Getting taller by stretching

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO GROW TALLER | 7 Minute Stretching Routine
Video: HOW TO GROW TALLER | 7 Minute Stretching Routine


Do you want to grow taller? Make yourself taller by doing specific stretching and stretching exercises. Stretch yourself using the following stretching exercises before the growth plates in your bones close anywhere between the ages of 19 and 27. Follow the same advice to avoid shrinking as an adult.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Basic stretching exercises

  1. Eat healthy. Make sure to combine stretching and stretching exercises with a healthy diet.
    • Promote the growth of your body by eating enough protein. Eat nuts, seeds, beans, fish and meat.
    • Get enough vitamin D so that your muscles and bones can grow properly. This vitamin is found in mushrooms, eggs and fish.
    • Help your bones grow with lots of calcium. Calcium is found in dairy products and green vegetables.
  2. Drink lots of water. Try to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
    • Drinking water will keep your body healthy so that you can grow properly.
    • Be aware that you need to get fluids for your body to function properly.
  3. Get plenty of sleep. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night if you are under 18.
    • Your body grows most during sleep.
    • Being able to sleep deeply without interruptions is most effective.
  4. Try to have a good attitude.
    • By standing upright you ensure that your spine does not grow crooked as you grow.
    • Look longer by standing upright.
  5. Don't take any resources that can hinder your growth. Do not use the following:
    • Alcohol
    • Steroids
    • Tobacco


  • Do the stretching exercises correctly to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Sleeping is the most important factor in your growth. It will relax your mind and body. An average person should sleep 8-10 hours every night.
  • Do not take any medication to lengthen yourself, except on a prescription. Keep in mind that medications, such as growth hormones, usually don't work and can have serious side effects.