Eat like thin people

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What does Eating Like a Thin Person look like?
Video: What does Eating Like a Thin Person look like?


One way to lose weight successfully or to maintain a healthy weight is to choose a lifestyle that suits your goal. For example, by imitating all the slim people whose eating habits you know, you can lose weight faster, as long as those eating habits are healthy. Studies have shown that not all slim people eat the same way. People who have successfully managed to stay slim have often engaged in a certain way of eating. In addition, it seems that all slim people have a different view of food. This helps them to eat less compared to people who sometimes have problems maintaining their weight. Whether you're looking to lose some weight, maintain weight, or improve your overall health, adopting the eating habits of someone who is consistently slim can help you shed a few extra pounds.

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Part 1 of 2: Getting used to the eating habits of slim people

  1. Eat consciously. When it is dinner time, make sure that you are not distracted by anything. Studies have shown that people who were distracted while eating were less likely to feel full and ate more than people who were thinking about meals. People who have a healthy weight enjoy their meals and snacks to the fullest and ensure that they are exposed to as few distractions as possible while eating. Remember that lean people may be different.
    • Concentrate on every bite you take: What are the flavors? How does the texture feel? Is that what you have in your mouth hot or cold?
    • Chew your food well before swallowing it. Try putting your fork down between bites and try chewing each bite 20 to 30 times.
  2. Stop eating as soon as you feel full, but not completely full yet. Do not eat large portions too often and do not eat too often until you are completely full; instead, listen to what your body is telling you about the right amount of food you need. Some people learn to listen to their body on their own, while others need more practice and concentration.
    • Quitting once you're full can be tricky. Eating until we are "full" or have eaten a little too much is easy, but if you eat consciously and pay close attention, your body should give you a signal as soon as you are satisfied.
    • Saturation can feel different to everyone. Typical signs that you are full include: you are no longer hungry, you feel that you will not be hungry for the next 3 to 4 hours, or you are no longer interested in your food. You may be able to feel a little bit of the food's presence in your stomach. Often times, satiety is in fact it not have of a feeling.
    • If you feel full, you may have eaten too much. You can notice a full feeling: the feeling that your stomach is being stretched, bloated or just an unpleasant feeling. When you are full, you may think to yourself, "That was a few bites too much."
  3. Stop emotional eating. Another characteristic of people who stay slim, as opposed to people who are too thin, is that they generally don't suffer from emotional eating. Ask skinny people you know who suffer from bulimia about their experiences with emotional eating. People who have difficulty maintaining their weight often use food to control tension and other emotions.
    • Make a list of activities that can help you relieve stress and tension, calm down, or calm yourself, such as listening to music, taking a warm shower, reading a good book, or going for a walk.
    • Keeping a diary can also help you control emotional eating. Take the time to write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal a few times a week.
    • If emotional eating is a problem you regularly struggle with, consider making an appointment with a so-called life coach or life trainer, or a behavioral therapist for additional help.
  4. Don't skip meals. Thin people never skip meals. If you eat at regular times, your body is more likely to stick to your planned meals. Eating three meals a day and one or two healthy snacks can help you organize your eating habits and reduce the likelihood of snacking throughout the day. Remember, eating three full, balanced meals a day means you don't need snacks. Do not snack because it is time for a snack, but eat a snack when you are hungry. Eating for a healthy weight doesn't mean you should eat less or skip meals. It seems that there are no thin people, healthy or not, who eat less than they want. You need to eat regularly and healthily to maintain a healthy weight and metabolism.
    • Always have breakfast, just like any slim person on the planet does. You may think skipping meals will make you slimmer, but often the opposite is the case.
    • In addition, skipping meals slows down your metabolism, which ultimately causes you to store more of the calories you take in because your body was temporarily in "starvation" mode. By eating breakfast you start your metabolism, so that you will eat less during the rest of the day.
    • When it comes to the two snacks, it is best to opt for high-quality proteins (take a hard-boiled egg and an apple, for example) to keep your energy levels high.
  5. Exercise regularly. Exercising is not the same as eating, of course, but it has a lot to do with it, especially if you try to eat like someone who is slim. Skinny drug addicts, cancer patients, and people with anorexia are likely to get plenty of exercise, and so are those who suffer from parasites or are malnourished. Exercise can help you control your appetite and will also ensure that you burn the extra calories you take in sooner.
    • Studies have shown that people who are thin and can easily control their weight exercise more often than others.
    • Exercise can be anything you like: walking for half an hour, running, yoga, dancing, practicing an Eastern martial art, etc.
    • Also try to include more activities that are part of your lifestyle. This includes the things you do every day - walking to and from your car, taking the stairs at work, or mowing the lawn. Move and walk more during the day to make sure your body burns more calories.
    • Most importantly, get some exercise most of the days. Once you've incorporated that into your daily routine, it will pair well with your more mindful eating habits that will make you feel healthier and shed those excess pounds faster.

