Stop being superstitious

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Being Superstitious | you should get rid of this
Video: How to Stop Being Superstitious | you should get rid of this


Have you become a slave to superstition? Do you run the other side of the street when you see a black cat? Do you cringe if you accidentally step on a crack, or are you convinced that it will ruin your day? Have you ever broken a mirror and then felt awful because seven years of bad luck lay ahead? If you recognize yourself in this, then it is time to break those superstitious habits. It is time to learn that you are able to create your own happiness.

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Part 1 of 3: Adjusting your way of thinking

  1. Learn the origins of the superstitions you believe in. You can overcome your superstitions by learning where your superstitions come from. For example, did you know that the accident you will experience walking under a ladder stems from the notion that it is dangerous to walk around where the risk of falling tools is high? The more you unravel these superstitions, the sooner you will see that they are not based on reality - no matter how fun it can be to believe in them. Here are some other surprising origins for common superstitions:
    • In eighteenth-century London, umbrellas with metal spokes made their appearance, and it became dangerous to open those umbrellas indoors. It was therefore widely known that opening umbrellas indoors was “bad luck”, but in fact it was mainly to ensure the safety of the people.
    • The superstition that tampering with salt would bring bad luck dates back to 3,500 BC, among the ancient Sumerians. However, this was because salt was a pricey commodity; not because messing with salt had an inherent power that could affect your happiness.
    • In some cultures, black cats bring good luck. The ancient Egyptians were fortunate to find a black cat, and in the seventeenth century King Charles I of England even had a black cat as a pet. Unfortunately, during the Middle Ages and the Pilgrims, many people began to associate cats with witches, leading some people today to still believe that black cats are bad luck.
  2. Know that there is no rational evidence that these superstitions can affect your life. Is there any real reason why the number 13 should bring bad luck? Why are black cats more bad luck than other cats? Can a four-leaf clover really help you find happiness? If a rabbit's foot was really lucky, wouldn't the original owner (the rabbit) still have it? You may think that thinking rationally about superstition misses the mark, but if you really want to beat your obsession, it is important to think critically about your superstitions.
    • Superstition mainly has to do with age-old traditions. As with many other traditions, this one also remains true, despite the fact that it actually does not really serve a purpose.
  3. Identify which superstitions regularly bother you. When you walk in the street, do you keep staring at the ground and regularly bump into people? Are you taking a really long detour to avoid that black cat? The superstitions that cause you trouble on a regular basis are the ones you should focus on first. Maybe the route you choose to get to work is ten minutes longer because it is supposedly your “happiness route”. Maybe you run back home and are late for your appointment because you forgot to put in your “lucky earrings”. If you think about it, it could just be that your superstition is getting in your way, and not bringing you happiness at all.
    • Ask yourself if the fear you associate with following certain superstitions brings you good energy at all.
  4. Avoid superstitions when making decisions. When making decisions, you must rely on common sense, logic and reason; not on strange feelings and so-called supernatural signs. If a friend asks you to meet him at a certain place, take the route that speaks for itself; not the “lucky” route. When you walk to work, wear clothes that are suitable for the weather; not your “lucky coat” when it's 40º outside. Make your choices based on common sense; not based on superstition.
    • Start small. If you've spilled some salt, don't throw it over your shoulder and see what happens. Then you can work on eliminating superstitions that make you more fearful, such as petting a black cat or walking under a ladder.
  5. Realize that you are able to create your own happiness. While you cannot control all circumstances in life, you can control how you react to them.You have control over what you do about it. This is much more important than luck or bad luck. Everyone has to deal with bad luck or bad luck every now and then, and some people unfortunately more often than others. While you can't control less-than-ideal conditions, you do have the strength to try to face them with a positive attitude. You can create a plan to improve conditions, rather than thinking that superstitions or rituals can affect the outcome of life.
    • It can be comforting to believe in superstitions because you make it more difficult for yourself to take control of your life. If you accept that you have the strength to make yourself succeed or fail, then you will naturally be afraid or hesitant to take steps.
  6. Assume the best; not the worst. If you want to learn that superstition is irrelevant, you can try to use the best. Assume that nothing but the best will happen to you, instead of thinking of the worst possible scenario every time. If you are convinced that everything will go wrong, then the chance of conflict or setback is much greater. If you think you're going to have a great day, chances are that it will - and you don't need superstition at all.
    • Many people are superstitious because they think that wherever they go and stand their lives are full of bad luck and bad luck. These people think they have to adhere to certain rituals, such as not whistling indoors, to avert bad luck. If you believe that there is love and goodness everywhere, you don't need superstition to give meaning to your life.

