Ways to Plant Roses

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Roses - This Is What Professionals Do!
Video: How To Grow Roses - This Is What Professionals Do!


Do you want to become a rose growing expert? Roses, the symbol of love and beauty, have been popularly planted in gardens for thousands of years. In order to grow beautiful roses, it is important to choose varieties that do well in your geographic area and to take measures to keep them healthy from season to season.


Method 1 of 4: Planting Preparation

  1. Choose a rose variety. Did you know that there are 13,000 varieties of roses? Some varieties of rose thrive in certain areas than others.When you choose which roses to plant, spend some time researching the specific features of your growing area, then finding roses with the right trait. Pay attention to their shape, size, and color when choosing a variety of flowers to plant. Commissions are classified as follows:
    • Hybrid black tea is a rose with beautiful shape, many colors often appear in the bouquets of flower shops.
    • Floribunda roses are the most colorful rose variety of all. Each bush has many flowers, not just a single flower.
    • Grandiflora roses are the middle type between hybrid red tea and Floribunda persimmon, they grow quite tall with several inflorescences on one stem.
    • The climbing roses can curl to grow like vines along the fence and wall.
    • The soot rose is very small and has many branches, perfect for potting.
    • Bush roses and landscape roses are two species that are quite sturdy, resistant to pests and diseases. They come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes.
    • Tree roses are long-stemmed persimmons that make them look like a tree. They need a little more care than some other roses.

  2. Buy persimmons that have bare roots or are potted. Once you have selected the rose you want to grow, decide what form you want to buy it in. Bare roots are those whose roots are planted directly into the ground. You can also buy persimmons that have been grown in small pots, and transplant them into another pot or ground. Any of the above can be purchased in the nursery. The rare rose varieties can be found online.
    • Bare-rooted persimmons should be planted in early spring, giving them time to take root before sprouting a few weeks later when the weather warms.
    • The potted persimmon plant can be left indoors during the winter, and then brought out when spring comes.

  3. Buy garden tools. In addition to a bare-root or pot plant, you'll need a few other tools to start growing flowers. Visit your local nursery or check out online retailers to purchase the following items:
    • Pruning scissors. Pruning roses keeps them healthy, promotes flowering, and keeps them in good shape. Scissors are essential tools for growing persimmons. Buy shears with curved edges and large pruning scissors.
    • Garden gloves. Protect yourself from spikes with thick gloves.
    • Fertilizer. Persimmon need to be fertilized several times a season. You can buy a fertilizer specifically for persimmons, but this is not strictly necessary.
    • Humus. Putting humus on the stump can help repel pests and provide more nutrients to the plant. Get wood chips, pine needles, peat, or another humus suitable for your area.
    • Organic fertilizers or persimmon planters. Mixing it with the soil when you plant the flowers will help them grow.
    • Shovel and hoe. You will need them to dig holes when planting flowers.

Method 2 of 4: Planting roses

  1. Choose a flower pot. You will need a sun bath for at least six hours a day. Choose a flower pot that doesn't have too many roots or branches of other plants. The soil should be loose and porous and have good drainage; If your soil has a lot of clay, loosen it and add some limestone before planting.
    • Persimmon grows best when the soil has a pH between 6.3-6.8.
    • To determine if the planting area has good drainage, walk around the area after a heavy rain. If the soil is wet, but not submerged, this is a good place to grow. If you see large puddles or mud piles, you need to find somewhere else or renovate this area to make it more suitable for growing flowers.
  2. Water the plants to prepare them for planting. If you are planting bare-root plants, soak them in a bucket of water for a few hours before planting. If you have a potted plant, water it thoroughly before preparing your bed.
  3. Dig a large hole. You will need to dig each hole for one flower bush you will plant. Use a garden hoe or shovel to dig a hole 45.7 cm wide and 45.7 cm deep. This size doesn't need to be exact, but the wide and deep pit will be suitable for most varieties of persimmon. Mix the soil you just dug with the compost, and use a little bit of dirt in the bottom of the pit. Add a little more fertilizer.
    • If you are planting more than one bush, allow a few tens of centimeters between the bushes, so the roots have room to grow and grow.
  4. Grow flower. Place the flower plant on top of the mound. Use a shovel to fill the hole with soil. The bud should be about 5.1 cm below the ground. If you live in colder climates, you may need to plant deeper plants to protect them from low temperatures.
    • If you are buying potted plants, loosen the soil around the roots to expose the roots before planting them in the hole.
    • Tighten soil around plant roots; Press manually to remove the air bags.
  5. Sprinklers. Thoroughly watering the area you just planted will help to compact the soil around the roots, stabilizing the plant. Make sure to fully water the plant right after planting.
  6. Add mulch to the rose beds. Pour humus over the area where you just planted persimmons. If you are only growing one flower bush in a pot, sprinkle mulch around the base of the plant. It will keep the temperature stable and protect the rose plant during the early stages of growth. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Take Care of Roses

