Don't be hungry all the time

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Â̷̮̅̃d̶͖͊̔̔̃̈́̊̈́͗̕u̷̧͕̱̹͍̫̖̼̫̒̕͜l̴̦̽̾̃̌̋͋ṱ̵̩̦͎͐͝ S̷̩̝̜̓w̶̨̛͚͕͈̣̺̦̭̝̍̓̄̒̒́͘͜͠ȉ̷m: Special Broadcast
Video: Â̷̮̅̃d̶͖͊̔̔̃̈́̊̈́͗̕u̷̧͕̱̹͍̫̖̼̫̒̕͜l̴̦̽̾̃̌̋͋ṱ̵̩̦͎͐͝ S̷̩̝̜̓w̶̨̛͚͕͈̣̺̦̭̝̍̓̄̒̒́͘͜͠ȉ̷m: Special Broadcast


It can be quite frustrating when you feel like you are eating all the time but still feel hungry despite that. There are several factors that can lead to this persistent feeling of hunger. Some examples of such factors include eating the wrong foods, underlying health problems, and confusing emotional hunger with physical hunger. Addressing the root cause of the feeling of hunger can help you overcome the unwanted feeling and lead to a healthier lifestyle.

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Part 1 of 3: Eat the right foods

  1. Eat a balanced diet. You may feel hungry if you don't get the nutrients your body demands. Make sure that you choose enough products every day from each section of the Wheel of Five. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains every day, as well as a moderate amount of healthy oils and fats.
    • A balanced breakfast can consist of half a cup of whole grain oatmeal with a little honey, a cup of fresh strawberries and half a cup of cottage cheese.
    • A healthy lunch can include a dark mixed lettuce salad with dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and small cubes of cheese such as feta or goat cheese.You could make your own or add a dressing that is low in calories. Don't like salads? Then make a tasty wrap! Add the lettuce, cranberries and sunflower seeds to a pita bread or a whole grain tortilla wrap. You could also add lean meat, such as turkey, to the wrap and then top it all with a small amount of dressing.
    • A balanced dinner can consist of 110 grams of meat or fish, two vegetables and a whole grain product. For example, you could eat grilled salmon, wild rice, roasted or steamed broccoli, and roasted pumpkin.
  2. Eat foods rich in volume. Foods that contain a lot of air or water have a greater volume. Such foods make you feel full more quickly and make you feel like you have eaten more. This can come in handy if you are feeling hungry. These are some examples of higher volume foods:
    • Legumes
    • soup
    • Vegetables
    • popcorn
    • Fresh fruit
    • Whole grain cereal products
  3. Eat a salad before starting a meal. Lettuce contains a lot of water, so eating a salad with a light dressing before a meal can help you feel full more quickly, which will make you feel less hungry after a meal.
    • A salad doesn't have to be complicated to taste good. Make a salad consisting of mixed lettuce with a few cherry tomatoes and a lemon juice and olive oil dressing.
    • However, if you are in an ambitious or creative mood, you could also add fruits or vegetables to your salad. You can make a salad with fresh blueberries or strawberries with paprika or marinated beets.
  4. Eat healthy snacks. Eating energy-rich snacks such as fruit or nuts will help you feel less hungry between meals. Nuts in particular are ideal as a snack, as the healthy fat and protein content is digested slowly. This gives you more energy from nuts than from unhealthy and sweet snacks.
  5. Take a sip of water after every bite. Sometimes, drinking more water can make you eat less. Drinking enough water before meals and taking sips of water with meals will make you feel full faster without overeating.
    • If you want to drink something other than water, try other low-calorie drinks instead of water. You could occasionally replace regular tap water with club soda.
    • Drinking green tea is also a good option if you want to drink something other than water. Green tea also acts as an antioxidant, which can contribute to weight loss.
  6. Avoid junk food. Junk food, processed food rich in fat, salt and sugar, makes you feel hungry when you eat it. Such foods are designed to stimulate your taste buds and could even lead to addiction and overeating.
    • High-fat foods trigger a chemical reaction in your brain that causes you to eat more, even when you're probably not hungry anymore.
    • When foods are over-processed, all nutrients are gone. Your body needs nutrients rich in nutrients to function properly. When you eat foods that have been over-processed, a signal will be sent that you are hungry even after you have just eaten a 1000-calorie meal or snack.
    • Eating salty foods can lead to a high craving for sweet foods, which can eventually lead to you eating twice as many snacks as you need.

