Get rid of acne quickly

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Acne OVERNIGHT
Video: How to Get Rid of Acne OVERNIGHT


Acne is one of the most annoying and common skin problems in the world. Everyone has had to deal with it at one point or another. Unfortunately for us, it affects us at times when we can least use it - the day before a school party, a presentation, or a wedding, for example. If you need clear skin quickly, try one of the many treatments in this article.

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Method 1 of 3: Use products that you apply to the pimples themselves

  1. Apply basil tea on your acne. Prepare a cup of basil tea for your face instead of your throat. Mix a cup of boiling water with some fresh basil leaves and let the tea steep for a few minutes. Chill the tea in the fridge before applying it to your face. Use it on your acne alone, or apply it all over your face using a cotton ball if you have oily skin.
  2. Apply witch hazel to your face. Witch hazel has naturally astringent properties and is mainly used to clean cuts. However, if you apply it to blemishes, it will contract the pores and kill the bacteria that clog the pores. Apply liberally to those areas of your face where you often suffer from acne or smooth it all over your face using a cotton ball.
  3. Dab apple cider vinegar on your acne. Apple cider vinegar also has naturally astringent properties. It will clear your acne and narrow your pores. Apply it all over your face as a toner or apply liberally on your blemishes only. You cannot use apple cider vinegar in the wrong way. So apply it to your face as often as you want during your day.
  4. Rub your face with an ice cube. Ice makes your pores close quickly and reduces the swelling and redness that are so characteristic of blemishes. Rub your acne gently with an ice cube to make it look less bad and sooth any skin irritation or pain it may have caused. For a stronger effect, you can also make ice cubes from green tea. You can use this as an astringent to keep your pores small and clean.
  5. Make a honey mask. Honey naturally has antibacterial properties. It clears clogged pores and removes excess oil and dead skin. Cover your entire face with honey and let it sit on your face for as long as you can. Then rinse it off. In addition, dab honey directly on your blemishes and cover them with a bandage while you sleep at night. In the morning, your pimple should be significantly smaller and less red.
  6. Give yourself a tomato facial. Strange, isn't it? However, tomatoes do help to purify acne-prone skin. Puree a tomato to make a thick, pulpy juice. Spread this smoothie-like mixture all over your face and let it soak into your pores. Rinse it off your face after 20 to 30 minutes.
  7. Rub a potato over your face. This is really no joke! A potato helps to absorb excess skin oil and at the same time clears clogged pores. Cut a potato into wide slices that you can rub on your face. Rub your face for about two minutes, then wash the moisture from the potato off your skin with warm water.
  8. Use a strawberry. Go green and use every part of the strawberry - eat the fruit and keep the top part for your skin. Strawberries will reduce your acne and help kill bacteria. If you have blemishes, rub the top part of the fruit over your skin and leave it on particularly bad areas for up to a minute. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water to remove the juice.
  9. Crush a little garlic. Garlic may have a strong odor, but it is one of the best natural acne remedies. It has naturally antiseptic properties and quickly kills the bacteria on your skin. Chop a clove of garlic into a paste, apply it on your acne and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse it off your face with cool water afterwards and be amazed at the speed with which your skin will change. However, be warned that this can be very painful and cause a burning sensation for a few days. It can also make your eyes water and make your skin swell and red.
  10. Make a mask with mint. It not only tastes and smells great, but is also very good for your skin. Grind some mint leaves to make a paste. Smear this on your acne and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. The mint will soften and cool your skin while it cleans your pores. Rinse it off your face with cool water afterwards.
  11. Spread an egg white mask on your face. If you've ever gotten raw egg white from an egg onto your skin, you've noticed its astringent effect. Dab some protein on your pimples and leave it on your face overnight. In the morning, your pores should be closed and your acne should be reduced. Rinse the mask off your skin with warm water.

Method 3 of 3: Using face masks

  1. Apply aloe vera to your skin. There is a reason that aloe vera gel is applied to sunburned skin - it soothes and takes the pain away while preventing infection. You can do the same for your acne by dabbing some fresh aloe from the plant (or from a bottle of pure aloe vera) on your acne. Leave this on your face overnight or as long as you can and rinse off with cool water afterwards.
  2. Make a baking soda paste. If you've ever cleaned your home with baking soda, you know how well it works for killing bacteria and bleaching surfaces. Mix some baking soda with enough water to make a paste and dab it on your acne. Leave this on until it dries and starts to flake off your face. This will be after about 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse it off your face with warm water, gently rubbing your skin to exfoliate it with the powder as well.
  3. Try Listerine. Listerine works well for the same reasons as toothpaste. Grab a ball of cotton wool and pour some Listerine on it. Dab this on your acne. Leave this on your skin for as long as you can and then wash it off with warm water. Your skin should also feel tight and soft afterwards.
  4. Make a mask with aspirin. Aspirin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Take advantage of both of these benefits for your skin by turning a tablet of aspirin into a face mask. Grind 1 or 2 tablets and add a little water. Dab this mixture on your pimples and let it dry. Rinse it off with warm water overnight or after a few hours.


  • Always wash your face twice a day to keep your skin clean and pure at all times.
  • Remember to drink a lot of water. This really helps as it flushes the toxins out of your body.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. A vitamin deficiency is also one of the main causes of acne, especially a deficiency of vitamin A.
  • It is important that you also use a moisturizer at night, even if you have oily skin.
  • Try not to touch your face too much or else bacteria will get on your face. Wash your hands before washing your face so that no bacteria from your hands gets onto your face.
  • Wash your face at least twice a day.