Dealing with too short a hairstyle

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
What to do when your hairdresser cuts your hair TOO SHORT! ✂️
Video: What to do when your hairdresser cuts your hair TOO SHORT! ✂️


We've all been there: you go to the hairdresser for a haircut and leave with the question of what happened to your once beautiful hair. Dealing with hair that is too short is no fun, but with the right attitude, you can take the positive out of the situation and even have fun with your new, shorter hair. In the meantime, take good care of your hair so that it grows back as quickly as possible.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Get used to your new look

  1. Try not to panic. It can be upsetting to see yourself with short hair when you are used to keeping it long. Whether something went wrong communicating with the hairdresser or you just don't like the style you asked for, it's hard to accept that the long hair you just had is now gone. Still, there are things you can do to really like, and maybe even love, your new style.
    • Remember that your hair will grow back slowly but surely, so if you really hate your new style, it's only a temporary problem.
    • Try to enjoy your new hair care routine; with shorter hair you will spend less time on it.
  2. Wonder if a second haircut is needed to make your hair look better. If the hairdresser made a mess, it might be better to go to someone else to fix it. Short hairstyles can be really beautiful and stylish, and there is no reason to walk around feeling like your hair looks awful.
    • You may need to go a little shorter to get a style that looks good, so keep this in mind. Tell your second hairdresser you want a better shape, but still want to keep as much length as possible.
  3. Realize that short hair can be beautiful too. Long hair can be beautiful, but so can short hair. Take this opportunity to see how versatile your hairstyle can be. Short hair makes eyes look bigger and drapes around the face in a striking way. You may even find this style more beautiful than your previous long style.
  4. Don't use caps and scarves to hide behind. It's okay to hide your hair for the first few days while you get used to your new short-haired style. But if you're not someone who usually wears hats and now suddenly wear them every day, people are going to think you have something that you're trying to hide. It is therefore better to just try to get used to your hair and stop hiding it. You will start to feel better and look more confident.
  5. Decide to embrace your look! Once you get used to your new hairstyle it is time to leave it on you. Include it as part of your entire style, and wear your new hair with pride instead of shame. Decide to act like this is the style you've always wanted.
    • If someone compliments you, don't say, "Ugh, it's way too short." Instead, say, "Thank you!" I wanted to try something different. "

Method 2 of 3: Try out nice short hairstyles

  1. Look for photos of celebrities with the same hair length as you for inspiration. Short hair is in fashion and there are many examples of stylish celebrities wearing shorter lengths of hair. Search online for photos of these celebrities with short hair and watch them style it. You will find that short hair can look beautiful when smoothed back or tousled, as well as when styled in many other ways. Here are some popular celebrities who wear short hair very nicely:
    • Jennifer Lawrence
    • Rihanna
    • Beyoncé
    • Emma Watson
    • Jennifer Hudson
    • Demi Lovato
  2. Use hair gel and other products to keep your hair in check. Gel, mousse, pomade and other products can help you do things with your hair that you could never have done with long hair. Putting these products in long hair would have made hair look heavy. Because short hair carries less weight, it can be made nicely pointy and tousled.
    • Apply gel to hair while still damp after showering with a comb for a smooth, shiny look.
    • Rub a little pomade between your hands and comb it loosely into your hair for a fun tousled look.
  3. Try a bun for shorter hair. If your hair is still long enough to put in a ponytail, you can make it into a bun; this gives the impression that your hair is still quite long. Bring your hair together on top of your head and secure with a hair band. Then follow these steps:
    • Divide the tail in half.
    • Turn one of the parts down and secure it with hairpins next to the hairband.
    • Turn the other part up and secure the ends with hairpins as close to the hairband as you can.
    • Use hairspray to hold the style in place.
  4. Wear wigs. To feel like someone with long hair again, there is no faster solution than wearing a wig. Choose a wig that is your desired length and wear it, if you wish, until your hair has grown out again. Wigs are also easier to wear with short hair, so take advantage of that and have some fun with it!

Method 3 of 3: Make the hair grow faster

  1. Do not use styling appliances with damaging heat every day. Using a hair dryer, straightener or curling iron will damage the hair, make it weak and brittle. When this happens, the outgrowth process can take forever. Keep your hair healthy by not using heat on it except with certain styles for special occasions.
  2. Avoid extensions and other styles that will pull on your short hair. If you are interested in extensions, be very careful when choosing which kind. Extensions are harsh on the hair and when applied incorrectly can lead to damage and hair loss. Some say none of the extensions are good for the hair, but if you want to get them, make sure they are applied by someone who knows what he or she is doing.
    • Glue-on extensions are known to damage hair as the glue bonds to the existing hair.
    • Sewn extensions can be less damaging, but can still be bad for the hair if the extensions are very heavy and pull.
  3. Stick to a healthy hair care routine. The way you take care of your hair every day can make a big difference in growing out. You'll want to make sure your hair is as healthy as possible so that it grows out long and strong again. You can do this for this:
    • Was not it each day; this dries out the hair. Use shampoo on your hair two to three times a week at most.
    • Gently dry it with a towel instead of a hair dryer.
    • Comb the hair with a wide comb instead of a brush.
    • Do not color or bleach your hair; this causes damage.
  4. Follow a healthy diet that supports hair growth. By taking in a lot of protein and omega-3 fats, your hair will remain cared for. While eating healthy may not make hair grow faster, it does help hair grow healthy and strong. This is what you will want to eat:
    • Salmon, tuna and other fish with omega-3 fatty acids
    • Avocados, nuts, olive oil and other foods with healthy fats
    • Chicken, beef, pork and other protein sources
    • Lots of fresh green leaves and other vegetables that keep the body healthy with the vitamins it needs for hair and skin


  • Keep smiling. Your hair won't always stay that way. The way you radiate yourself makes a world of difference!
  • Go to a hairdresser (not the one who cut your hair too short, of course) and ask them what you can do while you wait for your hair to grow back. He or she can even cut your hair to make it look better, or correct the first cut if it is cut unevenly.
  • Ask your family and friends what they think of your hair. Ask them, "Is there anything I can do to make it look better?"
  • Try to speed up the growth process. Massaging your scalp 2-3 times a day for 2-5 minutes can improve blood flow and stimulate hair growth. But be careful; this can also make your scalp very oily, as massaging also stimulates the natural oils in the skin and hair.
  • Don't worry, your hair shall to grow!!
  • Don't worry about what others think; it's your hair, not theirs.