Addressing girls at a party

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


You've only just entered that party when your eye catches a nice girl - or maybe even a whole group of nice girls. You want to approach them, but you do not dare to interfere and you are afraid to say the wrong thing. Don't worry - it doesn't have to be that difficult to talk to girls at a party, you just need to start a conversation, keep them interested, and wrap it up nicely. If you want to know how to talk to girls at a party, just follow these simple directions.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Start a conversation

  1. Be seen. Before you go to the girl or group for a chat, make sure they have seen you so that you don't surprise them when you approach them. They also enjoy talking to you when you introduce yourself later. There are a few things you can do to get girls' attention before talking to them.
    • Make eye contact. Face the girl and smile before you look the other way.
    • Stand near the girls, but not so close that it looks like you are eavesdropping on them.
    • Provide positive body language. Keep your hands at your sides or use them to gesture and look tall. Show that you are accessible and ready for a chat.
    • Hopefully you will be there with friends and other people. In that case, make sure you smile and look cozy as much as possible so that the girl can see that you are having a good time.
  2. Get acquainted. When the girl has seen you, it's time to walk up to her and introduce yourself. Don't put it off. You will look more confident if you quickly approach her after seeing each other, instead of hanging around until you have gathered enough to say something. You can imagine as follows:
    • To start, you choose the right time. If the girl is in a deep or busy conversation with one of her friends, or the whole group is so busy laughing and partying that they haven't looked around for hours, it would only disturb you.
    • When you have chosen the right moment, walk towards them with your head held high. Keep it simple. Say your name right away, and if you want to be a little formal, reach out.
    • You can start with a small compliment. And then it is better to say something like "I noticed those beautiful earrings from the other side of the room" than tell one of the girls how beautiful she is.
    • Wait for her to say her name too. Tell her that's a nice name. In a group of girls, you can make them laugh by telling each girl that her name is so unique or that your grandmother was called that way.
    • Don't use hackneyed opening sentences. Just be yourself.
    • If possible, bring a friend. This will improve your chances of making a nice impression on the girls.
    • Be on the lookout for signs that you are not welcome. If the girl won't say her name, open her mouth, roll her eyes, or look bored, you better leave and don't test her patience.
  3. Start with a light topic. If the girl responds positively and wants to keep talking to you, you can start chatting after the introduction to put her at ease. This is not the time to have a deep conversation about the meaning of life; it's about having a nice chat with a new girl at a party.
    • You can talk about how you both ended up at that party. If you both know the host fairly well, you can make a little joke about it.
    • Talk about where you are from. Perhaps there are common ground there.
    • Don't get over your career, your deepest wishes or your future plans. Just stay with the present for a while.
    • Tease the girl a little. If she feels comfortable with you, a friendly tease can provide new food for conversation.
  4. Make the girl laugh. The easiest way to start a conversation is to make a girl laugh. This immediately puts her at ease and keeps talking to you. If you yourself are relaxed and not uncomfortable, it is not that difficult to make a girl laugh.
    • Make a joke about yourself. This shows a girl that you have enough self-confidence not to take yourself too seriously.
    • If there is music, you can try a fun dance move. If that makes you laugh, you can say "I have a lot more of that."
    • Show her your sense of humor. If she's joking, don't just say "That's a good one," but say something witty to make her laugh again.

