Sex meditation

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
417 Hz | Routing Sexual Energy to Spiritual Awakening | Sleep Meditation for Sacral Chakra Healing
Video: 417 Hz | Routing Sexual Energy to Spiritual Awakening | Sleep Meditation for Sacral Chakra Healing


Sex meditation is a way to become more aware of your body, so that you can enjoy sex more. Practicing sex meditation on a regular basis can help you and your partner enjoy making love more, and it is also a way to deepen the bond between you. Even if you have never meditated before, you can still learn sex mediation.

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Part 1 of 2: Do a basic sex meditation

  1. Find a quiet place where you will not be distracted. Dim the lights in your bedroom or living room and remove any electronic devices such as telephones, television and laptops. Make sure the room has a comfortable temperature. If it's too cold or too hot, that could be distracting.
    • You may like to put a few pillows on the floor for you to sit on during meditation. Place the pillows close together, but with a small space between your partner and you.
  2. Make sure you have a comfortable posture. Take up a position that you and your partner are comfortable with. You can lie down or sit cross-legged. You and your partner can wear loose-fitting clothes or no clothes at all, if you're comfortable with that.
    • Make sure your spine is straight. When you are lying down, let your arms rest next to you and when you are sitting down, let your arms rest quietly in your lap.
    • Make sure your chin is not pointing down and when you sit, make sure your head is in line with your spine.
  3. Close your eyes. When you and your partner are ready, you can close your eyes and begin the sex meditation. First, try to stay aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to your body, your breathing, and any sounds you hear.
    • Try to ignore any thoughts that come to mind and simply focus on the present. When a thought comes to mind, acknowledge the thought and let the thought go. For example, if you think about something that happened at work, you might think to yourself, yes, it happened, and imagine the thought drifting away from you.
  4. Focus on your own body and your breathing. As you meditate, focus on your body and your breath. Take a deep, steady breath, paying attention to how the air flows in and out of your body. As you inhale, imagine the air being drawn down into your abdomen, and as you exhale, imagine the stress in your body being exhaled from your body.
    • Try to become aware of yourself and how you feel. Observe how the air feels around your body, how all your body parts feel, from your hands to your feet.
  5. Visualize your body. When you start the meditation you visualize your own body. Think about what your body looks like inside and out, and what your body's energy looks like. Think of the shapes, colors, and sounds of the emotions that you are carrying within you at that moment. For example, you imagine that your desire for your partner looks like a red ball.
    • Focus on the physical sensations. Try to be as aware as possible of your body and the physical sensations you are feeling. The purpose of the sex meditation is an increased awareness of body and mind, which makes you more aroused.
  6. Focus on your partner. When you are done visualizing, turn your attention to your partner. At that point, try to think about your partner's body and feelings.
    • Look at your partner. You can now open your eyes and look your partner in the eye. Make sure you notice how he breathes. Watch the movement of your partner's body. For example, you can look at your partner's stomach and chest as they fill with air and become empty again.
    • Communicate with your partner without talking. Try to show your partner what you feel through your face, hands, and eyes. Also pay attention to your partner's facial expression. Also try to find out what he feels while meditating.
  7. Continue making out with each other. After about 20 minutes of sex meditation, you will continue making love. If the sex is nicer after the sex meditation, talk to your partner about wanting to do it more often in the future.

Part 2 of 2: Making the experience even more intense

  1. Put on some relaxing music or nature sounds. It can be difficult to concentrate if there are sounds around you, and putting on nature sounds or some music to enhance the meditation can help your partner and you relax. Try out rain sounds, the waves of the ocean, or some new age music.
    • Make sure you choose something that lasts long enough for both meditation and sex.
  2. Try out Taoist sex meditation. Once you've tried basic sex meditation, try moving on to a more elaborate sex meditation. Taoist sex meditation is a form of meditation where you and your partner join your desires.
    • Coordinate your breathing. You can begin the Taoist meditation by hugging your partner and coordinating your breaths. This means that you coordinate the pace of breathing in and out, so that you and your partner breathe in and out at the same time. Continue until you breathe like a person.
    • Pulses with your hands. Pulses is another form of Taoist meditation. Gently open and close your partner's hand, or gently squeeze his or her hand, maintaining a smooth, calm rhythm. Your partner can also squeeze your hand.
  3. Add some tantric exercises. In tantric sex, sex is a way to meditate, so adding tantric techniques can be a nice addition for your partner and you. Some easy tantric techniques you could try are:
    • Keep looking each other in the eye. Try to maintain eye contact with your partner while having sex, and also while having an orgasm.
    • Alternate breathing. Try to alternate breathing with your partner. For example, you breathe in air while your partner exhales, and vice versa.


  • Explain to your partner why you want to do the sex meditation before trying the sex meditation.
  • You and your partner can also practice meditating individually so that you get used to clearing your mind and meditating together becomes easier.