Modern palmistry

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Is Palm Reading So Convincing?
Video: Why Is Palm Reading So Convincing?


Palm reading is a very old art. Most palm readers use the same techniques and insights about the hand that have been used for centuries. However, many modern readers see palm reading, from the lines to the mountains, as an opportunity to look at one's strengths and weaknesses and how to use them to guide the future, rather than a forecasting technique.

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Part 1 of 4: Preparing for reading

  1. Ask for the dominant hand. When reading the palm, the dominant hand is seen as the "active" hand. The other hand is considered the "passive" hand. Use the dominant hand for palm reading.
    • In palmistry, it is assumed that the passive hand indicates what you were born with (what your parents passed on).
    • The active hand, on the other hand, is supposed to show what you have done in your life so far.
  2. Find the big picture. The main lines are the center line, the main line and the lifeline. Some people also have a lottery ticket.
    • The heart line runs from the index and middle fingers to the edge of the palm. The heart line is usually horizontal when you look at your own palm with your fingers up, but it can be curved.
    • The main line is the horizontal line that runs below the center line.
    • The lifeline runs around the mouse of your hand, while if you have a fate line, it runs from the bottom of your palm up to the middle finger.
    • To see the lines better, try bending your hand a bit so you can see where the fold lines run.
  3. Look for the small lines. Some people also have other lines. These are smaller lines.
    • For example, some people have an intuition line that curves in from the center of the outside of the palm and then back out at the bottom of the palm.
    • Many people also have a bracelet line, where the hand meets the wrist.
    • Others have the Belt of Venus, which goes down from the top of the palm and then up again, all above the centerline.
    • A health line can run down from the base of the little finger to the bottom center of the base of the palm, while the child and relationship lines are small horizontal lines below the base of the little finger.
  4. Find the finger lines. Each finger also has its own name, which can give a name to folds. The index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is Apollo and the little finger is Mercury.
    • If someone has a ring under the folds on the bottom of each finger, it will be named after the finger, like Saturn's ring.
    • These names can also be given to lines that originate at the base of the finger, such as the Apollo line. It runs from the base of the ring finger down through the palm of the hand.

Part 2 of 4: Reading handlines

  1. View the centerline. As the name implies, this line is related to matters of the heart. It tells about your emotional life and relationships. Examine the length of the line, how it bends, and whether it is broken or crossed. For example, crossing the line or places where it is interrupted may mean that you have had periods of intense sadness.
    • If the line is straight and long, it means that you are happy in your love life. It also means that you give emotionally. "Lang" means that it starts under the index finger.
    • If it is long and curved, it means that you are emotionally open and, when that curvature points to the index finger, that you are particularly loving.
    • If the line is straight and short, it means that you are not so bound by romantic ideas. "Short" means it starts with your middle finger or further down your palm.
    • If it is short and curved, it means keeping your emotions close to you, preferring the company of a close-knit group of friends over that of a big party.
  2. Check your lifeline. Your lifeline is not about how long you are going to live. Rather, it indicates how you have taken care of yourself, or more specifically, whether you have not taken care of yourself.
    • If there are multiple interruptions along this line, it could be an indication that you need to take better care of yourself. In other words, you need to take more rest and take care of your emotional and physical needs.
    • A short line (that doesn't go all the way to the bottom of your palm) means you like to distract yourself when the going gets tough, while a longer line means you're someone everyone turns to for support.
  3. Take a look at the main line. The main line shows things related to your brain, such as your intelligence or the way you communicate. It can also show how best to learn.
    • Notice how the main and center lines interact. If they're squeezed together, it could mean you're a bit more reserved and cautious. The more apart these two lines are, the more adventurous you are.
    • If the line is straight it could mean you are more sober, while if it is curved you are more spontaneous.
    • If the line splits, it could mean that you can empathize with others better than most people.
  4. See if there is a fate line. Since not everyone has a fate line, it can be exciting to find one. It can tell you what your life is going to be like. For example, if it is often interrupted in some places, it means that you have or could have many career and life changes in your life.
  5. Examine the small lines. Not everyone has the small lines. If it does, it can indicate a number of things. Suppose a person has a Belt of Venus, it probably means that that person is very nervous and irritable, while the intuition line can indicate a person who is very in tune with other people's emotions.
    • You can actually have more than one relationship line that can say something about any close relationship, not just the one with a lover or mistress. If they are easy to see or especially long (beyond the little finger to the ring finger), it indicates someone who is capable of making an effort.
    • The rings of the fingers each have a different meaning. For example, the ring of Saturn (middle finger) is indicative of people who separate themselves from others, while the ring of Jupiter (index finger) can belong to a very intelligent person and the ring of Apollo (ring finger) can mean that this person feels blocked in a creative enterprise.

