Eat raw ginger

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why I Eat Raw Ginger EVERYDAY!
Video: Why I Eat Raw Ginger EVERYDAY!


Raw ginger is a fantastic ingredient that is both healthy and delicious! You can add raw ginger to your favorite recipes to spice them up a bit. Ginger goes perfectly in soups, stir-fries and even desserts. You can also chew raw ginger or brew it into a tea to help with certain health conditions.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Using raw ginger in recipes

  1. Combine ginger with a vegetable soup with carrots. The hotness of ginger goes well with creamy soups. Ginger in creamy soups with roots and tubers is especially delicious in winter, because ginger adds flavor and warms you! Prepare a simple vegetable soup with carrots as follows:
    • First measure out 15 grams of fresh chopped ginger, 15 grams of ground coriander and 7.5 grams of ground mustard seeds. Then add 7.5 grams of curry powder to 2 tablespoons of hot oil in a heavy pan.
    • Add 15 grams of freshly ground ginger, 250 grams of finely chopped onions and 500 grams of thinly sliced ​​carrots to the pan. Bake for 3 minutes and then add 1.2 liters of chicken stock and bring to a boil.
    • Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 30 minutes. Then let cool and mix the soup in parts in a food processor or blender until everything is smooth. Return it to the soup kettle and, if it is too thick, add 6 ml stock at a time.
  2. Grate fresh ginger in a stir-fry dish. Stir-fry dishes are super easy to prepare at home. Mix your favorite proteins and vegetables with a little sauce in a wok with a few spoons of oil. Stir over medium heat until cooked through. Halfway through, grate a little ginger into your stir-fry dish to spice it up a bit.
  3. Add ginger to your desserts. Since ginger is spicy, it goes well with sweetness. You can add ginger to most cookies, pastries or pies to spice them up a bit. Check out the recipes to see when to add the fresh grated ginger. Depending on the type of recipe, you may need to add it along with another semi-moist or dry ingredient.
    • Fresh ginger is usually more potent than ground dry ginger, so keep this in mind when looking at the quantities. You may need to reduce the amount of dry ginger by ¾ or ½ if using fresh ginger instead.
    • The longer you mix the ginger with other flavors, the stronger the flavor will be. For example, if you are making pumpkin pie with ginger, make the pie a day in advance if you want a pie with a strong ginger flavor.
  4. Make a ginger dressing for salad. Add 60 ml oil and 60 ml vinegar to a blender. You can choose which oil and vinegar you like. Then add an inch of finely chopped ginger. You can add salt, pepper and other spices if you wish. Blend everything together until smooth and you have a ginger dressing!

Method 2 of 2: Eating raw ginger for your health

  1. Chew raw ginger to combat indigestion. If you have a stomach ache, a little raw ginger can help. Cut a thin slice of ginger and chew it as if you were chewing gum. Once the flavor is gone, you can throw it away and take a new piece of ginger.
    • Raw ginger is ideal if you are experiencing morning sickness as it will calm your stomach without irritating the baby.
  2. Brew hot ginger tea to relieve coughs. The size of the piece of ginger to use depends on how strong you like to drink your tea. To begin with, you can use a piece of about 2.5 cm². Cut it into smaller pieces and place it in the cup. Then pour 250 ml of boiling water over the ginger.
    • You can peel the ginger before cutting it into pieces, but you don't have to.
    • You can add 5 ml of honey or a few squirts of lemon juice for some extra flavor.
  3. Use it to prepare your juices. If juices are part of your diet, adding ginger can provide health benefits. Before making the juice, cut 1 inch (2.5 cm) of ginger. Make your juice as you normally would, but remove the remnants of ginger. Your juice will now have the flavor and health benefits of ginger without having to add anything gritty to it.
    • If you want, you can leave the ginger in the juice for a grainier and spicier juice.
  4. Chew raw ginger to stimulate your appetite. Some ingredients of ginger can stimulate the production of digestive juices. If you've been sick and have lost weight as a result, ginger can cause your appetite to return.