Make more amniotic fluid

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What is Amniotic Fluid Made Of?
Video: What is Amniotic Fluid Made Of?


When you get pregnant, the uterus begins to form an amniotic membrane in which amniotic fluid is produced. This liquid serves as protection for the baby who is in the womb. Oligohydramnios is a condition that can develop in which the amount of amniotic fluid decreases - this can involve risks. It is therefore important that you restore the amount of amniotic fluid. You can do this through medicines and home treatment. Scroll to Step 1 to learn more.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Increase the amount of amniotic fluid with drugs

  1. Know that treatment is based on how long you have been pregnant. The recommendations your doctor will have for your treatment will depend on how long you have been pregnant. In general, your doctor will recommend one of the treatments in this section. Usually he / she does this in conjunction with home rehydration - rehydration is covered in the second section.
    • If the baby is not yet full term, the doctor will keep a close eye on you and your values. The doctor will try to determine the activity level of the baby. He / she can also propose to undergo one of the following medical treatments.
    • If the baby is (almost) full-term, the doctor may recommend that you give birth by caesarean section. Having a low amount of amniotic fluid just before delivery can be dangerous for you and your baby.
  2. Get injected with amniotic fluid. In this process, the doctor will insert the leaking amniotic fluid back into the amniotic sac by means of a needle. This will help your condition as it increases the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. This procedure is very similar to an amniocentesis (where the values ​​of the amniotic fluid are checked). The only difference is that the doctor does not remove amniotic fluid from the amniotic membrane, but instead puts the drained amniotic fluid back into the amniotic membrane with a needle.
    • This procedure is often used as a short-term repair because the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease again after a few weeks. However, doctors choose this option because it helps them identify the root cause of the problem.
  3. Have fluid administered intravenously. Some pregnant women are hospitalized so that they can be given extra fluid intravenously. This happens when natural ways of rehydration (such as drinking plenty of water) are unable to increase the amount of amniotic fluid. If you've tried rehydration at home to no avail, you'll likely need an IV to stay hydrated.
    • When the amount of amniotic fluid has been restored, you will be discharged from the hospital.
    • Sometimes if you have trouble staying moisturized, IV treatment will continue until you are ready to give birth
  4. Use a catheter to increase the fluid level. In amniotic infusion, sterile saline is introduced into the amniotic sac with a catheter. This increases the amount of amniotic fluid around your baby, providing extra protection for the baby and the umbilical cord.
    • The amount of saline that is injected depends on how high or low the amount of amniotic fluid is.
  5. Ask your doctor about the use of a shunt in the body. Shunts are used to transfer fluids from one place in the body to another. If you are low on amniotic fluid due to obstructive uropathy (kidney problems that lower the amount of amniotic fluid), the shunt will divert fetal urine to the amniotic sac.

Method 2 of 3: Increase the amount of amniotic fluid at home

  1. Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water a day. One of the easiest ways to increase the amount of amniotic fluid is to make sure you always stay hydrated. The more water you have in your body, the higher the amount of amniotic fluid.
    • Drink water throughout the day, and try to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water.
  2. Eat fruits that contain a lot of water. A great way to stay hydrated while getting healthy nutrients is to consume fruits and vegetables that are high in water. As mentioned above, the more water you drink, the more amniotic fluid you will have. Good fruits and vegetables to eat when you need extra fluids include:
    • Vegetables such as: cucumber (96.7% water), iceberg lettuce (95.6%), celery (95.4%), radish (95.3%), green pepper (93.9%), cauliflower (92.1 %), spinach (91.4%), broccoli (90.7%) and baby carrots (90.4%).
    • Fruits such as: watermelon (91.5%), tomatoes (94.5%), star fruit / carambola (91.4%), strawberries (91%), grapefruit (90.5%) and cantaloup (90.2%) .
  3. Avoid herbal supplements that can dry you out. Some herbal supplements act as a diuretic, causing you to urinate more. And the more you go to the toilet, the faster you will dry out. It is extremely important to stay hydrated if you are concerned about the amount of amniotic fluid. Herbal supplements to avoid include:
    • Dandelion extract, celery seed, watercress and parsley.
  4. Avoid alcohol. If you are pregnant you should absolutely not drink alcohol as alcohol is bad for the health of the baby. Alcohol can cause you to become dehydrated, which decreases the amount of amniotic fluid.
  5. Unless your doctor recommends bed rest, try mild exercise. You should exercise for at least 30-45 minutes a day; leave the weights alone. Exercise promotes increased blood flow to the different parts of the body. As blood flows through the uterus and placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and fetal urine output (how much your baby urinates) will also increase. If the baby urinates more, the amount of amniotic fluid will increase. Exercises to consider include:
    • Swimming or water aerobics. These are the best exercises you can do during pregnancy as you will not be bothered by the weight of the baby.
    • Walking and (in moderation) hiking.
  6. Lie on your left side as you relax. If the doctor has asked you to stay in bed (full bed rest), lie on your left side as much as possible. If you lie on your left side, the blood will flow more smoothly to the blood vessels in the uterus. The baby's blood flow will also be regular. This will increase the "amniotic fluid index" (the estimated amount of amniotic fluid).
  7. Ask your doctor about a modified prescription if you are taking ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibitors help to lower high blood pressure by preventing the conversion from angiotensin I to angiotensin II. While it is normally okay to take these drugs, you shouldn't take them when you are pregnant because they can limit the amount of amniotic fluid your body produces.

Method 3 of 3: Understanding oligohydramnios

  1. Know what the amniotic fluid is for. The main task of the amniotic fluid is to protect the baby in the womb. It does this by absorbing the shocks. It also has other functions, including:
    • It keeps the baby warm.
    • It works as a lubricant. Sometimes, due to an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, babies are born with "webbed feet" between their fingers or toes
    • It promotes proper lung and kidney development.
    • It helps the baby to move freely, allowing him / her to train the limbs and gain strength.
  2. Be aware of the symptoms of oligohydramnios. Oligohydramnios is the condition that occurs when the amount of amniotic fluid becomes very low (below 300 ml). Contact your doctor if you are concerned that you may have developed this condition. If you are concerned that you could develop the condition in the future, it is helpful to know what you are looking for. The symptoms include:
    • Leakage of amniotic fluid.
    • You think your belly is smaller than it should be based on the gestational age.
    • You feel that the baby is moving less.
    • You urinate less than you would expect.
    • A visible lack of amniotic fluid when you undergo an ultrasound scan.
  3. Know the risk factors that could cause your amniotic fluid to be low. There are conditions or factors that make you more prone to problems with the amount of amniotic fluid. Some common reasons include:
    • When the baby is small for its "age."
    • If you have high blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia).
    • If the placenta partially or completely separates from the uterine wall before delivery. This condition is known as placental abruption.
    • If you are expecting identical twins. Monozygotic twins share the placenta, which can cause the amount of amniotic fluid to lose balance. This happens when one of the babies draws more blood from the placenta than the other.
    • If you have certain medical conditions, such as lupus.
    • If you are overdue. If you have been pregnant for more than 42 weeks, you run a higher risk of a reduced amount of amniotic fluid. That's because the planetary function is declining. From week 38, the amount of amniotic fluid starts to decrease.
  4. Note that a low amount of amniotic fluid can usually be determined by ultrasound. The actual volume of amniotic fluid cannot be measured directly. Ultrasound scanning is therefore used to measure the amniotic fluid index (AFI).
    • The normal AFI margin is between 5 and 25 cm.


  • Make it more fun for yourself to drink water by squirting a little fruit juice into your drink.


  • Consult a doctor immediately if you are concerned that you may not have enough amniotic fluid.