Teasing girls in a playful way

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tease A Girl Playfully And Spark Attraction 🥰 (THIS Type Of Flirting Works)
Video: How To Tease A Girl Playfully And Spark Attraction 🥰 (THIS Type Of Flirting Works)


Teasing a girl isn't that hard at all. While it may be a big obstacle for some guys, all you need to do is relax yourself. Once you learn a few things you should and shouldn't do, you'll become a master at teasing and picking up girls.

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Method 1 of 2: Learn how to tease

  1. Be kind and confident. Regardless of what you tell her, make sure to say it with a smile. Also show her that you feel good about yourself and tease her because you like her. Otherwise, she may think you are serious and take what you say as an insult, especially if you say it with a withdrawn and gruff look. Just try to keep it as relaxed as possible, even if you love her. She will understand what you mean and will be less likely to misunderstand.
  2. Joke about her habits. Pay attention to the things she does when you are around. Then try to make a witty comment about how she does something. For example, if she throws her hair back when she smiles, you could say something like, "Watch where you swing that, you're poking me one more eye!" Not only will she be able to laugh about it, she knows that you are focused on her and noticing things about her.
    • Accept that she in turn teases you. Post comments where she, in turn, can tease you about something similar. In this way it becomes a game instead of an attack.
    • Make sure it doesn't seem offensive. The idea is to make her laugh or at least elicit a smile.
  3. Dare to tease her physically too. A great way to tease her with the added bonus of making physical contact is to touch her a little teasingly, like pretending to push her away. This is especially effective if you do something nice for her along with it. Maybe you can give her a gift, such as tickets to a concert she wants to attend. Offer her the tickets and pull them away. Whenever you do this, move a little closer to her. This is a playful and good way to tease her, but also end up doing something nice for her.
    • You can also poke or poke her, trying to elicit a reaction from her. If she responds, you can turn it on some more.
  4. Tease her in a positive way. While teasing usually has to do with making a mockery of the girl, it's important to put a positive spin on it. If she keeps stumbling over her words, instead of joking about her ability to speak, ask her something like, "What about that word chaos? Are you trying to confuse me so you can shake me off?" This implies that she is deliberately tripping over her words to mislead you, instead of laughing at her for making a mistake. It's a playful way to draw attention to it without being mean.
    • This can also work with her appearance.If she's wearing particularly high heels, comment on that, such as, "Well, at least I know we're safe if we get robbed. You can stab them with those heels." This indicates that you have noticed what she is wearing, but gently teases her about the height of the heels. You subtly tease her without criticizing her appearance.
  5. Give her a nickname. When you spend time together, pay attention to something that characterizes her, such as how much she laughs or the kinds of movies she likes. You can give her a nickname based on those observations. You can say something like, "I see that you really are a fan of Star Wars. I think I'll call you Jedi Jane. ”If you put this in a playful and fun way, she'll be more likely to join in.

Method 2 of 2: Learn how not to tease

  1. Know its limits. To be comfortable with the girl you like, you need to understand how far you can go with the teasing. Understand that there are limits to what you can say and do before she dislikes it and you have it with her. If you don't know how to tease her in principle, things like insults about her appearance, her family, and her friends are absolutely out of the question. Make sure the pest level is something she doesn't feel uncomfortable with.
    • You may have to try a few things before you really understand the boundaries. Trust your instincts and watch for clues about how she's feeling.
  2. Don't be too proud. If your flirting doesn't work out, make sure you don't take it out on her. And if you insult her, apologize. If you have a particularly sardonic sense of humor, you can sometimes say things that don't seem right and it's only a matter of time before you insult her. If you've said something that really isn't possible, give her a sincere, clear, and specific apology. Don't try to spin it like she's hypersensitive.
  3. Do not behave inappropriately. If you've just met a girl, don't tease her in the same way you would a girl you've been dating for months. Joking about sex or touching her inappropriately are things to avoid early on in a relationship. Don't be overly rude if that makes her uncomfortable. If you don't know her very well yet, you will likely scare her off or become known as a clumsy curmudgeon.
  4. Be careful not to criticize her. When you tease her, don't let it appear as a personal criticism of something about her or something important to her. If she's excited about saving animals, try not to tease her with comments like, "Wow, you have a lot of cats. A little bit cat-crazy, maybe?" If her passion means a lot to her, that criticism can hit her hard and you might make her feel bad.
    • If you don't agree with something she believes in, try teasing her with something trivial to ease the tension. If you disagree about politics, don't criticize what she thinks. Instead of insulting her views, say something like, "Everyone has their opinion on this, but if you like Bach better than Beethoven, then I think our night is over." This will move the topic to something trivial and help to stop the discussion.


  • Learn how to cope when a girl doesn't like teasing. Then save this for another time, or if she really doesn't like it, stop.
  • Don't forget she's not the same as your buddies. She has different feelings, which are different for each girl. Never hurt her feelings.
  • Make sure to pay attention to how she responds. You can tell almost anything from a girl's body language or the tone of her voice. Another great way to tell if you're in the tease zone is if she laughs at what you're saying.