Get slimmer legs

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SLIM LEGS IN 20 DAYS! 10 min No Jumping Quiet Home Workout ~ Emi
Video: SLIM LEGS IN 20 DAYS! 10 min No Jumping Quiet Home Workout ~ Emi


Do you want slimmer legs? Do you feel that your lifestyle needs a makeover and are you looking for inspiration? You don't get slim legs just like that, but with a little work and some patience you can certainly develop them. You need the right mix of diet and fitness for this, and if you persist, you will definitely see results. Read on to learn more about how your legs can also become slimmer, more beautiful and stronger.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Exercises

  1. Buy a pedometer (pedometer). This allows you to keep track of how many steps you have taken per day. Usually you attach it to your hip. Today, there are already devices out there that don't stand out at all, so vanity doesn't have to be an excuse anymore.
    • Set a goal to take between 5,000 and 10,000 steps per day. This may seem like a lot, but it's less than you think (5,000 steps is just over 2 miles). Find a reason to keep walking somewhere. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator. Walk to the greengrocer instead of going by car. 10,000 steps is a challenge, but if you succeed it is definitely worth it.
  2. Also try running up and down the stairs of a sports stadium. Find your inner Rocky and work your way down those stairs. Feel the burn in your legs and don't forget - no pain, no gain. Did you really think twisting your thumbs would make your legs slimmer?
  3. Do squats. Squats (squats) can be done with or without weight. You can do them anywhere, during recess, while watching TV and of course during your workout in the gym. There is actually not an unsuitable time to do squats.
    • Do classic squats. Extend your arms out in front of you and lower your body while pushing your buttocks back until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Don't bend so far that your butt touches your legs, but far enough. Keep the tension in the leg muscles. Stand up again and repeat.
    • Do Belgian squats. Hold a light weight in front of you with both hands. Lift your left leg and place it on an elevation, parallel to the floor. Bend the right leg until the thigh is also parallel to the ground. Keep the weight in front of you during the movement. Return to the starting position and repeat.
    • Do jump squats. Do a knee bend lowering to the floor until your thighs are parallel to the ground and jump into the air from that position, trying to jump as high as you can. Repeat this several times.
  4. Jump rope again. You may think this is for kids, but it's an excellent exercise for burning calories, improving your flexibility, and getting thinner legs. In addition, a skipping rope costs almost nothing, so it is also a very cheap option and a great workout.
  5. Do interval training. Interval training is an intensive workout in which you train very intensively for a short period of time, followed by longer periods of lighter training. For example, if you are running laps, you could jog 3 laps and then go as fast as you can on the last lap. You get really screwed up, but that's exactly what matters, isn't it?
    • Interval training has been scientifically proven to burn more calories and greatly improve fitness. Start by replacing a few regular workouts with interval training, gradually adding more. You will see results faster if you keep this up.
  6. Do jumping jacks. Instead of doing jumping jacks on their own, which can be pretty boring and not really effective, try doing them after an exhausting workout. After you've run a mile, swam 20 laps, or cycled your heart out, get up and do another 20 jumping jacks - as intensively as possible. It is a great method to give your workout routine an extra boost, and you can bet that you will feel this in your thighs.
  7. Go cycling. Find a nearby hill or slope for cycling, or use a heavier gear than usual. No mountains in the area or is the weather not cooperating? Then put your exercise bike on a suitable position. The more you work on yourself, the more you replace the fat in your thighs with lean muscles that make your legs look thinner. Cycling is an excellent exercise for this.
  8. Target the insides of your thighs and abs with scissor kicks. This is a great exercise that you can do almost anywhere without the need for any special tools. Lie on your back with your hands under your glutes, lift your legs in the air and do a walking / kicking motion, legs and toes straight. For a more intensive workout, you can also place your hands next to your body, instead of under your buttocks.
  9. Dance to your favorite music or take dance lessons. This is fun to do yourself and can be a very effective form of exercise because you enjoy it so much. An added value of dancing in a group is that you have to keep going for a certain amount of time, not just until you don't feel like it anymore.
  10. Join a sports club. You may not be a sporty person, but there are hundreds of sports to choose from, so there must be something you like. If you don't like basketball, play tennis. If you don't like tennis, play soccer. Competition can break the monotony of a daily workout and provide more fun in sports.
    • It is also possible to burn more calories during an organized sport than if you train alone. If you play football for an hour, you will burn about 730 calories. If you train alone then it can be more difficult to sustain a certain effort without the distraction of the game.
  11. Do lunges. Grab a dumbbell in each hand, stand up and take a big step forward - at the same time lower the other leg until the knee almost touches the floor. Step back and continue on the other leg.
  12. It is not really possible to lose fat locally in your body through exercise. This myth, the idea that exercise can burn fat on the stomach or thighs, is also known as "spot training". In other words, you'll have to burn fat "all over" your body to get slimmer legs.