Part 2 of 3: Avoid emotional eating

  1. Distinguish between emotional and physical hunger. This may come as a surprise, but emotional hunger can easily manifest itself as physical hunger. When you are able to distinguish between the two, this knowledge can help you make the right food choices. The two types of hunger are distinguished from each other in the following ways:
    • Physical hunger builds up slowly, while emotional hunger pops up out of nowhere and immediately.
    • With physical hunger you do not crave specific foods, while with emotional hunger you can. You may experience an intense craving for specific foods or foods.
    • Emotional hunger can be caused by boredom, while this is not possible with physical hunger. Try to engage in other activities. When the feeling of hunger disappears, there was emotional hunger. However, if the feeling persists, there may be physical hunger.
  2. Try to reduce cravings for specific foods. Sometimes the craving for specific foods can feel overwhelming. It's okay in itself to respond to such a desire; you simply have to recognize that the desire is most likely emotional and has nothing to do with actual hunger.
    • Enjoy a little bit of what you long for. Are you really looking forward to French fries? Then order the smallest portion and eat it slowly. Fancy some chocolate? Then grab a few pieces of dark chocolate and then eat it, taking a sip of coffee or tea after each bite.
    • Replace similar foods. Are you craving salty chips? Then try replacing the salty chips with salted nuts. These nuts will satisfy your cravings for salt and also contain proteins and healthy fats that will keep you feeling full for longer. This can reduce your desire to snack at a later time. Fancy fried chicken? Then try breading and reheating the chicken in the oven, as it has a similar texture to fried chicken. More in the mood for something sweet? Then go for fresh, seasonal fruit.
  3. Postpone eating. If the feeling of snacking begins to develop, try delaying snacking for a while. Here are some tricks that can help you suppress the feeling of hunger until your next meal:
    • Smell fruit. Smelling an apple or banana can temporarily suppress your hunger.
    • Look at the color blue. The color blue has an appetite suppressant effect, while red, orange and yellow stimulate appetite. Surround yourself in the color blue as you try to adjust to your new eating schedule.
    • Take a walk. If you feel like snacking, try going for a brisk 15-minute walk, preferably outdoors. This can distract you from the desire to snack and you will also benefit from exercise.
  4. Reduce your stress level. Increased stress causes your body to produce more cortisol, which causes a feeling of hunger. Reducing your stress level can reduce the amount of cortisol, which will make you feel less hungry. These are some suggestions for reducing stress:
    • Listen to music. Many people experience that music has a therapeutic effect. Create a stress-free playlist and take a mental break by listening to music regularly.
    • Try to laugh more. Laughter reduces stress and makes you happier. Next time you experience stress-related hunger, try calling a funny friend or watch a hilarious video of a baby or a cat (or whatever makes you laugh) on YouTube.
    • Meditate or pray. You can reduce your stress level when you engage your spiritual side by meditating or praying. Set aside some time each day so that at that moment you can be alone and peacefully with your thoughts.
    • Get plenty of exercise. Getting plenty of exercise can lower your stress level and help combat hunger that comes from boredom. Even a 30 minute walk a day can make a huge difference to your emotional and physical health.
  5. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is good for both your mental and physical health. It can reduce the feelings of stress you experience, help you cope better with increased stress levels, and help you stay healthy. Most adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

Part 3 of 3: Recognizing medical conditions

  1. Avoid hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia means that the blood sugar level is too low and can make you feel hungry. It can also cause you to shake or feel dizzy. You can test your blood glucose with a finger prick or you can counteract the effects of hypoglycemia with changes in your diet.
    • Eat small meals regularly.
    • Avoid sugary foods. While the words “low blood sugar” may make you think you should eat more sugar, the solution is not to eat foods rich in sugar. Instead, you should choose foods that will keep you feeling full for longer.
  2. Get tested for diabetes. If you are always hungry, you may have type 2 diabetes. This condition results from your cells' inability to use insulin to extract sugar from nutrients and allow it into your bloodstream.
    • Because your body is not supplied with the correct nutrients, a signal will be sent to your brain. With this signal, your body will ask for more nutrition.
  3. Get your thyroid tested. Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland, can also always make you feel hungry. The thyroid gland regulates your metabolism, or the speed at which your body processes food. A thyroid gland that works too fast processes food too quickly, with the result that your body needs more nutrition.
  4. Watch out for eating disorders. If you are constantly hungry because you are not getting the right nutrients, you may be suffering from an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. Even extreme dieting can indicate some form of anorexia. If you have low body weight, are unhappy with your body image and have trouble eating, or if you make yourself vomit after eating, seek psychological help from a professional immediately.