Manipulating people

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 16 May 2024
11 Manipulation Tactics - Which ones fit your Personality?
Video: 11 Manipulation Tactics - Which ones fit your Personality?


Manipulating others is a great way to get what you want. Whether you want to fool your boss into giving you a raise, or get your boyfriend to take you on a romantic vacation, it doesn't matter. Whatever the reason for the manipulation, if you want to get it right, you need to hone your manipulative skills, apply different manipulation techniques, and learn how to manipulate people in different situations. If you want to learn how to quickly manipulate someone, follow these steps.

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Method 1 of 3: Sharpen your manipulative skills

  1. Take an acting course. A big part of manipulation is mastering your own emotions. You should also be able to make others receptive to your feigned feelings. If you want to know how to look even more distressed than you actually are, or learn to use a variety of other emotional techniques to get your way, an acting class is the perfect way to improve your persuasion skills.
    • Do not tell others that you are taking an acting class if you are only doing it to learn how to manipulate people. Doing so will only make them more suspicious of your tactics.
  2. Take a debating or public speaking course. Acting classes can help you master your emotions so that you can convince others that you feel very sad when you don't get your way. Taking a debating or public speaking course can teach you how to persuade people in a calm, rational way. Not only will you learn to organize and present your thoughts in a more constructive way, but you will also learn techniques that will allow you to make your needs sound very convincing.
  3. Achieve similarity. You can do this through "pacing". With this you mirror the body language, the intonation, and more, of others.
    • The calm, persuasive method is ideally suited to persuade your boss or colleagues to do something. Being emotional probably won't work very well in the professional setting.
  4. Be charismatic. Charismatic people have a natural tendency to get what they want. If you want to manipulate people, then you have to work on your charisma. You need to be able to smile, maintain an accessible body language that makes people want to talk to you, and you need to be able to converse with absolutely anyone - from your seven-year-old nephew to your history teacher. Here are some other ways you can be charismatic:
    • Make people feel special. When talking to them, make eye contact and ask them about their feelings and interests. Show that you really care about getting to know them better - even if you don't.
    • Radiate confidence. Charismatic people are happy with who they are and what they do. If you believe in yourself, people will take you seriously a lot more quickly. They will give in to your needs more quickly as a result.
    • Learn from the experts.If you have a friend, family member, or even an enemy who is a master manipulator, you should study this person. Take notes, map out for yourself how he / she always seems to make sure he / she gets what he / her way. This will give you new insights, even if you are the one to be fooled.
  5. If you are really committed to learning to manipulate, you can even put your acquired manipulative skills to the test. Try manipulating someone you have studied.
  6. Be confident when you say something, regardless of whether it is true or a fabrication. Try to be smooth when speaking to the prey of your manipulation.
  7. Learn how to read people. Everyone has a different emotional and psychological make-up. Everyone is therefore manipulated for different reasons. Take the time to study the person before you start. See how that person is put together, and what the best approach would be to make him dance to your tune. Here are some things you can find out in your attempts to read people:
    • Many people are prone to emotional reactions. These people are emotional themselves, howl at movies, love puppies, and have strong powers of empathy and sympathy. In order for them to do what you want, you need to turn their emotions so that they feel sorry for you. That way they will give you what you want.
    • Other people have a strong sense of guilt. Some people were raised very strictly, and used to be punished for every little trifle. As a result, they now feel a little guilty anytime, anywhere. With these types of people, the right approach is obvious: make them feel guilty for not giving you what you want. Do this until they surrender.
    • Some people are more receptive to the rational approach. If your friend makes a lot of sense, reads the news often, and always needs facts and evidence to make a decision, then you should take the calm, persuasive way. You want to convince them to do something for you, so do it calmly and rationally; don't use your feelings to manipulate them, it won't work.