Method 2 of 3: Keep captivating the girl

  1. Ask a few questions. Girls like to talk about themselves; By asking her a few light-hearted questions about herself, you will keep her busy and show her that you would like to get to know her better. You don't have to take her third-degree interrogation, just a few questions to help her open up. Here are a few examples of suitable questions:
    • Ask if she has any pets. Girls enjoy talking about their cat or dog.
    • Ask what she likes to do for relaxation. Girls like to talk about their hobbies.
    • Ask her how she feels about something small, such as a movie you recently saw or what she thinks about the music at the party.
    • Don't take it too seriously. Now is not the time to ask about her plans for the future, how she interacts with her parents, or what her greatest fear is.
  2. Avoid dominating the conversation. Women hate it when men take over the conversation. Speaking all the time, you'll come across as an arrogant narcissist, and the girl will wonder why you actually came to her when all you needed was a sounding board. Make sure she speaks as much as you do, or maybe even more.
    • Pay attention to how much you are talking. It doesn't matter if you're talking to one girl or a whole group, it shouldn't be that your voice can be heard alone. You can do that later, if you know everyone a little better.
  3. Be charismatic. If you are charismatic, the girl will enjoy talking to you even more, and you will have her. Being charismatic simply means showing confidence, really caring about people, and being able to interact with many different people. That's how you do that:
    • Have faith in yourself. Show that you are happy with yourself and what you are doing by standing up straight and speaking positively about what is going on in your life.
    • Be considerate. Show good listening habits by maintaining eye contact and asking questions at the right time.
    • Be flexible. Show that you can not only talk to that one girl, but to everyone in a group of friends. Charismatic people can impress all the people in the room.
    • Make everyone feel special. Ask questions and make comments that show that you find everyone you talk to special and important in their own way.
  4. Use the party as a topic of conversation. If you can't think of anything more, you can use the fact that you're at a party to your advantage. Take a look around and use the other guests and what has been organized as ingredients to improve the conversation with the new girl. That's how you do that: :
    • Talk about the other guests. If you and the girl both know a lot of the guys, you can talk about what you've known them from and for how long.
    • Use the music as a conversation topic. If you've asked her if she likes this music, you can ask what kind of music she actually likes.
    • If there is something to eat or drink, you can ask her if you can get her a drink or a snack. This is how you make a common impression.
    • If people are playing board games or a video game, you can ask the girl if she wants to join. This is a nice and accessible way to get to know someone better.

Method 3 of 3: Round it off positively

  1. Make her curious about more. Say goodbye to the girl at the peak, when the conversation is going well and you feel like you can talk to her for hours. It may feel a bit counterfeit to leave the conversation when things are just fine, but that's how she's going to remember you best and want to see you again. If you do not leave until the conversation has bled to death, she will not easily remember that nice conversation from before.
    • Tell her it was nice getting to know her but now you need to talk to your friend over there. Make this sound genuine.
    • Gently touch her arm or shoulder to show that you really enjoyed the conversation.
    • If you have to go out to do something really fun, for example playing guitar in your band, make sure she knows that so she can see that you are a versatile person with all kinds of interests.
  2. If all goes well you can ask her out. If you've talked to her long enough to notice that she does like you, feel free to take it a step further and ask her out. If she was in a group, you should loosen her a little before making your proposal. You don't have to be stressed about it. Remember that you are at a party and you don't have to do anything heavy.
    • Relax about it. Just say that you enjoy talking to her and that you would like to get to know her a little better with a snack and a drink.
    • You can say "I'd like to talk to you about this, but I have to go. Can I have your phone number, so we can pick up where we left off another time. "
    • If this is too exciting for you, you can also ask her to go out with some of your friends or invite her to another party next week.
    • If things don't go well, you retire civilized. You don't want to be that guy who stayed longer than he was welcome, who kept talking to a girl who didn't want anything to do with him, or disrupted a group of friends' catch-up sessions. As soon as you see that you are not welcome, you must leave with dignity.
    • Learn to see when you are not wanted. If the girl rolls her eyes, looks around, asks her friends for help, or just gives one-syllable answers, it's time to leave.
    • Don't be a bum. Don't say you know she doesn't like you or that things aren't going well. That just makes it worse.
    • Don't apologize for interfering. If you haven't been cheeky or stayed way too long, all you have to do is smile and go on your way.
    • Leave with a positive message. Tell her it was fun talking to her, and who knows, maybe goodbye.


  • Learn something besides school, and get pretty good at it. Playing the guitar, singing, drumming, discussing, memorizing speeches or monologues, acting, juggling, card tricks, magic or a sport; have something ready to talk about and impress with. It can be useful to have several, but make sure you have at least one.
  • Read a few books on conversation and how to relax and disarm people. It helps if you have a few techniques at your disposal.
  • Never stand in front of someone just like that, and make sure you don't disturb conversations. The first is very annoying and the second can cause you a lot of trouble.
  • Learn to dance. Just watching others dance at the party can improve your chances; a girl wants someone who clearly knows where the boundaries are because she wants someone with confidence. If you can't do it, you better imitate it.
  • Always practice well until you have mastered what you need to know / be able to do. Learn how to start a conversation and how to end a conversation. She may not be immediately aware of it, but you make an impression that lingers.


  • Don't try to get in between a girl and her girlfriend or boyfriend. If you notice that something like this is going on, it is best to admit defeat and wait calmly. If she is free later, you have at least fixed your first point by now.