Dealing with excruciating pain

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Chronic Pain Has Taught Me About Resilience | Trung Ngo | TEDxCentennialCollegeToronto
Video: What Chronic Pain Has Taught Me About Resilience | Trung Ngo | TEDxCentennialCollegeToronto


Dealing with severe pain can be stressful and difficult. Sometimes pain can come on suddenly and unexpectedly, and in other cases pain is caused by a pre-existing condition or illness. Regardless of the cause of the pain and whether it occurs unexpectedly or not, there are ways that can help you when you are dealing with severe and excruciating pain. Focus on controlling your pain and trying to find the techniques that will work best for you.

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Part 1 of 3: Dealing with unexpected pain

  1. Stay calm. Experiencing pain is stressful, especially if you don't know what is causing the pain. Feelings of fear and panic can actually make the pain worse. Shortness of breath can lead to hyperventilation, a lack of oxygen in the blood and an increase in pain such as chest pain and muscle pain.
    • Don't try to focus on the pain. When you focus your thoughts and energy on the pain, you could make the pain worse. So try to relax and focus on other things. For example, consider the next steps you need to take to deal with the cause of the pain.
  2. Control your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths from your stomach or diaphragm instead of taking short, shallow breaths from your chest. This promotes the supply of oxygen in your blood and also helps reduce the intensity of the pain.
    • Controlled breathing techniques are known for their effectiveness in controlling severe pain. Breathing techniques have been used for years to make the pain of childbirth more bearable.
  3. Get into a comfortable position and try to relax. Pain may be reduced when you sit up, assume an upright position, or lie down. Try to adopt a position that reduces the pain so that you can focus on identifying the cause of the pain.
  4. Determine the cause of the pain. Unexpected pain, also called acute pain, is usually a warning sign. The pain warns you of imminent or real danger. Some examples of common causes of acute pain include: fractures, sprains or strains, minor abrasions, cuts or deeper cuts, muscle cramps, burns, or a tooth that has broken off.
    • Acute pain is considered nociceptive pain. The pain from stepping on a nail or touching a hot stove falls into the category of nociceptive pain.
  5. You should not ignore unexpected, excruciating pain. In some cases, the unexpected onset of severe pain may be the only warning you get that something is terribly wrong. For example, unexpected severe pain in the stomach area could indicate appendicitis, peritonitis or a ruptured ovarian cyst. Ignoring sudden pain can lead to serious, sometimes life-threatening results, if the need for prompt medical attention is not recognized.
  6. Take action to control the problem. Once you have identified the cause of the pain, take steps to correct it if possible. Acute pain gets better and can disappear completely once the problem causing the pain is resolved.
    • Taking action to control the cause of the pain may also include seeking medical attention. Medical professionals can help determine the cause of the pain and provide appropriate treatment when dealing with serious injury or permanent, unexplained pain.
    • Situations in which you experience acute pain can last for several minutes, but it can also happen that the pain lasts for months. Acute pain that is not addressed could result in long-term pain or even chronic pain.