  1. Water the flowers often in the summer. Roses need a lot of water to grow healthy. Don't let the soil dry out; When you see a tree catching a lot of bushes, flush it hard. For plants that are already well established, and depending on your branding, you will need to do this once a week.
  2. Fertilize the flowers. After the plants have grown firmly, they should be fertilized several times each growing season. Use fertilizer (liquid or granular) in early spring, when you see the first new leaves emerging. Fertilize again after the first flowering, and again if flowering continues. Stop fertilizing at the end of summer.
    • Some fertilizers break down slowly, so don't fertilize them as often.
    • Don't over-fertilize the plant; This can give rise to pests and diseases.
  3. Prune the tree. Pruning makes the plant beautiful and healthy. The purpose of pruning is to clear dense and dense areas of foliage to give the plant a chance to thrive, helping to prevent rot and pests. Pruning strategy differs depending on the season, but the cut is always the same: cut just above the bud's eye, where the branch is formed. They look like small round nodules and are usually located on a mature foliage. Cut the skewers down to look out of the bud's eyes.
    • It is difficult to over-prune the rosebush because new branch growth is always the next eye. Take note that when you choose which bud eyes to cut, it will affect your rose bush shape. Remember that the bottom line is pruning in the direction of expanding the bush to allow air circulation.
    • In late winter or early spring, cut off any dead branches. Cut off the rhizomes, also known as suckling shoots, which are the small branches of the main plant that absorb all the plant's nutrients. Leave about 8 branches, cut off 1/3 of their height. This will promote healthy growth when the weather warms up.
    • In the summer, cut off withered flowers, those are dead flowers. This stimulates new flowering plants.

Method 4 of 4: Protect Flowers from Weather and Disease

  1. Protect flowers in winter. The tall persimmon trees can be ravaged by strong winds and winter frosts. Prune the branch to 0.6 m. Tie them together with braids to help protect them from inclement weather. Pile the compost around the stump, then cover it with straw. When the weather warms above 51 degrees, remove compost.
  2. Spray aphids and red spiders with water. These aphids are quite common in most varieties of persimmon. Using water is the most effective way to remove them from the plant. Use the hose to spray them out of the tree when you see them in the tree. Adequate watering also helps reduce pests and diseases.
    • Use pesticides in moderation. They can damage roses and other plants in your garden, and kill any really beneficial insects for the plant.
    • Get rid of fading and curled leaves.
    • If bed bugs continue to be a problem, try mixing dishwashing liquid with water and spraying on leaves with aphids once a week.
    • You can buy a natural pesticide rosemary oil to spray on the leaves; This prevents bed bugs and does not harm beneficial insects.
  3. Protect your roses from black spot and white powder disease. The selection of persimmon varieties that are resistant to common diseases, such as knockout roses, is the best way. You can also protect the flowers by using a fungicide at the beginning of the season. Visit your local nursery to inquire about how to best protect your plants from these diseases. advertisement


  • A good watering system is important for any garden and especially for roses, which can be sensitive when watering from above.
  • Pin the flower bushes when the plant is firmly established to create beautiful bouquets of flowers for your home.
  • If you want, you can mix a little more lemonade in the water for sunny days.