Get rid of body fat quickly

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)
Video: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)


It can be difficult to get rid of body fat quickly and unfortunately there are no tricks and special diets that will help you achieve your goal. However, if you continue to eat healthy and exercise regularly, you will be able to burn fat, feel satisfied with your body, and take pride in your efforts to stay healthy.

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Part 1 of 3: Ensuring a healthy diet

  1. Eat fewer carbohydrates. Many studies show that eating fewer carbohydrates is one of the best ways to get rid of excess body fat fairly quickly.
    • To lose weight, you can follow different diets, such as a low-calorie diet, a low-fat diet, or a low-carbohydrate diet. Eating fewer carbohydrates can help you get rid of excess fat more easily than a low-calorie or low-fat diet.
    • Many different foods contain carbohydrates, such as grains, fruits, dairy products, legumes and starchy vegetables.
    • Eat as little grain products that contain carbohydrates as possible. You can also get the nutrients in grains by eating foods that belong to other food groups. This way you still get enough nutrients.
    • You can also choose to eat less starchy vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of sugar. By eating less of this, you can still ensure that you are getting enough fruits and vegetables every day.
    • Cut down on grains, potatoes, corn, peas, carrots, beans, lentils, bananas, mangoes, pineapple and grapes. These foods contain more carbohydrates compared to other foods.
  2. Eat 1 or 2 servings of protein with each meal. Studies show that in addition to following a low-carbohydrate diet, eating a higher amount of protein also helps you lose weight.
    • Protein helps to support the build-up of lean muscle mass and stimulate your metabolism during weight loss. It also ensures that you keep feeling full for longer during your day.
    • Eat at least one to two servings of lean protein with each meal to get enough protein daily. One serving is approximately 120 grams.
    • Opt for lean sources of protein to get fewer calories. Try legumes (kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, and pumpkin seeds), tofu, soy milk, poultry, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy, and lean meat.
  3. Eat five to nine servings of low-starch vegetables and low-sugar fruits. Both food groups ensure that you get a large amount of important vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eat these nutrient-dense foods to ensure a balanced diet.
    • Vegetables without starch contain much less carbohydrates and calories. Eat 120 grams of compact vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and asparagus, and as many leafy greens as kale and spinach.
    • It differs per type of fruit how much sugar a fruit contains. Stick to 60 grams of low-sugar fruits such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.
  4. Cut down on sugar and refined carbohydrates. There is some evidence that taking in too much sugar and other refined carbohydrates increases body fat, especially around your stomach. Eat less of these foods to achieve your goal.
    • Processed foods and restaurant meals often lack the healthy fiber, protein and nutrients found in less processed and healthier foods.
    • Processed foods include sweetened beverages, frozen meals, ready meals, ice cream and other frozen treats, pastries, chips, crackers, soup and canned meals, and cakes and biscuits.
    • Eat as little of these foods as possible. If you do eat them, choose a small portion to get as little of them as possible.
  5. Drink as little alcohol as possible. If you are trying to lose body fat, it is a good idea not to drink alcohol. Studies show that alcohol causes a higher amount of body fat, especially around the abdomen.
    • Drink as little alcohol as possible while trying to lose body fat. This will help you achieve your goals faster.
    • When you have lost body fat and are on a weight maintenance diet, you can start drinking a small amount of alcohol. Drink one glass or less a day as a woman and two or fewer glasses a day as a man.
  6. Don't skip meals. It is generally not recommended to skip meals, even when trying to lose weight. This is especially a good guideline to stick to if you do sports in addition to your diet.
    • If you regularly skip meals, you run the risk of not getting enough nutrients during your day.
    • You may find that you lose more weight when you skip meals, but this is caused by losing lean muscle mass instead of excess body fat.
    • Try to eat regularly and evenly. Eat a meal or snack as needed every three to five hours.
  7. Do not eat anything for 12 hours. Don't worry, this is largely what you do when you sleep. By not eating for 12 hours a day, you can lose more weight, according to a study. Make sure you are still getting the recommended amount of calories on a daily basis, but only eat for a period of 12 hours.For example, you can have breakfast at 7 a.m. and eat nothing after 7 p.m. By fasting for 12 hours, your body no longer burns food but fat, although this is not yet fully understood.

