Dealing with being alone

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
To Anyone Feeling Lonely
Video: To Anyone Feeling Lonely


Not everyone likes to be alone, but spending time without others around you is not only a great way to relax, but you can also work on yourself and solve problems. If you're having a hard time spending time on your own, it's wise to figure out how to make the most of the time so that you can enjoy it more. While spending time alone can be healthy, remember that being alone for too long can lead to loneliness. It is therefore important to seek help if you are dealing with feelings of depression or if you are experiencing feelings of anxiety about being alone.

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Method 1 of 2: Make the most of times when you are alone

  1. Make a plan to spend time with yourself. Sometimes it is necessary to spend time alone because plans have failed or simply nothing is going on, but you would be wise to consciously spend time alone every now and then. Try to set aside about 30 minutes a day for yourself so that you can do something you want to do. It probably feels a bit strange at first to set aside time for yourself, but over time this will become a habit and you may even look forward to it.
    • Try to set aside a specific time each day when you spend time alone. For example, you can choose to spend the time alone every afternoon between 5:30 PM and 6:00 PM.
    • Decide in advance what you want to do during these 30 minutes that you will spend alone. If you're not sure what to do during that half hour, you could start with something simple, like taking a walk around the neighborhood or visiting a coffee shop to read a book.
  2. Choose activities that you will enjoy during the times when you are alone. To make time for yourself more enjoyable, you could plan an activity you want to do. The moments you spend alone are ideal times when you can throw yourself into your hobbies and get to know yourself better. It is therefore wise to think carefully about what you want to do during the times of the day when you are alone.
    • Try to take up a new hobby, such as sports or crafts, something you have always wanted to do. Some examples of sports that you can do on your own are: running, cycling, skateboarding, swimming and dancing. Hobbies include knitting, baking, sewing, building model airplanes, writing, reading and scrapbooks.
    • Consider spending your time alone working on a project that will take some time to complete, such as knitting a garment or learning to skateboard. This way you can spend the time on your project during all the times when you are alone. It will give you a feeling of satisfaction when you have successfully completed the project.
  3. Take care of yourself. It may be difficult to pamper yourself when you have a lot of other people around you, but the times when you are alone give you the opportunity to pamper yourself and this will also give you an insight into your other personal needs. Try to spend the time you spend alone doing things you want to do for yourself.
    • For example, you can spend your time on personal care, such as taking a bath, styling your hair or giving yourself a manicure.
  4. Learn something new about yourself. When you are alone, you can focus better on the things you want to do without being disturbed or distracted by other people. Use the times when you are alone to get to know yourself better.
    • For example, you could keep a diary of your thoughts and feelings that you experience during the times when you are alone. Other options include listening to a new genre of music, trying a new hobby, or establishing a specific goal you want to achieve.
  5. Use the times when you are alone to relax. Constantly spending your time in front of others can create a feeling of stress and drain a lot of energy. When you spend some time each day alone, you give your body and mind a chance to recharge.
    • To relax yourself during the time when you are alone, you could try meditation, yoga, tai chi, or deep breathing exercises.
  6. Try to solve a problem you are facing. When you are around others, you may not have enough concentration to solve a difficult problem. You can use the moments when you are alone to think deeply and to create solutions to problems. Try to use your time usefully by, for example, taking a seat and then coming up with a solution to a problem that you have been struggling with for a long time.
    • For example, you are struggling with a difficult, personal problem that you will have to think about carefully. Another example is that in the short term you will be dealing with a challenging school or work project that requires your full concentration.

Method 2 of 2: Make time for yourself

  1. Seek out people when you need to talk instead of using social media. You may tend to turn to social media when you feel lonely, but it is better to call someone or speak "face to face" with someone when you need social interaction. While social media may seem like a great substitute for human interaction, it can reinforce your sense of loneliness.
    • If you need someone to talk to, call a friend or go somewhere where you can talk to people.
  2. Watch television, but do this in moderation. If you find it difficult to get out and make friends, you may be able to find substitutes for human interactions, such as watching television. However, watching television when you feel lonely, instead of spending time with other people, can reinforce the lonely feeling.
    • Try to limit the time you spend in front of television to one or two hours a day and don't use this as a substitute for interactions with other people.
  3. Limit your alcohol consumption when you are alone. Drinking an alcoholic drink every now and then when alone isn't a problem, but using alcohol to make loneliness more bearable can cause serious problems for you. Alcohol and other substances should not be necessary to make the times when you are alone more bearable.
    • If you are trying to make your loneliness more bearable with the help of alcohol (or drugs), you should seek professional help.
  4. Learn to recognize the difference between being alone and feeling alone. Being alone and feeling alone are two different things. Being alone means that there is no one around you, but feeling alone means that you feel sad and / or anxious because you need interactions with other people.
    • You need to feel content and at ease when you are alone. When you are lonely, you may feel depressed, hopeless, or an outsider.
    • If you feel lonely because you spend too much time alone, you may want to discuss your situation and feelings with a therapist.
  5. Remember, the fear of being alone is normal. It may help you somewhat when you realize that it is normal to be a little afraid of times when you are alone. People crave contact and interaction with others, so spending time alone isn't always a fun prospect. For this reason, it is important to find a balance between being alone and the search for right interactions with others.
    • Remind yourself that it is normal to be a little afraid of the times when you are alone, but it is not healthy to ignore this fear over and over again. If you feel that you are dealing with extreme feelings of fear when alone, talk to a therapist to develop ways to overcome the fear.
  6. Form healthy relationships with others and let go of unhealthy relationships. While it is important to maintain your relationships with others, let go of any relationships that are unhealthy or make you unhappy. Some people stick to unhealthy relationships for fear of being left alone, but this can be more harmful than beneficial.
    • If you are unhappy in your relationship but are afraid of ending the relationship because you don't want to be alone, talk to someone who can help you. Meet with a trusted friend, spiritual leader, or counselor to discuss your situation.
    • Make sure you maintain and further expand your support network. Part of dealing with being alone is having a network of friends and family members that you can turn to for support.Find ways to make new friends and maintain the ties you have with your current friends. For example, you can make new friends by registering at a gym. You can maintain friendships by drinking coffee together or joining a group with similar interests in your area.


  • Consider starting a new book or taking a course online so you have something to watch out for when you're alone.