Growing miniature roses

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Miniature Roses Indoors
Video: How to Grow Miniature Roses Indoors


Miniature roses are an easy to grow, small variety of the popular plant. Instead of growing full-fledged roses, these roses can grow to an average height of 40 cm. Unfortunately, this species has little to no odor, but they are a wonderful addition to any garden. Miniature roses are common houseplants, but are best grown outdoors, where they receive plenty of sunlight. Plant them in your garden, water them every one or two days, and fertilize them every three weeks. You can grow miniature roses easily, in your garden or in pots!

To step

Part 1 of 5: Choosing your roses

  1. Grow miniature roses outdoors if you live in weather zones 4-11. To determine which weather zone, climate zone, you live in, search online for 'climate zone' and choose a website that offers a zone calculator. Enter a zip code and the calculator will give you a number and / or a letter, such as 6b. Miniature roses grow best in weather zones 4-11.
    • If you don't live in this weather zone, your roses may not grow well outdoors. Consider keeping them in your home in pots if you want to grow them anyway.
  2. Choose a type of miniature rose. Although usually given as gifts in small pots, miniature roses grow best in the garden. Different types of miniature roses can reach a height of 12,5-90 cm, depending on the variety. To choose a variety, search online for "miniature rose varieties" and review the options.
    • Make a decision based on color, height and width.
    • Popular types of miniature rose include Hakuun, Little Flirt, La White Pet, Mister Bluebird, Robin, and The Fairy.
    • If you want bigger roses, try strains like Arthur Bell, Eutin, Lilly Marlene and Orange Triumph.
    • If you want to grow the roses indoors, choose a variety that grows less tall.
  3. Buy your roses at a local garden or flower shop. Miniature roses are usually sold in small pots, regardless of whether they are for your own garden or as a gift. Find a store nearby by searching the Internet and choose a miniature rose from there. Choose your shrub on the basis of rose type, color and size. Choose one or more plants, depending on how many you want.
    • If you're looking for miniature roses in February or March, you can expect a waiting list. Miniature roses are very popular as gifts for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.

Part 2 of 5: Deciding where to plant

  1. Grow your roses outdoors for the best results. Miniature roses grow best outdoors as they need a lot of sunlight. For best results, place them in a greenhouse. Greenhouses encourage flowers to grow healthily and beautifully, because sunlight, temperature and humidity are optimized. If you don't have a greenhouse, grow the flowers in your garden or in raised window boxes.
    • For example, place them along the edge of your garden as a border, or border other flowers with a row of roses.
    • You can also place your miniature roses in pots outside in the garden.
  2. Grow roses in 20-25 cm pots for easy movement. It is best to use small pots with three or more drainage holes when planting roses. You can buy these at most household and garden stores. Take its own pot for each plant.
    • Choose a standing or hanging pot.
    • Use an appropriately sized pot according to the size of your plant's roots. Buy a pot that is 5-7.5 cm larger than the plant.
    • If your pot is too big, your roses may not want to grow. If your pot is too small, your roses will not have enough space.
  3. Choose a spot with at least six hours of sunlight per day. Roses generally require a lot of sunlight to produce healthy and beautiful flowers. Whether you plant them in your garden or in pots, make sure they are in a spot where they catch six hours or more of sunlight each day.
    • Make sure that the area is not shaded by large trees or other objects.

Part 3 of 5: Plant your roses outside

  1. Plant your roses in the spring or early summer, according to the instructions. Each variety has slightly different growing conditions. Check the instructions for the specific plant to determine the best time to plant your roses outside.
    • In most climates, May to June is the best time to grow miniature roses.
  2. Dig a hole 12 inches deep and about 10 inches wide. The hole should be large enough to hold all of your rose's roots. It is helpful to make the hole 5-7.5 cm wider than the plant itself, so that there is room for growth. To dig your hole, insert a garden tool or shovel into the soil and remove soil until it is about 12 inches deep.
    • The size of the hole can be a rough estimate.
  3. Put the roots in the hole. If roots are tangled, shake and untangle the extra soil. Then place the roots of the rose bush exactly in the center of the hole.
  4. Fill the rest of the hole with rose potting compost. For best results, buy rose potting compost from a garden center or supermarket. Rose potting soil is a type of well-draining soil that is used for the optimal health of the rose. Scoop up the soil with a garden shovel and throw it into the hole. Keep doing this until the hole is completely full.
  5. Cover the soil with a 5-10 cm thick layer mulch. Mulch helps to relieve pressure on the plant, conserve water and encourage healthy growth. Scoop up mulch with a garden tool or shovel and spread it over the soil. Leave about an inch between the base of the plant and the mulch.
  6. Water your roses right after you plant them. Place your garden hose at the base of the rose bush and water for about a minute until the soil is thoroughly wet.
    • Watering flowers after you plant them will help the plant take root in the new soil.