Method 2 of 3: Apply multiple manipulative techniques

  1. Follow up an unreasonable request with a more reasonable one. This is a tactic that can make sure you get what you really want. Plus, this tactic has stood the test of time. It is easy. If you really want to manipulate someone, you start by making an unreasonable request. Wait until the person declines the request, and proceed with a more reasonable request. This second request will sound more appealing to your victim compared to the first.
    • For example, if you want your employee to come a little earlier the next day, say something like “Would you like to lead the new project? Then you just have to arrive two hours earlier than usual for the next few months? If your employee then shakes his head, say “Oh, okay. But could you maybe come an hour earlier tomorrow to help me with this report? ” He / she will be a lot more open to this, especially after your first request.
  2. Before submitting your actual request, make an unusual request. Another way to get someone to do something for you is to make an unusual request that overwhelms your victim. As a result, he / she will not even be able to say "no". If you immediately ask for the usual prescription - money, a lift, help with homework, etc. - people will say "no" a lot faster. Their brains are programmed to avoid these kinds of tasks.
    • For example, if you want to ask someone on the street to sign a petition, ask them if they would like to tie your lace because you injured your back and are unable to bend over. This creates a bond, which reduces the chances of rejection if you then ask them to sign your petition.
  3. Inspire fear, followed by relief. If you want to get what you want, you can let someone fear the worst first, then reassure them, and then make them happy enough to grant your request. This is a mean trick, but a successful one.
    • For example, you can tell your friend, “Remember when I was driving your car and heard that awful noise? That I thought the engine had broken down? And then found out that it was just the radio, isn't it crazy? ” Pause for a moment and wait for your friend to recover before asking if you can borrow his / her car from the weekend again.
  4. Make him / her feel guilty. Guilt-talking is also an excellent way to get what you want. If you do that to the right person, that is. First of all, choose someone prone to feeling guilty. Then make that person feel like he / she is a bad parent, friend, or partner for not giving you what you want. It doesn't matter how ridiculous it is.
    • If you want to make your parent feel guilty, make him / her feel like your life or childhood is suffering from not allowing you enough experiences.
    • If you want to make your friend feel guilty, remind them of all the great things you've done for them. Or casually remind him / her how many times she / he has disappointed you.
    • If you want to make your partner feel guilty, say, "It's okay — I was expecting it." This will make him / her feel like he / she is always disappointing you.
  5. Bribe him / her. Bribery is another great way to get what you want. You don't necessarily have to blackmail someone to achieve your goals when using this trick. You can even bribe someone with a reward that is not that attractive at all, or with something you would do anyway. For example, you can ask your friend to help you with your math test and offer him as a reward that you'll give him a ride to school. This is also possible if you've given him a ride before, and it's not a big deal.
    • Figure out what the person wants and give it to him / her. If your girlfriend has a crush on that new guy, promise her you'll find out his number if she does what you want.
    • Don't make it too obvious that you are bribing someone. Try to make it look like you genuinely want to do something nice for them in return.
  6. Don't make it too obvious that you are bribing someone. Try to make it look like you genuinely want to do something nice for them in return.
    • Do you like the dumb? Say something like "I just really don't know what I'm doing wrong all the time." Try to make it sound like you're genuinely baffled as to why you just can't seem to work.
    • Say, "It's okay-I'm used to it." Make the person feel guilty, as if you were surrounded by people who never come to your aid.
    • Be a little pathetic. If your friend doesn't want to give you a ride, say, “It's okay, I'll walk. I could use some exercise. ”
  7. Make use of logic. For the rational people in your life, logic is the great transgressor. Arm yourself with at least three results-driven reasons why you and the person in question will benefit from what you want. Speak calmly and rationally when presenting your case. Stay cool. To reach someone rational, you have to keep your emotions out. If you don't, you won't get what you want.
    • Pretend that what you want is the only logical way. Make the person feel ridiculous for seeing it as you do. Not without you telling them, anyway.
  8. Don't fall out of your role. Whichever method you choose, if your friend, coworker, or partner realizes that you are using a manipulative technique, or that you are pretending to be more upset than you are, never admit that is true. Instead, try to look even more hurt. Say you can't believe he / she could think that. This will make the other person feel even more guilty and feel sorry for you.
    • If you admit to using manipulative techniques, it can be very difficult to manipulate that person again later.

