Making slime without borax

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Make Slime WITHOUT Borax! 4 Ways!
Video: How to Make Slime WITHOUT Borax! 4 Ways!


The most common recipe for slime contains borax, but not everyone has borax on their shelves. Fortunately, it is possible to make slime without borax, and this wikiHow will show you how.


Cornstarch slime:

  • 350 ml of water
  • 3 to 4 drops of food coloring
  • 240 grams of cornstarch

Edible slime:

  • Tin with 400 ml of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tablespoon (15 grams) cornstarch
  • 10 to 15 drops of food coloring

Baby powder slime

  • 120 ml PVA glue (all-purpose glue)
  • Food coloring
  • 60 grams baby powder (talcum powder)

Fiber powder slime:

  • Water
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of fiber powder
  • 240 ml of water

To step

Method 1 of 4: Simple cornstarch slime

  1. Put 250 ml of water in a small saucepan. Heat the water until it is warm, but not hot or boiling hot. You should not use boiling water or you will have to wait for it to cool before you can use your hands to mix the slime.
    • You can also pour the water into a microwave safe bowl and heat it in the microwave for 45 seconds to 1 minute.
  2. Let the slime cool. Once the slime has cooled, you can play with it or eat it. Be aware that it can stain lighter garments or carpeting.
  3. Ready.

Method 3 of 4: Baby powder slime

  1. Place the microwave safe bowl with the mixture in the microwave. Heat the mixture on high for four to five minutes. Check the mixture regularly to make sure it doesn't boil over.
  2. Let the mixture sit for two to four minutes and stir through. The mixture should be relatively cool after this time.
  3. Repeat the cooking and cooling process two to six times, stirring the mixture after cooling. The more times you repeat this process, the thicker the slime will become.
  4. Let the slime cool in the microwave. Let the slime sit for about 10 minutes. Make sure not to handle it until it has cooled completely as it will be very hot.
    • You can place the slime on a plate or cutting board to cool.


  • Making slime will be messy. Wear old clothes and make sure to cover surfaces that will be ruined if splashed or large amounts of slime get on them.
  • Avoid getting slime on your clothes, as slime can stain.
  • Instead of food coloring, add powdered tempera to the cornstarch before adding water.
  • Wash your hands after making slime.
  • You can add baby oil if you want to make the slime shine.
  • Add more glue to make your slime extra tacky.
  • Don't keep the slime you made in the freezer for too long.
  • You can also make slime from dish soap, bread, and liquid glue.


  • You don't need borax to make simple cornstarch slime and fiber powder slime, but keep an eye on your kids and don't let them put or eat the slime in their mouths, as it's not a food. Very young children can even choke on it. If a child does swallow some of the mucus, this should not cause any further problems if the child does not choke on it (this does not apply to edible mucus).


  • Saucepan
  • Come on
  • Spoon
  • Large, microwave-safe bowl
  • Microwave