouldn't like.
  • Make a list of the pros and cons of watching porn. Determine for yourself which ones are more important.
  • If you have a friend who also watches porn, try to convince him or her to stop with you.
  • People, especially children, should not watch porn as it stimulates the "addictive" part of the brain, which causes you to become addicted.
  • Spend time in public where you are not going to watch porn.
  • Start exercising regularly, go for a walk, read books. Try not to think about sex.
  • Think about all your family members and how embarrassed they will be when they see you do this.
  • If you have a girlfriend share it with her it might be embarrassing but it will work and she will be on your mind instead of porn.
  • Go to Settings - general - restriction - websites. List all websites that are porn related. Ask your friend to enter a password that only he knows. You can't even look like this if you want to.


  • Know the difference between a porn and a sex addiction. If you have a sex addiction, you can be in a difficult position. If you sometimes find it difficult to control your sexual urges, seek help immediately.