Method 3 of 3: manipulate anyone

  1. Manipulate your friends. Manipulating your friends can be tricky because they probably know you well enough to know when you're bluffing. Especially if you have not yet sharpened your manipulative skills. But do not worry. You can also get your friends to do what you want. First, you need to get your friend in on a little bit. The week before you need a big favor, start doing fun little favors. Let him / her know that he / she is a great friend. Do whatever it takes to be a perfect friend, but don't overdo it.
    • Use your emotions. Your friends care about you and they don't want you to be sad. Take advantage of your acting classes to look even more upset than you actually are.
    • Remind your friend that you are a great friend. Always have a few examples of that great friendship on hand.
    • Make him / her feel guilty. You don't have to use the “bad friend” card, but you can bring up instances of times when your friend has disappointed. Let it be known that you've gotten used to your friend's indifferent behavior, but don't blame him / her too much.
  2. Manipulate your partner. Manipulating your partner to get what you want doesn't have to be that difficult at all. The easiest way is to turn them on and then ask for the favor. Implicate that he / she can't get out if he / she doesn't give you what you want. But if you don't want to take such drastic measures, there are a number of other subtle ways you can manipulate your partner.
    • Whichever approach you choose, make sure you look sexy when you make your request. That way you will get what you want faster. That's because your partner is reminded how hot or sexy you are.
  3. How easily someone becomes wax in your hands also depends on the impression you make on them. Be quick and flexible about the image you convey. Be a little bit misleading.
    • Use your emotions. Does your partner want to see you cry or be visibly upset? Of course not.
    • If you really want to get your way, you can conjure up the Waterlanders in public. Just like a parent will tantrum a child in public, your partner is also more likely to give in if you cry in public. Just don't use this technique too often.
    • Bet small bribes. If you really want your husband to take your romantic dinner out, offer as a bargaining chip to go to the soccer game with him. This makes it look less like manipulation and more like an ordinary compromise.
  4. Manipulate your boss. The rational, logical method will work best for your boss. If you show up at your boss's desk crying or talking about your personal troubles, you're more likely to be fired faster than you actually want. Rather stay logical and rational, give him / her concrete reasons why you deserve to get what you want.
    • In the weeks before your request, behave like the ideal employee. Stay at the place a little longer, keep a big smile on your face, and have some pastries with you. "Just because."
    • Ask casually. Pretend it's not a big deal and make your request. Don't say you have something very important to ask. This will make him / her aware that it is indeed a big deal.
    • Try to ask at the end of the day or during recess. Don't talk to your boss at the start of the day if he / she is tense about all the work he / she has to do that day. Rather ask him / her when he / she is going for lunch or going home. He / she will then be more inclined to give you what you want. He / she probably won't want to spend his / her free time arguing with you.
  5. Manipulate your teacher. To manipulate your teacher you have to find a happy medium between professionalism and emotion. On the day you submit your request, you should act like the ideal student. Enter the class early, show that you have read the material, and that you are active and involved in the lesson.
    • Tell your teacher how great he / she is, without gagging. Just casually mention how he / she inspires you, or how much you love the material.
    • Say there is “a lot going on” at home. This makes the atmosphere a bit uncomfortable. Your teacher will not want to ask you further, but will feel sorry for you.
    • Keep talking about your personal situation until the teacher starts to feel uncomfortable. He / she will give you your way, by giving you a postponement or a second chance. If it doesn't, start in the negative. Say, "I know you never delay ..." let your voice tremble a little, your eyes water a little, and gaze longingly out the window.
    • If this doesn't work either, go for the sensitive chord. Start crying, but remain secretive about what's going on at home. Wait until your teacher starts to feel so uncomfortable that he / she has no choice and gives you what you want.
  6. Manipulate your parents. Your parents should love you unconditionally and are therefore a lot more prone to manipulation than others. Act like the ideal child right before making your request. Don't linger on the street for too long, spend time on your homework, and help out with the housework as much as you can. Then make your move.
    • Phrase your request as if it were perfectly reasonable. If you want to go to a concert on a school night, just ask casually. You don't have to make it a big, important conversation. Give the impression that you cannot see why your parents would object.
    • You can even try asking if you're doing the dishes, or folding the laundry. This is a reminder to your parents that they have a wonderful son or daughter.
    • Talk about how all of your friends are doing something, and that their parents are at peace with that. Don't make it a big deal.
    • Talk to your parents about guilt. If you really wanted to go to a concert, say “It's okay. I will ask my friends if they would like to bring me a shirt. ” Make them feel like you're going to miss out on an important social (or whatever) experience. Don't blame them for ruining your life. If you play it well, they will come to that conclusion themselves.


  • Taking an acting class will help you be in control of your emotions.
  • For some people this will feel natural. So don't overdo it, and make sure you don't overdo it.
  • You can also manipulate someone into making them do something for you, and “just happen” to make this more difficult for them. Then when they come to you complaining about how hard it was, say, “Oh, sorry it was so hard. I have no idea how that is possible. ” Make it sound like you had nothing to do with it. But before you try this, make sure they can't withdraw.


  • Manipulating people all the time can cause you to lose friends. Also, if you do that, you can lose the respect of your teachers, bosses or colleagues. So be careful, especially if you are not (yet) an expert.