Quit high school

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Reason Why I Dropped Out of High School
Video: The Reason Why I Dropped Out of High School


Dropping out of high school is a tough decision that many people regret later in life. A high school diploma is required for many jobs and for further study. However, if you are sure that dropping out of school is the best decision for you, and not just an emotional response to a negative situation, then you definitely need to follow the correct procedures. It is still a good idea to consider your options and consult the legally appropriate channels. Read this article to find out the right way to drop out of high school. Or how to seek help from an adult you trust.

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Part 1 of 4: Understanding your motivation

  1. Find out the reason for dropping out of school. It can help to know why you want to quit your education when deciding whether this is really the best path for you and what to do. Some common reasons for dropping out of school include:
    • Lack of intellectual stimulation. If you find high school too easy and bored, you may be tempted to quit and start college or vocational training early.
    • Feeling unable to keep up and lagging behind. If you feel like high school is too difficult, you've missed too much material to ever catch up, or that no one is supporting you, you may be tempted to drop out of high school and continue your studies. to give.
    • Have other responsibilities. If you are having a child, have taken care of a sick relative, or have to work to support your family, dropping out of school may be your only option so that you have plenty of time to work.
  2. First, ask if there are other options. Go to your tutor or a teacher you trust and talk about your situation. There may be a solution to your complaint that prevents you from having to leave school early:
    • If you experience a lack of intellectual stimulation, you can ask for more challenging courses. Some schools that do not offer higher-level subjects may have partnerships with colleges or online institutions. You can even enroll twice and get an Associate Degree and your high school diploma at the same time.
    • If you feel unprepared and are behind, then you can start working really hard on catching up. The good news is that there are likely to be teachers at your school willing to help you out, especially if they know you are considering quitting. Ask for possibilities to improve your grades, to participate more (such as helping with the organization of events) in exchange for guidance, and in that way to find out what you can still catch up.
    • If you have other responsibilities, talk to your school counselor about them. You may be able to follow a learn-work program that can earn you money as well as learn. Your counselor may also know the means to support you financially so that you can stay in school. Remember that the income of someone with a high school education is 50-100% higher than that of someone who leaves school early, so leaving school early may not be the best solution for your family in the long run.
  3. Never quit your studies for someone else. If someone else - a parent, friend, or loved one - is putting pressure on you to quit your education, tell them to stop. This is a decision that only you should make. This decision can have an impact on the rest of your life, so you need to be very sure of your beliefs.

Part 2 of 4: Deciding to drop out of school

  1. Make a reasonable argument for yourself. You will have to be able to explain your decision many times, to many different people. Before having those conversations, make sure you have a reasoned, clear argument for following this life path.
    • For example, "This education system is not for me. I don't feel challenged, interested or inspired by the curriculum or the teachers. I choose to drop high school so that I can pursue higher education in my own way, and find an educational institution that fits my academic goals ".
    • For example, "I choose to leave school because I feel like there is no other choice for me. To make up for all the work and education that I missed by being absent for so many days, I would have to go to school for another year. My grades are so low that I will not get a degree even if I do the work I am supposed to do. I'm much better off just quitting, doing a part-time study, and going to work. "
    • For example, "I choose to drop out of school so that I can work full time. While this decision may not make sense to you, I know the needs of myself and my family - and having the money to feed my family and myself is more important than learning things I'm never going to use in my life. "
  2. Ask about alternative secondary schools. Many regions have alternative or independent schools. These are often schools with more flexible times and a different way of thinking. The students who attend alternative secondary schools can be more mature and often work for them.
    • If a lot of your complaints about high school are about the environment and the other students, then an alternative high school might suit you better.
    • Alternative secondary schools sometimes offer you the opportunity to complete your education more quickly.
  3. Make a plan for your future. Before you actually quit, you need to know what you will be doing in place of high school. You will likely try to take a state exam or learn part-time. It is important to start doing this as soon as possible while you are still in "school mode".
    • If you plan to drop out of high school to study or get a vocational education, you should be sure that you can go in your preferred direction without a high school diploma.
    • If you plan to start working full time, make sure you have a job first. Find out how many hours you will be able to work and ask about benefits such as health care and dental insurance.
  4. Know how to respond to others' arguments. The best way to answer questions and deal with a response, such as `` Are you sure? '' (Responses you're likely to get from the adults in your life) is to anticipate their questions before they ask them . Think about the possible conversations before they arise, and think of ways to respond to arguments and questions that are likely to be asked.
  5. Talk to your parents or guardians. Even if you are 18 years old and can make your own decisions, it is thoughtful to tell the people who have been responsible for you up to this point about your decision (preferably before it is official). Tell them your reasons, but don't expect them to agree with you right away. It may take a while for the idea to sink in, and they may never like it. But if you express yourself clearly and firmly, they will likely respect your decision.
    • Make sure you have a backup plan. The worst possible scenario is that your caregivers kick you out of the house when you leave school. If you think this could happen, make sure you have a place to go (at least temporarily).
  6. Tell your mentor. Go to your mentor and tell him / her about your plans. Make sure to explain to him / her your reasoning, your plans for the future and your caregivers' response to your decision (even if it was not favorable).

