Become a Bollywood actress

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How To Get Entry in Bollywood! | बॉलीवुड में कैसे जुड़ें! | Step By Step | Bollywood Auditions! 🎬
Video: How To Get Entry in Bollywood! | बॉलीवुड में कैसे जुड़ें! | Step By Step | Bollywood Auditions! 🎬


Bollywood is the informal name of the Hindi film industry. Bollywood movies are mainly from Mumbai in India, the name Bollywood is an amalgamation of Hollywood and Bombay, Mumbai's former name. Since the 1970s, more Bollywood films have been produced than Hollywood films, at the moment hundreds of Bollywood films are released every year. It is not easy to establish a place in the Hindi film industry without connections as there are thousands of women fighting for a Bollywood spot and the competition is fierce. Still, there are some things you can do to increase your chances, in this article we'll list what you need to do to become a Bollywood actress.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Developing your talents

  1. Learn Hindi. Most major movies are not subtitled, so you should be able to speak and understand Hindi fluently. It is also important to know how to communicate with casting agents and directors at film studios. Almost all communication, both behind the scenes and on set, is done in Hindi, so that's requirement number 1.
    • English is used in many Bollywood movies, yet the English language is an optional skill. But if your English is very good it can work to your advantage, it could mean that you are chosen for a role instead of someone else.
  2. Make sure you have the right "look". Analyze what famous Bollywood actresses look like, then you know what is in demand. The stereotypically successful actress has long, slightly wavy hair, slightly tinted skin, manicured eyebrows, nails, lips, and everything in between.
    • Just like in Hollywood, the emphasis is on being beautiful. The majority of the actresses are quite stereotypically feminine - they have long hair, beautiful skin, they are slim and they have soft facial features.
  3. Learn to dance. To be able to work in Bollywood you not only need to have a sense of rhythm and be able to dance well, but you also need to know the meaning of all movements and positions. Incorrect hand or body movements can be perceived as offensive by viewers. It's not just something you were born with - it's something you have to learn.
    • Options include classes at a dance school, online videos or a private tutor. Not all actresses need to dance in a movie, but almost every movie does.
  4. Take singing lessons. Bollywood movies are known for the dancing and singing segments, and there are normally 6 or more segments of music in a movie. If you want to be a real star, you have to have a beautiful voice. The sooner you start the better.
    • There are more and more singing teachers offering lessons using Skype. If you can't find a singing teacher near you, consider taking singing lessons online.
  5. Get professional movement and acting support. In addition to singing and dancing, you must be able to act and move with subtle grace. Take lessons with a mentor, join an acting club, or get an acting course if you can. Of course you need an "X" factor, but you also need the technical knowledge.
    • There is a lot of practice involved. Take every opportunity to improve your acting skills while you study. The more time you spend in front of the camera, the better. But on stage in front of a live audience is also good.

Part 2 of 3: Working yourself up

  1. Watch (and love) Hindi movies. You have to watch a lot of Hindi movies to get a good sense of what kind of roles are being played, what acting style is in vogue and how famous actors and actresses convey their dialogues. Develop a refined appreciation for the movies to the point where you can't imagine doing anything else. Make the movies a part of your life.
    • You can find online channels to watch Hindi movies such as This way you can easily broaden your Bollywood horizon.
    • In this way you also learn to understand the culture better. Read about the area and keep up to date with the news and trends to supplement your knowledge.
  2. Build your portfolio. If you want casting agents to take you seriously, you need a portfolio. Have professional photos taken and make an audition video or DVD that shows you how well you act, sing and dance. Also add pieces of film from the roles you have already played.
    • Promote yourself on sites like YouTube, where you can independently create your own fan base. Even better if you have your own professional website.
  3. Look for supporting roles to get started. That can be a walk-on role, a small supporting role or even a role in stunts where it has to look like you are another (more important) actress. Take on roles on commercials, TV shows, reality shows and TV games. Also try to get started as a model. You can't start at the top - you have to work your way up. It is all a step in the right direction.
    • Film studios are located in the Juhu district of Mumbai. Film scouts looking for extras and tourists are usually most active in the early morning hours.
  4. Be honest with yourself about your star qualities. In Bollywood you need just as much charisma, talent and skills to be "discovered" as in Hollywood. Competition is fierce and connections are important. In addition, it is difficult to work in the Bollywood industry if you don't have Indian roots. Before you spend a lot of time and energy on becoming a Bollywood actress, honestly determine if you really think you have a chance.
    • While you are working yourself up you do need income. Many people who want to become a star have side jobs that they can earn money with until they are discovered. It is good to have something on hand if things don't go the way you want.

Part 3 of 3: Becoming a star

  1. Use any contacts you have in the Bollywood movie industry. Many of the most famous stars got off to a good start because they have parents who were already working in the industry. Just like in Hollywood, it is mainly about networking. Have you been invited to a party? Go. You never know who you might meet there for that much-needed helping hand.
    • That's why taking on every job is a step in the right direction, even if it's delivering the mail. You're around the right people and you can let them know who you are and your name. Even the smallest job can lead to great opportunities.
  2. Go to as many auditions as possible. The Bollywood industry is based in Mumbai. You can increase the chances of making it considerably if you live in Mumbai yourself, only then you can do a lot of auditions. You will see that you gain more confidence with each audition.
    • Remember, no audition is too small. Each role is an addition to your resume, or a video that you can add to your "showreel". The more involved, the sooner a casting agent will look at you and think, "She'll know what she's doing."
  3. Try to get bigger and bigger roles. Few actresses start out with a leading role. It takes every actress a lot of time and effort to prove that they have "something special". While working on your career, you should be able to get bigger and bigger roles. More and more people will recognize you, and that can lead to bigger and better possibilities.
    • Be patient - climbing the ladder takes time, and some people don't start to see results until many years. Keep holding on, keep believing in yourself, and do your best. You can't avoid getting rejected every now and then, but don't let that stop you. Hold on to your confidence.
  4. Concentrate on what makes you unique. Some actresses struggle their entire lives to adapt to whatever image the media or their manager thinks is right for them. They are trying to be something they are not. Instead, focus on what sets you apart from the rest. Find what makes you unique and take advantage of it - because no one else can. No one can do what you can, but everyone can try to be the same person.
    • If there is something that makes you different, use it to your advantage. Is your voice a bit different from "normal"? No, your vote is "distinctive"- all you need is the right role. And in that role you will be unforgettable.
  5. Handle the media well (and have a thick skin). As you begin to receive more and more positive attention, you will inevitably generate negative attention. You are now public property, so you would do well to pay attention to how you behave. There will be a lot of negativity coming your way and people who like to see you face down, but you should ignore all of that. You also have fans on your side. Concentrate on the positive; don't get stuck in the negative. Ultimately, that is of no use to you.
    • A star must behave responsibly. You are a role model for people all over the world, and especially children. Always come out in a good mood and act responsibly.
  6. Enjoy stardom. All that hard work finally pays for itself. You make movies, you are a VIP and you are friends with other stars. What a life. Enjoy it, because not everyone is so lucky. Pay back people who helped you on your way up. They are also the ones who keep you on top!
    • Use your stardom to do positive things for your community. Which organizations do you care about? How can you help people who could use your help? You are not just a star, you are also an ambassador of global prosperity. Use the power you have to do good.