Be less nervous about giving a speech

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to reduce stress and fear before and during your next presentation
Video: How to reduce stress and fear before and during your next presentation


Most people have a little nervousness before giving a speech. If you can't handle these nerves well, they can negatively affect your speech because you seem unsure of what you're saying. It can be difficult to get rid of these nerves completely, but you can learn how to reduce the fear of public speaking by understanding your fear better, by preparing and practicing your speech, and by caring for yourself. to care.

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Method 1 of 6: Dealing with your fear

  1. Write down the reasons why you are anxious. A clear understanding of your fear will help reduce it. Write down a few reasons why you are nervous about your speech. Try to dig up specific reasons.
    • For example, if you write down that you are concerned about appearing stupid to the audience, provide a reason why you think you are stupid. Is it because you are concerned that your information is incorrect? Once you know this, you can spend more time researching and learning your topic.
  2. Silence your inner critic. When you have negative thoughts about yourself and your performance, your fear will grow. If you don't trust yourself, how can you expect your audience to trust you? When you find yourself thinking negatively, stop that thought immediately. Replace it with a positive thought.
    • For example, you can think something like, "I'm going to forget my whole speech. I don't know what I'm doing." Stop this thought and replace it with, "I know my topic. I've done a lot of research. Plus, I'll get my talk written down so I can look at it whenever I want. And if I stumble over a few parts, that's not very."
  3. Know that you are not alone. The fear of public speaking is called glossophobia. About 80% of the population is somewhat anxious about public speaking. This group feels nervous, has clammy hands, a fast heart rate and a nervous feeling. Know that it is completely normal to feel this way before giving a speech.
    • This is an unpleasant experience, but you will get through it. And every time you give a speech, you get more used to the experience.

Method 2 of 6: Prepare your speech

  1. Find the guidelines for your speech. We tend to fear things that are beyond our control. While you can't control every aspect of your presentation, you can reduce speech anxiety by controlling the situation as much as possible. If you are asked to give a speech, find out what the organizer's expectations are.
    • For example, do you give a speech on a particular topic, or can you choose the topic yourself? How long should the speech last? How long do you have to prepare the speech?
    • Knowing these elements from the very beginning will help reduce your anxiety.
  2. Explore your topic. The more you know about a topic, the less nervous you will feel when talking about it in front of an audience.
    • Choose something you are passionate about to include in the speech. If you don't have the option to choose your own topic, at least try to find an entry point that interests you and knows something about you.
    • Research more than you think is necessary. Not everything you learn will be included in your speech, but it adds up to your confidence in the matter.
  3. Know your target audience prior to the speech. Make sure you know who your audience is. This is essential because you will have to adapt the speech to this audience. For example, you will have to give a different speech to experts than to beginners.
  4. Write a speech that suits you. Use language in your speech that matches your speaking style. Do not try to adopt a manner of speaking that is unnatural or does not lie to you, as your discomfort with the style of the speech is likely to appear to the audience.
  5. Have a well-prepared speech. The more prepared you are, the less fear you feel. Make sure the entire speech is written out in advance. Find appropriate illustrations and examples for your audience. Creating an effective and professional looking presentation helps support your speech.
    • Have a backup plan. Consider what you will do if the resources for your presentation are unavailable, such as due to an outage or power outage. For example, print a copy of your slides to refer to if your slideshow doesn't work. Decide how you will fill the time if your video is not working.

Method 3 of 6: Figuring out the logistics of your speech

  1. Become familiar with the location of your presentation. When you know where your presentation will take place, you can visualize how you are going to give the speech. View the room where you will be presenting. Get a feel for the size of the audience. Know where the toilets and fountains are.
  2. Ask about the time period of your presentation. Know when you are going to give the speech. Are you the only speaker, or will there be multiple speakers? Are you first, last, or somewhere in the middle?
    • If you have a choice, decide what time of day you prefer to deliver your speech. Do you usually work better in the morning or in the afternoon?
  3. Identify your technology needs. If you plan to use audio or visual aids in your presentation, make sure the location is suitable for that.
    • Make it clear to the organization what your presentation preferences are. For example, if you'd rather work with a handheld microphone than a headset, tell us. Other things to consider include a stool, podium or table, and being able to display your slides on a small monitor so you don't have to read the text from the big screen. Work this information out with the organization, instructor, or other representative, before the day of your speech.
    • Test the audio and visual aids beforehand. If your presentation tool doesn't work during your speech, you will become much more nervous. Try to avoid this by testing your aids beforehand.