Part 4 of 5: Growing miniature roses in pots

  1. Fill the bottom of the pot with 5-12.5 cm of soil. Use soil that is intended for roses and place the soil in the pot using a garden shovel. The root system of miniature roses is about 12 inches, so make sure you have enough space to plant the shrub appropriately.
    • You can buy soil for roses at most household stores and garden centers.
  2. Place the rose bush in the pot and fill the pot with the special soil. Place the rose in the center of the pot and then fill it with soil using a garden shovel. Keep filling the pot with rose soil until you reach the rim.
  3. Place the roses next to a large window so that they get enough sunlight. Roses need at least six hours of sunlight a day, so place them in a sunny spot in your home.
    • When the weather is nice, you can put the plants with their pots on your patio or doorway.

Part 5 of 5: Caring for miniature roses

  1. Water your roses every one to two days. To check the moisture of the soil, insert your finger all the way in. When the soil is dry, you need to water the roses. Roses usually absorb water quite quickly and need a lot of water to produce beautiful flowers. Place the garden hose at the base of the roses and water for about a minute to thoroughly moisten the roses.
    • Your roses may need to be watered daily for about the first three weeks (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere).
    • Aim for 3 inches of water spread over the week.
  2. Spray your flowers with water every two to four days to keep them hydrated. In addition to watering the flowers, spray a light, even layer of water on the flowers.
    • This will help keep the flowers clean and moisturize the petals.
  3. Give your plants rose fertilizer every two to three weeks. To feed your plants, simply sprinkle a 1 cm thick layer of fertilizer over the top layer of the soil every few weeks. This replenishes important nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
    • Purchase fertilizer at a garden center or household store.
    • You can also use compost to feed your roses.
  4. Cut flowers with pruning shears when they start to wither. As soon as you see a flower start to wilt, cut the stem directly below the flower, at a 45 degree angle, to encourage new growth. The flowers are ready to be cut when they lose their color and begin to wither. This process is also referred to as 'heading'.
    • Never pull the flowers off the plant with your fingers. This damages the plant and encourages disease.
    • Trim dead leaves and twigs as well.
    • Make sure your pruning shears are sharp!
    • Sterilize your cutting tools before and after you prune.
  5. Prune miniature roses in fall, when fully grown. Once your rose bush is fully grown, start pruning in the fall. Cut the branches at a 45-degree angle, about 0.5 cm above outward-facing eyes. How much you prune depends on how many eyes your plant has, but you should prune about 1/2 to 2/3 of the plant. This helps conserve nutrients when the temperature drops.
    • The eyes are the nodules on the stem from which flowers grow.
  6. Cover your roses with mulch in winter when they are outside. To dormant your roses in winter, put a layer of mulch about 2 inches (5 cm) thick over the plant. Cover the entire plant with mulch to protect it from the elements. Use a shovel to help spread the mulch.
    • Cover the plants with mulch for 1-3 frosts before remaining freezing.
    • If your roses are in pots, put them indoors and in a sunny spot by the window.
    • To get them back in the spring, remove the mulch, water the roots, and put compost or fertilizer on top of the soil.


  • Miniature rose bush
  • Garden shears
  • Garden gloves
  • Scoop
  • Fertilizer
  • Water source
  • Spray bottle
  • Pot (optional)
  • Greenhouse (optional)


  • You can also transplant your roses to pots for the winter, instead of letting them dormant. This helps to protect the plants from the elements.


  • Regularly inspect your garden for pests such as aphids, mites and flies. Spray yourself with a vinegar solution as a natural repellent. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a spray bottle with approx. 1 liter of water and spray a thin layer on the leaves and stems of the affected plants.