Part 2 of 3: Learning to deal with chronic pain

  1. Try to control the pain. Dealing with pain requires the will to learn new techniques and you then need to practice and apply these techniques.
  2. Meditate. Meditation has been proven to be a powerful way to deal with pain issues. Learning to meditate requires instructions and a positive attitude to maintain. Research has shown that the intensity of pain can be reduced by 11% to 70% and by 20% to 93% for discomforts associated with pain.
  3. Think about food. Research has shown that focusing on your favorite foods can help relieve feelings of pain. Focusing on chocolate is a good example.
  4. Feel free to let yourself be distracted. Chronic pain demands your attention. But focusing on other things like watching a movie, having fun activities with friends and family, reading, or taking up a new hobby will keep you from thinking about the pain all the time. By simply focusing on other body parts, you shift your attention and you will therefore think less about the pain.
  5. Visualize that your pain diminishes. Try to imagine what your pain looks like, perhaps you can imagine joint inflammation, a pinched nerve in your neck or the fracture in your foot. Then imagine or visualize that the injury is healing, getting smaller, or less inflamed.
    • Allowing yourself to temporarily escape from reality is part of the visualization. Try to dream away and venture to a relaxing and restful place or a favorite past event.
  6. Stay positive. It is difficult to deal with chronic pain, as the pain is always present and can have a negative effect on your positive attitude. When you allow negative thoughts, constantly think about the pain, and increase your frustrations, you will most likely only aggravate the pain. Despite everything, try to stay positive and not imagine the worst.
    • Consider talking to a therapist or counselor if you find yourself in a spiral of negativity or depression as a result of your chronic pain.
  7. Try to relieve the pain with over-the-counter products. Medicines for relieving mild pain are available without a prescription. Products such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, and even some topical patches can provide some relief.
    • Beware of using over-the-counter medications. Do not exceed the recommended daily amount and read the package insert or package information to be aware of possible side effects. However, if you are on prescription painkillers, your doctor will likely advise you not to take over-the-counter medications because of the greater risk of complications. Consult your doctor before using over-the-counter medications with prescription medications.
  8. Immerse yourself in the condition you have. Gaining a better understanding of your condition can help you choose the techniques that best meet your needs.
    • Chronic pain can in some cases lead to neuropathic changes or nerve damage, which will make treatment difficult. When you have a better understanding of your condition, it may be easier to choose a technique that will provide some relief and prevent further injury.

Part 3 of 3: Knowing when to seek medical attention

  1. See a doctor if your pain changes suddenly or gets worse. Treatments may be available to treat the changes in your condition. Treating the pain should focus on identifying and treating the underlying cause at all times before relieving symptoms.
    • If you have not yet seen a doctor because of the pain, and the pain is persistent, you should seek medical attention.
  2. Take prescription painkillers. These painkillers are more powerful than over-the-counter medications and are available in both oral dosage forms and topical products. Such products often contain controlled substances that can be addictive, such as opiates. There are also prescription drugs available that are free of opiates, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and tramadol.
    • Older antidepressants called tricyclic antidepressants, some anti-seizure drugs, and muscle relaxants are often prescribed to help manage chronic pain. These agents work in different ways to control pain signals sent to and from the brain and to relax muscle tissue around the painful areas.
    • There are also patches that are only available on prescription. Some should be applied directly to the painful area, such patches usually contain active ingredients such as lidocaine, and some can be applied anywhere the medication can be absorbed into the blood, such as patches containing fentanyl.
  3. Consider a medical procedure. In addition to prescription drugs, there are many procedures designed to treat pain. Physical therapy, nerve blocks, topical anesthetics, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, or even surgery can relieve pain.
    • The symptoms of chronic pain can sometimes be treated with injections resulting in a nerve block, which is an outpatient treatment. Inform the doctor if you are allergic to contrast dyes normally used during these procedures.
    • Depending on the injection site, you should be aware of common side effects, such as temporary numbness and pain around the injection site. Some procedures can result in drooping eyelids, a temporary stuffy nose, and temporary difficulty swallowing.
  4. Ask your doctor about a TENS device. For some forms of chronic pain, stimulating the nerves in the area can help reduce painful symptoms. A TENS device, or Transcutaneous Electrical Neuro Stimulation Device, consists of small, self-adhesive electrodes that are stuck to the skin around the painful area. The device is switched on and off manually by the patient.
  5. Recognize the warning signs specific to your condition. Chronic pain occurs in any age group, can affect any part of the body and includes hundreds of illnesses. Make sure to keep in touch with your doctor. If symptoms seem to be getting worse, follow your doctor's advice.


  • Curse. This may sound strange, but research has shown that swearing elicits an emotional response that distracts you from the pain.
  • Consider getting more exercise. Choose a physical activity that is safe for someone with your condition. Think for example of yoga or qigong.
  • Stop using any technique or exercise if the pain seems to be getting worse.
  • Always consult your doctor if you plan to add anything new to your treatment.