Stabilize whipped cream

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stabilized Whipped Cream Easy Recipes | 4 Methods | Whipped Cream Frosting
Video: Stabilized Whipped Cream Easy Recipes | 4 Methods | Whipped Cream Frosting


A big dollop of whipped cream makes a dessert even better. But this delicious foam of air, water and fat falls apart as soon as it gets the chance. Stabilizing the cream lets you pipe cupcakes, glaze a cake or just keep the whipped cream stiff during a car ride. Gelatin is preferred by professionals, but there are many other options that are easy to make and friendly to vegetarians.


  • 240 ml heavy cream, and one of the following:
  • One teaspoon (5 ml) of regular gelatin
  • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) low fat dry milk powder
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of dry vanilla pudding mix
  • 2-3 large marshmallows

To step

Method 1 of 3: Add gelatin

  1. Let the mixture cool to body temperature. Remove from heat and let the gelatin cool. Wait for it to roughly reach the temperature of your finger. Don't let it cool too much past this point or the gelatin will stiffen.
  2. Beat the whipped cream until almost stiff. Beat until thick, but not peaking yet.
  3. Use icing sugar. Most store-bought powdered sugar contains cornstarch, which will help stabilize the cream. Replace the granulated sugar with an equal amount of icing sugar.
    • If you don't have a kitchen scale, replace 1 part granulated sugar with 1.75 parts icing sugar. 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of powdered sugar is usually enough for 240 ml of cream.
    • Beat the cream until it starts to form soft peaks before adding most of the ingredients. Adding sugar too early can reduce the volume and fluffiness of your whipped cream.
  4. Add dry milk powder before whisking. Stir two teaspoons (10 ml) of powdered milk into each 240 ml of cream. This should add protein to support your whipped cream without affecting the flavor.
  5. Mix in melted marshmallows. Melt two or three large marshmallows by microwaving them in a large bowl, at 5 second intervals, or by heating them in a large greased pan. They are ready when they expand and melt enough to be mixed together; take them off the heat to prevent them from browning. Let it cool for a few minutes and then stir it into the whipped cream when it has formed soft peaks.
    • Mini marshmallows can contain cornstarch. This can also help stabilize the cream, but some cooks find it more difficult to melt and stir.
  6. Instead, try packet vanilla pudding. When soft peaks have formed, add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of dry vanilla pudding mix. This keeps it stiff, but adds a yellow color and an artificial flavor. Try this at home before trying it on your friends' wedding cake.
  7. Mix crème fraîche or mascarpone for a light consistency. Add 120 ml crème fraîche or mascarpone to the cream after soft peaks have formed. The result is stiffer than usual, but not as stiff as other stabilizers. This will also work as a tart cake frosting, but don't try to spray it.
    • This version will still melt in the heat just as quickly. Keep it in the refrigerator or cooler.
    • Use the mixer attachment to gently break the mascarpone into small pieces to prevent them from flying out of the bowl.

Method 3 of 3: Change your technique

  1. Consider a food processor or hand blender. Beat the cream in a series of short pulses to absorb enough air. Once the cream is whipped enough not to splash over the sides, you can whisk it until it reaches the desired consistency. This usually takes 30 seconds, does not require refrigerated instruments, and makes whipped cream that should last for at least a few hours.
    • Do not blend too long or at too high a speed, otherwise the cream will turn into butter. If you see signs of separation and rudeness early on, you can sometimes dissolve by whipping in a little more cream by hand.
  2. Cool all ingredients and tools before whisking. The colder the cream, the less likely it is to separate. Store the heavy cream in the coldest part of your fridge, usually in the back of the bottom shelf. When you whisk it by hand or with an electric mixer, let the bowl and whisks cool in the freezer for at least 15 minutes beforehand.
    • Metal bowls stay cold longer than glass bowls, and not all glass bowls can be put in the freezer.
    • When the weather is hot, put the bowl of cream in an ice bath. Beat in an air-conditioned room.
  3. Store whipped cream in a sieve over a bowl. Over time, whipped cream will leak water, which is a major reason for the whipped cream to collapse. Keep it in a fine mesh strainer so that the water can drip into a container underneath, instead of breaking down your whipped cream.
    • Cover the strainer with cheesecloth or a paper towel if the mesh is too coarse to hold the whipped cream.


  • The higher the butterfat percentage in the cream, the more stable it will be. The most stable option is 48% fat, double cream, but you will only find them at specialty stores.Keep in mind that the higher the fat percentage, the easier it is to whip it up thicker than you'd like.


  • Gelatin is an animal product, not suitable for most vegetarians.
  • Keep desserts with stabilized whipped cream in the refrigerator or cooler if they are not going to be served immediately. Even stabilized whipped cream can collapse if kept at a high temperature.


  • Whisk
  • Come on