Part 3 of 4: Examining the legal requirements

  1. Find out the legal age for leaving school. Make sure you know at what age you can legally drop out of school. Depending on your plans (going to work or choosing another form of education) this could be 16 years old, or you will have to wait until you are 18. This is independent of the permission of a guardian or parent, and more information can be found on the website of the government and DUO. Make sure you have this information before you decide to drop out of school.
    • You can find the legislation on compulsory education on the government website.
  2. Don't just stop going to school. Although you are already considered a school dropout if you simply drop out of school, such action without consulting the appropriate legal channels can have legal consequences for you and your legal guardians.
    • Simply dropping out of school is referred to as truancy in legal terms. It can result in fines and social services for you and / or your legal guardians.
    • Playing truant can make it more difficult for you to get an alternative education than high school.
  3. Understand the requirements of the Compulsory Education Act for early school leavers. It may be possible to drop out of school if your legal guardians agree and if you have obtained a diploma more quickly, or are moving on to a vocational training course. Make sure you know what is expected of you by law.
  4. Talk to your mentor or school counselor about the required paperwork. There may be different forms for you and your parents to fill out depending on the school. Make sure to check with the right person at your school to find out what documents should be submitted and when.
    • Note that a mentor may try to talk you out of the decision. Be prepared to state your reasons and be confident in your decision.

Part 4 of 4: Considering high school alternatives

  1. Consider online schools and home education. These options, when pursued with dedication, will earn you a degree while simultaneously allowing you to learn at your own pace, without the social burdens associated with high school.
  2. Think about learn-work programs. This could be a great option to consult with your school. If there is a particular type of work that you are interested in, you may want to consider a learn-work program. Not only can you finish school, but you could well get a diploma with the possibility to go to work.
  3. If you live in the US, you may want to consider Gateway programs and junior / community colleges. You can also check out the options of early admission to a junior / community college through a Gateway program at your school.If you have enough credit, some schools will offer you the option to continue your education at a junior / community college.
  4. Think about what you would like to do for a living. If you've decided that any learning environment is not right for you, consider technical career paths.
  5. Make sure you at least get a diploma before high school. You can do this separately from high school through adult education or by taking a state exam, so that employers have proof that you have the level of someone with a high school diploma, without having completed a day course.
    • In the US, a Certificate of High School Proficiency is issued by the California Department of Education to students who have passed the California High School Proficiency exam (CHSPE). While the GED is for school leavers 17 and older, the California program is for teens 16+.


  • Talk to other school leavers and view school leavers statistics.
  • See if you can live off your skills and your work ethic, and find satisfaction in your work while you go to school. Work after school and on weekends, but get good grades in case you want to go to college.
  • If you are a high school graduate, try to take a state exam and get a diploma or get a vocational education. A short two-year vocational training is better than nothing, but its value depends on what you want to achieve.
  • Think carefully about the long and short term consequences.
  • Talk to high school graduates and college students to see how this affected them.
  • Don't be afraid to change your mind and still stay in school and study even further.
  • If you drop out of secondary school, go to a vocational school or vocational training.
  • Homeschooling is a great way to continue your education.