Part 2 of 3: Taking action

  1. Prove that superstition has no basis in reality. Leave your rabbit's foot at home and watch your day go. Sit comfortably on the cracks in tiles. Leave the four-leaf clovers on the left. Include the number 13 in your daily routine (spend $ 13 in the store, send 13 emails to friends, edit 13 articles on wikiHow, etc.) If this is too difficult for you, just work on one superstition at a time and watch how far you get.
    • You can even adopt a black cat if you're committed to kicking your superstitious habits. These sweet beasts are the least likely to be adopted from the shelter, and therefore the most often euthanized. If you have your own sweet black kitten, you will be able to see that it brings you nothing but luck - and that the superstition is baseless.
  2. Try to get rid of your superstitious habits over time - or go cold turkey. The withdrawal method mainly depends on what works best for you. For example, it can be quite a challenge for you to quit your superstitious habits overnight, but you can certainly try. You can also choose to kick your superstitions one by one to ease the pain a bit. For example, start by leaving your rabbit's foot at home for a week. Once you get over that, you can go up to the thirteenth floor of a building, for example, and so on.
    • You can keep working on getting rid of the toughest habits. Ending these traditions can take months, but you can - you really can.
    • It may take a while for your head to be level with you. This is when you dismiss your superstitious habits but still believe in their power. Give your brain time to catch up on your actions.
  3. Be positive. You can also stop your superstitions by working to develop a positive attitude. If you put a smile on your face and have positive hope for the future, you won't have to look for rituals or superstitions that will keep your day running smoothly. You need to know that you yourself are able to achieve good things; and that you are not the victim of unfounded rituals and actions.
    • When you talk to people, talk about the things you are passionate about; don't complain or whine.
    • At the end of each day, write down five good things that happened to you.
    • Make it a habit to be positive. If you can do that, your superstitious beliefs will seem redundant.
  4. Learn to ignore the tendency to act on superstitious beliefs. Maybe when you play with your favorite football team, you tend to cross your fingers, take three sips of your beer, or whatever. Put that nagging thought away and think of something else. If you have learned to ignore the tendency, you can take note of how little influence that tendency has on the outcome of the situation. Talk to the person next to you so he / she can confirm that you better ignore your superstition.
    • If necessary, you can grow up to ten (or even a hundred). Concentrate on something else while you wait for the urge to subside.
  5. Know that superstition only works because you believe in its inherent charm and power. While a study has shown that certain athletes who are incredibly superstitious in their pre-game rituals (like basketball player Ray Allen) perform better when they adhere to those rituals, it's not because of those rituals. It stems from the belief that these rituals are able to affect their performance. For example, they may think they will play a great game if they fire 37 shots on target from the exact same spot, if they wear their lucky socks, or whatever, but that's not the reason for their better performance. The real reason for that lies in the fact that these athletes to believe that those things are capable of that; not in the acts themselves.
    • This means that your rabbit's foot will not affect your final exam. However, it can make you feel better about your exam, so you will be able to make that exam better. You must realize that your mind is capable of producing these positive feelings without needing the help of superstition.
    • The same is true of superstitions that supposedly bring bad luck. If you run into a black cat, you might start to think you're going to have a bad day at school - and if you do, you're more likely to have a bad day at school.

Part 3 of 3: Hold on

  1. Hang out with people who are not superstitious. It can be incredibly helpful to hang out with people who are not at all superstitious. Go to the stadium with people who don't necessarily have to put on their lucky outfit. Chill out with someone who lives on the thirteenth floor. Go for a run with someone who keeps stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk without realizing it. Getting used to the idea that other people can live their daily lives without worrying about superstitions can help you see that you can do that yourself too.
    • You can even put them to the test on how they do it. Ask them how they can live their lives without worrying about cracked mirrors and things like that. You may even learn new strategies that you can apply yourself to get rid of your superstitions.
  2. If you plan on sticking to cultural superstitions, just be aware that they are only symbolic. Some cultures have many superstitious rituals that make everyday life possible. For example, in Russian culture, it is believed that hugging in the doorway causes people to argue, or that stepping over lying people prevents them from growing. While you may not be able to break these habits, you should be sure to follow them to preserve the cultural tradition; not because they will affect the future. You can stick to the habits and at the same time know that they have no influence.
    • If you participate in these rituals with other people, initiate a conversation with them and say that you want to get rid of your superstitious habits. At first, they might hurt you or try to discourage you, but they should be able to understand your situation.
  3. Seek help if your superstitious beliefs indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder. Being afraid of black cats or having certain rituals you can't break is one thing. But if you feel like your entire life is governed by a series of rituals, that you can't live your daily life without following a very specific routine, and you panic when you have to do something unexpected, then your superstition might indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, you may not be able to stop superstition on your own. It is therefore wise to visit the doctor for the next steps in your anxiety management.
    • Don't be ashamed to admit that you have a problem and that the rituals have taken over your life. The sooner you get help, the better.


  • While going under ladders will not cause accident, paint or even tools may fall on your head. For practical safety reasons, check whether work is being carried out. If it is indicated that you have to wear a helmet, you should do so - there is a good chance that things have been dropped before!