Apply make up to dry skin

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best Foundation Techniques for Dry Skin | Pretty Smart
Video: Best Foundation Techniques for Dry Skin | Pretty Smart


If you have dry skin, then you know how difficult it can be to apply makeup. Makeup tends to cling to the dry areas of the face instead of being absorbed by the skin, making it look patchy and poorly applied. Before applying make-up to dry skin, take care of your skin to keep it moist enough. Also make sure to use products formulated specifically for dry skin. Preparing your skin and using the right products will help apply makeup effortlessly to the skin, so that even up close, your makeup looks flawless.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Prepare your face

  1. Wash your face. No matter what type of skin you have, always wash your face before you put your makeup on. This gives you the ideal canvas for your makeup, leaving your skin fresh and prepared for whatever you want to put on it. It will also wash away any remaining makeup or products that you may have used before. This prevents breakouts and clogged pores.
    • Use a gentle facial cleanser especially for dry skin to wash your face. Facial cleansers for normal or oily skin will be too harsh and can make dry skin worse.
  2. Use facial makeup intended for dry skin. Make sure to use foundation and concealer for dry skin. The foundation for dry skin is much more moist than that for oily or normal skin, which means that the foundation glides on the skin more easily and makes your skin feel enriched and fresh, rather than dried out.
    • Don't forget the importance of the right foundation. Applying foundation smoothly is often the hardest for people with dry skin, so if you think one foundation isn't working, try another one.
    • If you feel like a drugstore foundation is not working, check out a reputable makeup store. Tell a sales associate that you are looking for a foundation for dry skin. Try and apply different foundations until you find one that responds well to your skin.
  3. Use liquid foundation as opposed to powder foundation. If you use powder foundation, it could be the cause of some of your makeup problems. Powder foundation is great for those with oily skin as it helps absorb excess oil and moisture. However, if you have dry skin, powder will only dry out your skin more. The powder will cling to the dry areas of your face, making the foundation look flaky, especially up close.
    • Buy liquid foundation at the drugstore or makeup store.
    • Also make sure to use concealer cream instead of a marker.
  4. Update your makeup throughout the day. Check your makeup every few hours. If you notice that your skin is flaky or dry patches have appeared, refresh your skin. First, take tweezers and remove any flakes of dry skin. Then apply a dot of moisturizer to each dry area in a tapping motion. The moisturizer gives your skin the moisture and nourishment it needs, and makes your makeup look less dry and filled.
    • Make sure you don't use too much moisturizer and that you pat it on the skin instead of rubbing it. Rubbing can remove your foundation and concealer.


  • Take the time to dab your foundation and blush. You want to make sure that it has absorbed properly into your skin. Otherwise, the makeup will stay on your skin and the whole will look uneven.
  • Make sure to apply your makeup in a well-lit area. You have to make sure that your makeup looks perfect, even in a brightly lit room.
  • If you find that your foundation is still smudged, consider investing in a higher quality foundation. Sometimes buying a better quality product can make all the difference.


  • Always be careful when applying makeup around the eyes. If you get makeup in your eye, immediately rinse your eye with cool water.
  • Make sure to wash your makeup brushes and tools at least once a month. They can be carriers of germs and bacteria. In addition, make sure to sharpen your eye pencils after a few uses.