Part 2 of 2: Eat what slim people eat

  1. Eat enough protein. All slim people make sure they get enough protein. Proteins provide things like body tissue, your internal organs, your muscles, but also your immune system and your hormones. People who are naturally slim eat protein daily so that they feel fuller for longer during the day.
    • Try to eat more lean meat than fatty meat because lean proteins have fewer calories. All thin people eat lean meat unless they are vegetarian.
    • The best sources of lean protein are fish, poultry, eggs, and low-fat dairy products. You can also get protein from soy, nuts, legumes and whole grains.
    • Protein can make you feel less hungry again and feel more satisfied for a longer period of time than when you eat other foods. Protein can also help you control your appetite and the amount of calories you take in.
    • To calculate how much protein you should eat, you should assume 0.8 grams per kilo of body weight. In general, this amounts to 46 grams per day for women and 56 grams per day for men, but the exact amount also depends on your age, weight and how active you are.
  2. Eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables. Like thin people, try to get at least five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. People who have no difficulty in controlling their weight have a diet that consists largely of fruit and vegetables.
    • Eat relatively more vegetables and less fruit. That way, you're more likely to get all the nutrients you need to stay healthy, while getting fewer calories.
    • Fruits and vegetables are an important part of the diet for lean people. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They give volume to your meals and snacks and ensure that the meal makes you feel full.
    • Prefer to consume fruit and vegetables whole, and not in the form of juice. Juices do not provide the healthy fiber found in unprocessed fruits and vegetables eaten whole.
  3. Eat grains daily. Dieters often eat less carbohydrates or no carbohydrates at all, and especially avoid carbohydrates from grains, while people who have no weight problems have grains on the daily menu. They only opt for healthy grain products that are rich in nutrients.
    • Grains are a healthy food group that provides your body with a rich variety of vitamins, minerals and some fiber. Try to include an average of 150 to 180 grams of grains in your daily menu. The exact amount depends on your age, gender and how active you are.
    • One serving of grains is equivalent to one slice of bread, 1/2 Angled muffin or 30 grams of brown rice or whole wheat pasta.
    • It is also advisable to make sure that half of the grain products you choose are whole grain products. Whole grain products usually contain more fiber and other nutrients compared to refined grain products.
  4. Eat good fats every day. People who manage to maintain a healthy weight have no problems including a reasonable amount of healthy fats in their diet. Good fats help keep your cardiovascular system healthy and also ensure that you feel full for longer.
    • Consume Omega-3 fatty acids daily. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish such as salmon, trout, catfish and mackerel, as well as linseed and walnuts. It is recommended to eat fatty fish at least twice a week.
    • It is also important that you eat enough monounsaturated fats, which are found in olives, avocados, hazelnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and olive oil.
    • While on the one hand you should absolutely include certain fats in your menu, there are other fats that you should avoid as much as possible. The most unhealthy fats are trans fats and saturated fats. You should certainly not eat too much of it. Such fats can be found in fatty meat, fried dishes and in processed meats and other processed meats.
  5. Eat something tasty now and then. Eating like someone who is thin doesn't mean you have to worry excessively about the number of calories you take in or that you can never eat the things you like. People who have no problems with their weight eat healthy and that means that they also treat themselves to something tasty now and then.
    • Avoid labeling certain foods as "prohibited." That can cause you to become obsessed with those foods and eat too much of them when you get the chance.
    • By eating your favorite foods in a more conscious way, you will find that you enjoy them more that way. The chance that you immediately want to brag more of it is also smaller.
    • If you've ever eaten a slightly more high-calorie meal (for example, if you've been out to dinner or had a larger dessert), don't panic. You can compensate for eating that meal or snack by eating less at the rest of the meals of that day or by being extra fanatical at the gym.


  • Try not to eat your main meal just before going to bed. Instead, eat a smaller meal an hour or more before going to sleep so that when you wake up the next morning, you are hungry and have a good breakfast, which will keep you from overeating at lunchtime.
  • Your most important meal should be breakfast, followed by your lunch which should be a bit smaller, while you are supposed to have your smallest meal in the evening.
  • Ask your doctor for advice. This tip may not apply to everyone.
  • Don't skip meals!
  • Your overall goal should be a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, good fats and lean protein sources.
  • Pay close attention to what you eat and make sure you are getting enough nutrients and calories. Anorexia is a serious disease and you are not supposed to risk your health just to be as slim as possible.