Bake spaghetti squash

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
HOW TO COOK SPAGHETTI SQUASH | easy roasted spaghetti squash recipe
Video: HOW TO COOK SPAGHETTI SQUASH | easy roasted spaghetti squash recipe


Spaghetti squash is a healthy vegetable with a mild flavor that is shredded into spaghetti-like strands after cooking. While there are many ways to prepare spaghetti squash, baking the squash will give you a richer and caramelized flavor. Once you've baked the pumpkin in the oven, scrape it into strands and serve the pumpkin with sauce or spices of your choice.


  • A spaghetti squash weighing 1 to 1.5 kg
  • 15 ml of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Good for 2 to 4 servings

To step

Method 1 of 2: Bake a spaghetti squash in the oven

  1. Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Adjust the oven rack before turning on the oven. Let the oven preheat while you cut the pumpkin.
    • If you prefer the pumpkin to have a more caramelized and roasted flavor, preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Let the squash bake less for five to ten minutes, as it will cook faster.
  2. Bake the spaghetti squash for 30 minutes or until the halves are soft. Place the dish in the oven and bake the pumpkin halves until done. Insert a butter knife into the pulp to check if it is cooked. If you can easily put it in and take it out, the pumpkin is ready. If the butter knife is difficult to remove, bake the squash for another five minutes and check it again.
    • Large squash halves can take 10 to 15 minutes longer to cook.
  3. Remove the spaghetti squash from the oven and let it cool for five to ten minutes. Put on oven gloves and remove the dish from the oven when the spaghetti squash is completely cooked. Don't shred the pumpkin right away, as it will be difficult to get started with right away.
  4. Stir sauce into strands or season with spices before serving. Place the spaghetti squash strands in a bowl and top with your favorite sauce or curry. You can sprinkle grated cheese, fresh herbs, and a drizzle of olive oil over the strands if you like.
    • Try spaghetti squash with homemade spaghetti sauce, creamy Alfredo sauce, or peanut sauce.
    • Place the baked spaghetti squash in an airtight container and keep it in the refrigerator for up to a week. For a longer storage period, you can freeze the pumpkin and keep it in the freezer for up to three months.

    Tip: To serve the strands straight from the pumpkin skins, don't transfer them to a bowl. Instead, season the strands while in their husks and place them on a plate.

Method 2 of 2: Try out variations

  1. Bake a whole pumpkin if you want to cut down on prep time. If you don't want to cut the hard raw squash, bake it first so that you can slice the cooked squash more easily. Poke holes in the pumpkin with a metal skewer and place the whole pumpkin on a baking tray. Roast it at 200 ° C for 60 to 70 minutes. Then carefully cut the soft squash in half lengthwise and remove the seeds.
    • Wear oven mitts to flip the squash halfway through the cooking time.
    • While the pumpkin is easier to prepare with this method, it won't be as tasty because the pumpkin is steamed instead of caramelized.
  2. For a hands-off method, fry a whole squash in the slow cooker for three to four hours. Hold the squash in place on the cutting board and carefully cut 1/2-inch slits into it. Put the whole squash in the slow cooker and put the lid on. Then cook the squash on the high setting for three to four hours or on the low for six to eight hours. Once the squash is soft and cool enough to handle, cut it in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.

    Variation: If you want to use an electric pressure cooker instead, place the steam basket in the appliance and pour in 250 ml of water. Place the pumpkin in the basket and close the lid. Then cook the pumpkin under high pressure at a high temperature for 20 minutes. Use the quick pressure regulator and cut the squash once it cools enough to handle.

  3. Cut the pumpkin into rings before baking if you want long strands of pumpkin. Cut across the spaghetti squash to make 1 inch wide rings. Use a spoon to scoop the seeds out of the rings and place the rings on a foil-lined tray. Brush the rings with a little olive oil and bake at 200 ° C for 35 to 40 minutes or until soft.
    • Pull the peel off the rings with your fingers to separate the strands. Then use your fingers or a fork to get the long strands off.
    • Cutting the pumpkin into rings also speeds up baking compared to baking the pumpkin whole.


  • Choose a heavy pumpkin that is firm to the touch and without bruises or tears.


  • Chef's knife
  • Spoon
  • Casserole or baking dish
  • Fork
  • Oven mitts