Paint eyes

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Anatomy Quick Tips: Eyes
Video: Anatomy Quick Tips: Eyes


Have you always wanted to know how artists paint eyes so realistically? Here's a tutorial to teach you how to paint realistic eyes.

To step

  1. Image titled Eyes1_873’ src= Paint a flesh or skin color. You will use this color as the basis for the rest of your painting.
  2. Image titled Eyes2_864’ src= Paint two ovals in a light color, for example: light gray, light blue or light pink. The "white" in the eyes is never really white in color.
  3. Image titled Eyes3_137’ src= Paint the iris in the desired eye color, in this example blue is used. Add dark and lighter shades of the color to create a living eye.
    • Shade the eye in the painting where the light is in the rest of the painting.
    • Paint a thin line around the inside of the iris and use a dry brush to draw small "spokes" or lines to the inside in the center.
    • Blacken the pupils, search reference photos for more examples.
    • Add eye twinkles, this is where the light reflects off the surface of the eye.
    • In the corners of the eyes, add a pink tone and add some white, and as you go you can add some nerves running over the eye. Use little paint and make sure the nerves blend well with the background.
  4. Image titled Eyes4_945’ src= Paint the eyelids. Add depth by painting shadow and different shades. To paint eyelashes you can paint with a dark color around the oval. Blend the color with the skin tone. If you want to create more realistic eyelashes you will need a small brush and paint the eyelashes one by one.


  • Search behind reference photos.
  • Practice a lot, you cannot paint perfect eyes right away.