Sleeping if you often have the urge to urinate due to a urinary tract infection

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Signs & Symptoms (& Why They Occur)
Video: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Signs & Symptoms (& Why They Occur)


A urinary tract infection can cause a number of different stressful and unpleasant symptoms. Unfortunately, one of these symptoms is a frequent urge to urinate and you may not be able to sleep at night. That is the last thing you want when trying to rest and recover. The best way to deal with this urge is to treat the underlying infection. You can also use medicines and home remedies to treat your symptoms and help you sleep. If incontinence keeps you awake, use incontinence pads to keep your bedding dry and talk to your doctor about medications that can help you.

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Method 1 of 2: Controlling the symptoms of nighttime urge from a urinary tract infection

  1. Drink as little as possible in the evening. If you drink too much just before going to bed, you may have more urge to urinate at night. If possible, try to drink as little as possible after dinner and before bed. Do not drink liquids that can stimulate your bladder, such as caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

    Pay attention: Staying hydrated is important if you have a urinary tract infection, so try not to drink less throughout the day. Instead, try to get enough fluids earlier in the day.

  2. Don't eat foods or drink drinks that can irritate your bladder. If your urinary tract is inflamed, it's important not to eat foods or drink drinks that can make the problem worse. You may be able to control your urge to urinate by stopping, eating or drinking as little of the following foods and drinks as possible:
    • Caffeinated and carbonated drinks
    • Alcohol
    • Sour fruits (especially citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits) and sour fruit juices
    • Tomatoes and tomato products
    • Spicy food
    • Chocolate
  3. Take a sitz bath immediately before going to bed to relieve your discomfort. Prepare a warm bath and, if desired, simply add no fragrance Epsom salt. Then sit in the bath for about 15-20 minutes. This should help relieve your pain and discomfort.
    • Do not use products such as bath bombs, bath foam and scented bath salts. These products can make your urinary tract infection worse.
  4. Soothe nighttime pain with a hot water bottle. If you lie awake at night with a painful bladder, try sleeping with a warm water bottle against your abdomen. Wrap a towel around the hot water bottle so you don't burn your skin.
    • A heating pad is a good way to soothe your pain during the day, but it's dangerous to use one while you sleep. If you don't keep an eye on the heating pad, you could burn your skin or even start an electrical fire.
    • Ask your doctor if it is safe to use over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen to help relieve your pain at night.
  5. See your doctor to treat the underlying urinary tract infection. With proper medical treatment, you can quickly relieve symptoms of your urinary tract infection, including nighttime urge to urinate. If you think you have a urinary tract infection, call your doctor right away. He or she will take a urine sample to confirm or rule out an infection. Use the antibiotics and other medications your doctor prescribes.
    • You may need to take antibiotics for a week or more, depending on the type of infection and how severe the infection is. However, you will usually start to feel better within days of starting your antibiotics.
    • Do not stop your antibiotic treatment prematurely, even if you feel better. This can cause the infection to return or even get worse. Always complete a course of antibiotics.
  6. Ask your doctor about medicine for bladder spasms. Let your doctor know that your infection often makes you want to urinate at night and that it causes you to lie awake. Your doctor may be able to prescribe you a medication that can reduce the pain and urge that disturb your sleep.
    • Ask your doctor about using over-the-counter remedies that can reduce bladder spasms, urge to urinate, and pain. These drugs have few side effects and work for most people. However, your urine will turn red or orange.
    • Know that these drugs relieve your symptoms, but do not treat the underlying infection.

Method 2 of 2: Dealing with nighttime incontinence

  1. Urinate twice before bed to completely empty your bladder. A urinary tract infection can make it difficult for you to empty your bladder completely, leaving you frustrated, having to go to the bathroom often and urinate in bed at night. Just before going to sleep, sit on the toilet and empty your bladder as much as possible. Sit on the toilet for half a minute to a few minutes when you are done and then try again.
    • When you are on the toilet, bend forward slightly and rest your hands on your thighs or knees. By adopting this sitting position you may be able to empty your bladder better.
  2. Go to the bathroom at night at regular intervals. Set your alarm to get up every two to four hours to go to the bathroom. This way you prevent your bladder from overfilling and you are less likely to wake up in a wet bed or with severe urges.
    • Try setting your alarm to go off at different times every night. That way, you don't accidentally train your bladder to wake you up at certain times to urinate.
  3. Wear incontinence pads at night to prevent your bedding from getting wet. If you suffer from nighttime incontinence due to your urinary tract infection, having to change your bedding can interfere with your sleep. So wear incontinence pads to absorb accidents and deal with them more easily.
    • Absorbent underwear is also a good option. This special underwear is made to prevent leakage.
    • It is best to wear clean cotton underwear, because it breathes.
  4. Ask your doctor about medications that control incontinence. Your doctor may be able to prescribe a medication to control your nighttime incontinence while your urinary tract infection heals. Ask your doctor which medications will work best for you.
    • Commonly used drugs are anticholinergics, drugs that relax the bladder like mirabegron and alpha blockers.
    • Ask your doctor about fesoterodine, a drug proven to solve nighttime incontinence problems and improve the quality of your sleep.


  • Drink plenty of fluids early in the day to help flush bacteria from your body and help the infection heal faster.
  • Go to the bathroom immediately if you feel urgent, as holding back your urine can make your symptoms worse and take longer for the infection to go away. Also make sure to urinate right after having sex.
  • Drinking cranberry juice can help make your urinary tract healthier.
  • If you don't get enough sleep because of the nighttime urge to urinate, take a nap in the afternoon if possible. By taking extra rest, your body can fight the infection better and heal faster.


  • If your symptoms do not improve after three days of home treatment, see your doctor. You may need additional treatment.