Letting go of guilt

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Letting Go Of Guilt - How To Get Rid Of Guilt Instantly
Video: Letting Go Of Guilt - How To Get Rid Of Guilt Instantly


Guilt can be a depressing feeling that prevents you from moving on with your normal life. It may be difficult to understand how to get rid of the negative feeling and how to deal with certain past actions. However, this article will guide you through the process and show you the way to a positive future.

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Part 1 of 2: Understanding the reason behind guilt

  1. Understand why we feel guilty as humans. In most cases, we feel guilty for doing or saying something that hurt or hurt someone else. This type of guilt helps you understand that you may have done something wrong, which is healthy and normal.
    • For example, if you forgot a friend's birthday, you will probably feel guilty about this, as the birthday boy or girl expects you not to forget his or her birthday. This is a healthy sense of guilt because it makes you aware that you have done something wrong, which can damage the relationship with the person.
  2. Recognize unproductive debt. Sometimes we may feel guilty about something we shouldn't feel guilty about. This type of debt is unhealthy and unproductive and is of no use. It just makes us feel bad.
    • For example, if you feel guilty about having to work on a friend's birthday and therefore couldn't attend, you're dealing with unhealthy guilt. If you were already scheduled to work and were not able to get time off, the blame was not on you. Your boyfriend or girlfriend will have to understand that you could not attend his or her party as you did not want to risk your job.
  3. Find out what you feel guilty about. When you feel guilty about something, it is important to try to determine what and why you feel guilty. Identifying the cause of your guilt and the reason you feel guilty can help you determine whether you are dealing with a healthy or unhealthy sense of guilt. Either way, you need to give these feelings a place to let go of them.
  4. Write down your feelings. Keeping a journal of your feelings may help you understand and deal with these feelings. Start by writing down the reason why you feel guilty. If it's something you've done or said to someone, write the moment in as much detail as possible in your journal. Don't forget to also write down how you felt and why you felt that way. What do you think you should feel guilty about?
    • For example, you can write down the reasons why you forgot your boyfriend or girlfriend's birthday. What distracted you? How did your boyfriend or girlfriend react to this? What did you feel about this?
  5. Apologize if necessary. After determining whether you are dealing with a healthy or unhealthy sense of guilt, you can determine whether you should apologize for your actions. If you have forgotten a friend's birthday, you should apologize, as you have forgotten something you shouldn't forget.
    • Make sure your apologies are sincere and don't try to make excuses for your actions. It is important to take full responsibility for your actions to show your boyfriend or girlfriend that you feel very bad about the situation. Say something like, "I want to apologize for the fact that _____."
  6. Reflect on the situation to avoid similar situations in the future. After you have considered your guilt, determined the cause, and apologized if necessary, take a moment to reflect on the situation to avoid similar undesirable situations in the future. Reflecting on such a situation can help you improve yourself as a person, and this is better than making the same mistakes again in the future.
    • For example, if you've been reflecting on the situation where you forgot a friend's birthday, you may decide that from now on you should be more considerate of important dates and take steps to avoid similar situations in the future.

Part 2 of 2: Leaving the guilt behind

  1. Turn guilt into gratitude. Guilt may result in thoughts of guilt, and these are unproductive and do not provide guidance on behavior that will help you in the future. Try to turn your guilt into feelings of gratitude.
    • For example, if you've forgotten a friend's birthday, you might think, "I should have known it was his / her birthday yesterday!" This thought will not help you improve the situation, it will only make you feel worse.
    • Transform the feelings of guilt into positive thoughts by thinking, for example, “I am grateful for having been reminded of how important my friends are to me and also grateful for the opportunity I will have to teach them that in the future. show."
  2. Forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself, just as you would forgive a friend, is an important part of learning how to deal with a sense of guilt. If you are dealing with a sense of guilt that comes from things you have asked others to forgive for or things you cannot control, you should learn to forgive yourself. One way you can start letting go of your guilt is to forgive yourself every time you make a mistake, just as you would forgive a close friend.
    • The next time you feel guilty about something, take a deep breath and don't be too hard on yourself. Instead, say something like, "I made a mistake, but that doesn't make me a bad person."
  3. Learn from the fictional character Scarlett O'Hara. Consider the following quote: "Tomorrow is another day." You need to realize that every day is a new beginning with promise, hope and the opportunity to start over. You need to understand that while you may have been wrong, this does not have to determine your future. While your actions in the past may have consequences in the present, they do not have to completely control your life.
  4. Do a good deed. Helping others will do good for others as well as for yourself. While you should understand that doing a good deed cannot reverse your mistakes, a good deed will move you forward toward a positive future. In fact, some studies have shown that helping others has a wide variety of benefits for both your mental and physical health.
    • Inquire about volunteering opportunities at hospitals, charities, and other organizations. Even volunteering for just a few hours a week can help you let go of a sense of guilt.
  5. Consider introducing spirituality into your life. Some religions offer ways to atone when you have sinned, which could help you deal with feelings of guilt. Consider attending a religious service in a sacred place of your choice or develop your own spirituality. The benefits of spirituality go beyond just relieving guilt. Research has shown that spirituality and prayer may help you reduce stress and shorten the healing time of an illness.
    • Consider visiting a sacred place to pray with others.
    • Consider meditation or yoga.
    • Spend time in the great outdoors and admire the beauty of the natural world.
  6. Consider seeking the help of a therapist if you are unable to let go of guilt on your own. For some people, feeling guilty can have a major impact on their daily life and mood. Without help it can be difficult to understand where the feeling of guilt comes from and how to deal with these feelings. A licensed counselor can help you understand and get a grip on these feelings.
    • You should be aware that an exaggerated sense of guilt can be part of an underlying mental illness. Such ailments should be treated. Discussing the topic with a therapist can help you understand the situation and decide what further steps to take.


  • If you prefer to keep your situation secret but feel the need to talk to someone about it, you can confide in a friend or relative.
  • Guilt and obsessions can be caused by depression or other mental illnesses. Get medical help if necessary.