Part 3 of 4: Reading the mountains

  1. Look at the Venus mountain. The Venus mountain is basically your thumb pad or the mouse of your hand. When you have found your lifeline, it generally encloses your Venus mountain. However, it is the part that is close to the base of your thumb.
    • If it is higher than average, it means you enjoy life, including the arts and other good things in life.
    • If it is less visible than average or not present, it means that you are lonely or often going through difficult times.
    • If it's more eye-catching than average, it could mean you're a bit greedy in how you approach life.
  2. Check Jupiter's mountain. This mountain is the pillow just below the index finger and shows how confident you are, how well you have your life in order and how society sees you. Check how prominent it is in relation to other mountains on your hand.
    • If it is particularly developed, you are more likely to live an enchanting life, and you probably also enjoy the company of others very much. However, it can also go bad, as it can mean that you are aggressive and dominant.
    • If it's average, it means your job is to be a helper and do good in the world. It can also mean that you are smart and able to give direction to others.
    • If it's less than average, it means your self-esteem is under pressure.
  3. Look for Saturn's mountain. This is located under your middle finger. It indicates how responsible you are, how heavy the burden feels on your shoulders and whether you are looking for loneliness or not.
    • If it is particularly prominent, it could indicate that you are a little too pushy and that you don't trust others.
    • If it is average, it indicates that you are likeable and able to stand on your own two feet.
    • If it's low, it could mean you don't have much depth and don't take enough time for reflection.
  4. Check the mountain of Apollo. This mountain is under your ring finger. It is linked to happiness, genius and creativity.
    • If it's high, you may be (very) self-righteous, which can lead to lashing out at people. You enjoy making love to other people, and you may enjoy spending money on yourself and others.
    • If it's average, it could mean you're less aroused, independent, and have a lot of self-esteem. You love people too.
    • When it is low, it shows that you are less creative than other people, which can lead to indecision.
  5. Find the mountain of Mercury. This mountain is under your little finger. It can be an indication of wealth and whether someone is going abroad.
    • If it is below average, you are probably shy and unable to connect with many people, which could mean that you will not make as much money in your lifetime.
    • An average mountain can mean that you are a versatile person who can empathize with others. You find many things interesting.
    • A high mountain is typical of someone who is stingy and a bit too talkative.
  6. Find the mountain of the moon. It is located on the bottom of your hand, opposite the thumb. It can stand for creativity, but also for intuition.
    • If it's below average, you may still have a fair amount of imagination, but just don't share it with others.
    • If it's average, it means you are very imaginative without being overly silly.
    • If it is very high, it means that your creativity can blow a bit, and you have to be careful not to lose yourself.

Part 4 of 4: Completing the palm reading

  1. Read the hand as a whole. That is, it is important to look at all parts together, not just individual lines and mountains. Modern palm readers like to use the whole hand to figure out where a person is in life, and work with that information to complete the reading.
    • For example, a straight main line and a long lifeline can indicate that you are sober, which makes you so good in times of crisis.
  2. Combine palm reading with other types of reading. Many modern readers don't just read hands. For example, they combine it with reading the face or tarot cards. Learning other types of readings can help you get a sense of the person as a whole, which in turn gives you a better chance of helping the person with what is in store for him or her.
  3. Don't be afraid to bring in some psychology. Many modern palm readers use psychology to assist them in their readings. Since so much of modern palm reading is about what a person is and how they can use that in the future, having an active knowledge of psychology can help you understand how a person can get past a problem.
    • Suppose someone feels frustrated with a project and shows an Apollo ring, you can suggest ways to open that person up to creativity.
    • Since the ring of Apollo indicates a creative block, learning new ways to be creative can move the person forward - a solution that draws on psychology.
  4. Think about holistic healing. Like psychology, holistic healing techniques can also help you provide better solutions to the people whose hands you read. Modern readers often make use of these techniques.
    • Holistic healing means looking at the whole person and offering solutions that work for him or her. For example, you can look at how health can affect a person's mental state.
    • For example, suppose someone has a low mountain of Jupiter, which suggests that he or she does not have great self-esteem, then you could suggest a two-pronged approach to mind and body to strengthen self-esteem. For example, you might suggest a training program to improve the person's fitness and confidence building, along with a daily learning process to talk about or to themselves in positive terms so that they can build a better sense of self-esteem.