Part 2 of 3: Start exercising regularly

  1. Start with interval training. It has been found that intensive interval training (HIIT) burns more body fat than other types of training. Do some of these exercises to achieve your goal.
    • HIIT training also accelerates the metabolism hours after you have finished your training.
    • Start your HIIT workout by doing moderate-intensity exercise for two to three minutes. Then do high-intensity exercises for two minutes. Alternate between moderately intensive and high-intensity exercises.
    • You can do a HIIT workout on a treadmill or go for a run outside. Alternate between sprinting and running at a moderate speed. You can also do this on an exercise bike. For example, many spinning lessons alternate between high-intensity exercises and moderately intensive exercises.
    • Some fitness equipment have pre-programmed interval workouts that you can use to get used to interval training. However, you can also do interval training while walking, swimming, running and cycling. Buy a heart rate monitor so you can measure the intensity of your interval workouts.
  2. Do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. In addition to interval training, it is important to do some moderately intense aerobic exercise. This type of exercise has several benefits, including helping you lose weight.
    • Do cardio training for at least 150 minutes a week, or do this for at least half an hour five times a week.
    • Do a warm-up for the first five minutes of your workout and exercises for the last five minutes to cool your muscles. This helps your body to prepare for training and to recover after training. Make sure to stretch after your warm up.
    • Variety in your cardio workout. Choose two or three types of exercises and alternate them. This helps you both psychologically and physically to build different types of muscle mass and burn fat.
    • Some examples of moderate aerobic exercise include walking, using a cross trainer, dancing, aerobics, and cycling.
  3. Do strength training two or three times a week. Make strength training or resistance training part of your exercise routine. Building lean muscle mass can help support your metabolism and burn fat.
    • Opt for weight lifting or use fitness equipment on days when you don't do cardio training. You can also do a short strength workout after a shorter cardio workout.
    • Strength training has several benefits. It increases bone density, improves your metabolism and ensures that you gain more muscle mass over time.
    • Strength training includes exercises that use your own body weight, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups. Consider doing these exercises, TRX exercises, and cardio exercises as part of your regular exercise routine.
  4. Provide one or two rest days per week. By not exercising for a day, your muscles can recover and relax for 24 to 48 hours in between strength training and cardio training. This is an important part of your exercise routine.
    • Try to make your rest days active rest days. Don't sit around all day and do nothing.
    • Do exercises and activities that allow your body to recover, such as yoga, walking or cycling.
  5. Sit less. By sitting less at the computer and in front of your television, you will be able to burn more calories during your day.
    • Studies show that the things you do in your spare time and do every day can have a similar positive effect to aerobic exercise.
    • Take a walk every day. Go for a walk during lunch or after dinner to supplement your cardio and strength training.
    • Get more exercise during your day. Walk around while on the phone, stand on the TV during commercial breaks or walk somewhere more often instead of taking the car.

Part 3 of 3: Making lifestyle changes

  1. Control stress. Studies show that persistent chronic stress can increase the amount of belly fat and body fat. By better controlling your stress, you may be able to lose weight and reduce the amount of body fat.
    • Chronic stress can also make it difficult to lose weight. When you're stressed, you may feel more hungry and crave foods that make you feel good.
    • Try to do relaxing activities to help reduce the stress in your life. For example, meditate, go for a walk, listen to music, talk to a friend, or doodle.
    • If it is difficult for you to manage your stress, consider seeing a behavioral therapist to learn stress management techniques. Such a health professional can give you additional tips and teach you techniques for managing your stress.
  2. Get enough sleep. Poor sleep, just like stress, can make it more difficult for you to lose weight and reduce your amount of body fat.
    • Studies show that people who do not sleep well or do not sleep long enough gain more body fat and lose more lean muscle mass. The amount of ghrelin in your body (also called the hunger hormone) will be increased so that you get more appetite.
    • Try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. This is the amount recommended for adults.
    • Try going to sleep earlier or getting up later to reach your sleep goal.
    • Also turn off your smartphone, computer and television before going to sleep. This way you will be able to sleep more peacefully and better.
  3. Get on the scale at least once a week. Studies show that people stick to their diet longer if they weigh themselves regularly.
    • Make sure you stick to your diet plan by regularly stepping on the scales. Knowing that you will be weighed regularly can help motivate you to stick to your diet and exercise routine.
    • Try to get on the scale once or twice a week. This will give you the most accurate picture of how much weight you have lost.
    • Your goal is to lose body fat, but you will see the decrease in body fat mainly in how much you lose weight.


  • Don't underestimate the positive effects of a good night's sleep and a lower stress level. When you are stressed and not getting enough sleep, it can signal your body to store fat around your belly. Try to do a relaxing activity before going to sleep to get better control of your stress hormones.
  • If you've never strength-trained or used exercise equipment, sign up for a personal workout at the gym to learn how to do it properly. Don't make the weights heavier than you think you can handle and always have good technique.
  • Always talk to your doctor before changing your diet and exercise routine. Also ask if you can lose weight and if you can do this safely.