Method 4 of 6: Practicing your speech

  1. Practice your speech. We tend to be nervous about things that are unknown to us. Take time to practice. You don't have to memorize your speech word for word, but you do need to be familiar with your main points, the introduction, transitions, conclusion, and examples. Practice alone at first. This gives you a chance to smooth out any uneven spots in your speech. Read it out loud. Get used to hearing yourself. Test the wording of your sentences and make sure you are comfortable with them.
    • Then practice in front of the mirror or make a video recording of yourself so you can see your gestures and facial expressions.
  2. Focus on the introduction. If you get off to a good start with your speech, the fear of your speech will decrease significantly. Then, you will likely feel more comfortable for the rest of your presentation.
    • While you don't have to memorize the speech, it is important to be very familiar with how to begin your speech. This will allow you to start the speech confidently and with authority.
  3. Practice the speech in front of others. Ask friends, colleagues, or family members who are willing to listen to your talk. Ask them to offer suggestions. This gives you the chance to become more comfortable with speaking in front of an audience. Think of it as a test for the day of the speech.
  4. Practice in the room where you will be giving the speech. If possible, practice in the room where you will actually be presenting the speech. Pay attention to how the room is arranged. Find out what the acoustics are when speaking. Stand on the stage or at the front of the room and try to feel comfortable there. After all, this is the place where you will be presenting.

Method 5 of 6: Take care of yourself before the speech

  1. Get a good night's sleep. A full night's sleep before giving the talk will ensure that when you give the presentation, you are clear-headed and not tired. Get 7-8 hours of sleep so that you are well rested.
  2. Eat good. Eat a healthy breakfast so that you have enough energy for your speech. You probably can't eat much if you're nervous, but try to eat something. A banana, yogurt or muesli bar is good for a nervous stomach.
  3. Dress appropriately for the presentation. When giving a presentation, you should dress for the occasion. You usually need to dress appropriately for a formal presentation.
    • Wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. If the clothes don't fit properly, you could spend too much of your attention on your sore feet or your itchy neck.
    • If you are unsure of the dress code, please ask the organizers. Choose clothes that are too formal rather than too informal.
  4. Take a deep breath. Deep breathing can help calm your mind, slow your heart rate and relax your muscles.
    • Try the 4-7-8 method: Breathe in through your nose for 4 counts. Then hold your breath for a count of 7. Exhale through your mouth for 8 counts.
  5. Try meditation. Meditation is a great way to slow down the mind and be present in the here and now. This will help reduce your fear of public speaking by creating a distance between you and your nervous expectation. Instead, you focus on what is happening at this exact moment. Try this simple meditative method:
    • Find a comfortable chair or bed in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
    • Relax your body and close your eyes.
    • Start with a deep breath, inhaling for 4 counts and exhaling for 4 counts. Focus your thoughts on your breath.
    • When your mind starts to wander, acknowledge the thought and let it go. Return your focus to your breath. Inhale. Exhale.
    • Do this meditation for 10 minutes a day for general anxiety relief. Make sure to also meditate the morning of your speech.
  6. Use visualization exercises. Visualizing that you are a successful speaker can help you when the moment actually comes. Go through your speech and imagine how the audience might react at different points in the text. Think about different reactions, such as laughter, anger, awe, applause. Take a deep breath as you visualize each of these reactions.
  7. Take a walk before giving the talk. Make sure to start pumping blood and oxygen by going for a short walk or other exercise on the morning of your speech. You will burn off some of your stress with exercise. It will also give your thoughts a chance to focus on something else for a while.
  8. Stay away from caffeine. Caffeine can contribute to a jittery feeling, making your anxiety worse. Your usual cup of coffee in the morning won't make much of a difference, but if you're already a little nervous, coffee or caffeinated soda will add fuel to the fire.
    • Instead, try a calming herbal tea, such as chamomile or peppermint.

Method 6 of 6: Begin your speech

  1. Think of your nervousness as excitement. Instead of thinking about how nervous you are, think of these feelings as excitement. You are excited about delivering this speech and the chance to share your thoughts and expertise on a topic with your audience.
    • During your speech, use your nerves to energize your gestures and the movement of your body. However, try to keep it as natural as possible. Don't go pacing around, but it's okay to walk around a bit if you're more comfortable with that.
  2. Speak with confidence. Fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias, but many of these people hide their nerves well enough so that the public is unaware of their fears. Do not tell the audience that you are nervous or anxious. When the audience views you as confident and positive, you feel more confident and positive.
  3. Look for friendly faces in the audience. While many people think that making eye contact will make their anxiety worse, in reality it can help reduce it. Just look for friendly faces in the crowd and assume you're having a conversation with them. Let their smiles encourage you during the speech.
  4. Let go of your mistakes. Don't dwell on your mistakes. You may be mispronouncing or stumbling over some words, but don't let that get in your way. Most people in the audience won't even notice. Set realistic goals. Don't worry if you make a mistake.


  • Join a Toastmasters group in your area. Toastmasters is an organization that helps its members improve communication and public speaking skills.
  • If you have to speak in public regularly and this makes you extremely anxious, consider talking to a psychotherapist.