Method 2 of 2: Diet

  1. Eat fewer calories than you consume in a day. If you want to lose weight, this is the only reliable way. Because there are about 3,500 cal. Going in 1 pound requires you to consume about 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound of weight.
    • Don't let the numbers discourage you. 3500 calories is a lot for one day. First, try to lose between 500 and 800 calories a day. This could mean taking in anything between 1,500 and 2,000 calories and burning between 2,000 and 2,800 calories a day through exercise and normal daily activities.
    • You can also get in the habit of counting calories. Many people have no idea how much they are eating until they write this down. Make a list or use a diary to keep track of what and how much food you eat during the day. Just like keeping a budget, such a list helps to guide and monitor your diet program.
  2. Don't starve yourself as a quick fix. Eating too little even has the opposite effect because as soon as the body notices that too little energy is coming in, it starts storing energy as a reserve for a lean period when the food supply is not sufficient. In other words, your body is preparing for hibernation. Instead of fat, you are more likely to lose muscle mass. So that is not a good recipe for healthy weight loss.
  3. Eat more during the day than at night. A balanced breakfast as a start of the day is very important. It provides the body with enough energy to perform essential tasks. Eating a lot just before going to sleep is especially not healthy because of the type of food (chips, cocktail nuts, etc.) that is often eaten at that time.
    • Studies have shown that animals that only eat during those periods when they are actually active lose more weight than animals that also eat during inactive periods. For most of us it is at night. Eating late increases the risk of gaining weight.
  4. Eat a healthy and varied diet. To get rid of obesity, especially when it comes to the thighs, it is important to eat the right food. Scientists recommend a combination of the following foods:
    • Protein-rich food: poultry (white meat), soy and milk products, fish, etc.
    • Vegetables and Legumes: Spinach, Cabbage, Broccoli, Carrots, Peas, Lentils, Beans, etc.
    • Fruit: citrus, bananas, apples, kiwi, pears, etc.
    • Whole grains: wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread, etc.
    • Nuts and Seeds: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, almonds, walnuts, etc.
  5. Avoid consuming the following as much as possible. Pre-processed foods (factory foods), foods with trans fats and foods with a high glycemic index. These include:
    • Refined sugars: candy, soda, etc.
    • Simple carbohydrates: "regular" pasta, white bread, etc.
    • Trans fats: shortening, margarine, etc.
  6. Drink lots of water. Drink water against dehydration, to keep your organs happy and to combat hunger. If you often eat too much and stay hungry, drink a glass of water (200 ml) before a meal. Your stomach will think that more food has gone in than it actually has, which will make you less likely to overeat.


  • Another exercise is lying flat on the floor and lifting your legs slightly off the floor. Keep this up for as long as possible. Be careful with this, it pulls the back and can cause back pain. You will soon feel it burning in your thighs.
  • Drink plenty of water during this training period; this helps to keep going much longer.
  • Everything takes time. Don't expect results in 2 days.
  • Stretch after a light warm-up to lengthen and thin the muscles.
  • Always stretch before the workout, otherwise you run the risk of a pulled muscle during the training.
  • Don't do endurance training too often. Running long distances helps you lose fat, while sprinting can promote muscle development in the legs.
  • Running is good for you and if you want to lose weight, especially in your legs, run about 3 km, 6 days a week and take one day of rest.
  • Try lying on your back with your legs, shoulders and arms in the air.
  • Don't sit on your lazy butt all day, but go out and do something. This can be difficult if you have an office job. Then try to do some exercises from your chair every now and then to get your blood circulation going again.


  • If you notice that your body is protesting, it means it is working. If not, you will probably have to work a little harder.
  • If you feel any unusual or severe pain while doing the exercises, stop immediately and see your doctor. If you think it's okay, stop exercising until you notice the pain has subsided.