Teasing boys

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Girls teasing a boy
Video: Girls teasing a boy


Teasing is a social art form that teases the desire of a potential admirer by presenting the possibility of a romantic relationship, without making a promise of actually meeting it. From a psychological point of view, teasing makes the person feel empowered, desired, and attractive, fulfills a need for attention, and above all tests the compatibility of another as a potential romantic partner. As a result, plagues can be part of the courting ritual. When trying to determine if you share a relationship with someone, the main traits of this flirting form are confidence, playfulness, and subtlety.

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Part 1 of 2: Establishing an attraction

  1. Be self-assured. Confidence radiates independence, self-confidence and a healthy dose of pride. Being assertive and confident and nurturing a positive self-image are attractive qualities because they demonstrate that you don't need anyone outside of yourself — that means that the time you spend with others is special and purposeful. The easiest way to show your confidence is through body language.
    • Have a good attitude. Sit up straight and keep your chin up; do not lean over or look at the ground.
    • Keep your eyes up and resist the temptation to keep looking at your feet. Making eye contact shows that you are open, fearless and willing to connect.
    • Don't fidget. Friemelen is nervous.
  2. Keep it casual. Keep your cool, act normal and don't try too hard! Avoid forcing conversations or trying to impress others. Do not hesitate to say "no" or to speak up. People will be attracted to you for who you are and what makes you special; not for what you pretend to be. This includes how you present yourself - through things like your clothes and style choices - so just stay yourself. Don't worry about what other people think of you.
    • Wear clothes that make you feel stylish and sensual. Be selective about the nude you show and only wear clothes that you feel comfortable with.
    • Avoid excessive make-up use. "Less is more" and most people prefer the natural look anyway.
    • Know that your natural pheromones are the most appealing scent for suitable partners, even if they don't even consciously capture them. That said, if you prefer to wear a perfume, you should opt for a light perfume. For example, try something with a citrus scent, because citrus smells nice, sweet and fresh.
  3. Grab the attention of your potential lover. The English say “it takes two to tango”, and that is certainly the case here. If you've found someone to flirt with, now is the time to make sure he likes you. Getting someone's attention is easy: all you have to do is make eye contact. Once you've done that, look down and smile for a moment. They call that "coquettish". It is also an invitation for someone to come up to you and start a conversation with you.
    • Add a vibrant color to your outfit, such as red.
    • Don't make the first move. If you've made eye contact a few times and smiled a few times, it's just waiting for the magic to work (and by the way, making eye contact was actually the first step!).
    • Radiate bliss: smile, laugh and have fun. Everyone who sees you will want to join you.
    • Create movement with your body, hands, gestures or even your clothes. Our eyes are drawn to movement, and this step is bound to make you stand out.
  4. Keep it fun and lighthearted. If you are just getting to know someone, it is important to show your playful side. Keep the conversation light, open to new things, and show that you know how to have a good time. Make jokes, be lively, and show that you have a sense of humor.
    • Avoid serious topics.
    • Dance together (or alone) if you like.
    • At parties, you can use games to start a friendly competition or build a bond by working together. Games also provide a welcome distraction that can help you take the pressure off and an opportunity to chat.
  5. Express your interest. Just don't put all your cards on the table right away. Getting to know someone is a process: the longer you can stretch that process, the more stimulating it will be. Express your interest without being too transparent. It's okay to flirt a bit and be suggestive, but do it subtly.
    • Instead of going straight to the point and saying how you feel, say something nice. For example, on the first night, choose something like “I like your smile” than “I like you”.
    • Be receptive: smile, make eye contact, and listen.
    • Body language is the best way to show your interest. Stand directly in front of the other person, don't cross your arms, and use facial expressions to show they have your attention. .

Part 2 of 2: Getting the interest

  1. Use your body to communicate. We may think that our communication is mostly verbal, but in reality our body language is responsible for most of the human interaction. In fact, body language is the first step in courtship — it indicates to a potential partner that you are receptive and interested. It can also be used as a signal to show your romantic interest that you expect him to introduce himself soon, or as a signal that you want to take it a step further.
    • Keep your arms open; not crossed over each other. Crossed arms give the impression that you don't want to be approached.
    • Shake or twist your hair to draw attention to yourself and show that you are open to flirting.
    • Sit up straight and tilt your head one way. Caress your throat or face lightly.
    • Move a little closer if you've already been approached. In this way you show that the advances are welcome. Lean forward when you are talking, and rotate your body so that you are standing or sitting opposite each other.
    • Lick your lips and open your mouth slightly. This is a sign of desire.
  2. Say it with your eyes and face. The eyes are, so to speak, the mirrors of the soul, so you can imagine how much you can communicate using them. Facial expressions can also say a lot about how you feel, and often do so unintentionally.
    • Hold the other person's gaze for a few seconds, then look away if you haven't approached yet. Do this about three times, and smile too. This makes it clear that the advances are welcome. Constant eye contact after you have already been approached shows that you are still interested.
    • Try to look as enthusiastic and vibrant as possible. Open eyes indicate passion and a smile shows that you are warm and inviting.
    • Raise your eyebrows slightly and lower your lids a little - as Marilyn Monroe did - to imitate the look of pleasure.
    • Nod your head to radiate thoughtfulness.
  3. Apply the mirroring technique. Mirroring involves the imitation of body language, speech and vocal intonation of someone with whom you feel a click. Although it is usually a subconscious reflex, the process can also be used intentionally to bond with someone and create rapport.
    • Pick up your drink a few seconds after your companion and sip right after or at the same time.
    • Plan the snacks you take when you eat together so that you eat synchronously.
    • Adjust the tone and pitch of your voice to the passion, enthusiasm, and other emotions your partner expresses.
    • Avoid mirroring angry or aggressive body language or attitudes, as this can be interpreted - on a subconscious level - as an insult.
  4. Flirt. If the attraction is mutual, flirting can be a fun and enjoyable way for two people to play with the idea of ​​a possible get-together and test a little if they fit together. This does not mean that you are fully committed to someone, but that you give them subtle hints that suggest that you feel a certain chemistry. And the best thing about flirting is you can do it anywhere!
    • Flirting is all about letting the other person know you're interested. So you can flirt with your body, words, gestures, expression and even the tone of your voice.
    • Engage in regular but light physical contact. Consider, for example, a soft, quick touch of the arm while talking, a light touch of the hand or even the feet.
    • Create an intimate atmosphere by sitting close and giving the conversation your undivided attention.
    • Compliment, flatter and smile. These are inviting behaviors that indicate that you like what is happening.
    • At a party or social gathering where there are plenty of other potential lovers, try something like, "You know what, I'm going to talk to you because you're the cutest guy here."
    • To get the ball rolling in the store setting, you can ask him to grab something for you or for advice on a particular brand. Say something like, “Someone as handsome as you is bound to have a favorite [product depends on which store you are in].
    • In a restaurant or bar, you can sit down and ask for a drink recommendation.
    • At the gym you can try something like, “Wow, I am really impressed with how you did that exercise! Top."
    • In any situation, try the following classic: "Did anyone ever tell you that you and [the name of your favorite celebrity] could have been twins?"
  5. Play hard to get. Playing "hard to get" is an excellent way to gauge how engaged someone is (the "harder" you play, the more interested the other person is), but know that this tactic only really works if the other was interested anyway. When you first encountered a new romantic interest, there is a fine line between stimulating future advances ('easy to get') and keeping the other's interest ('hard to get') - and the balance between the two is incredibly important. If there is no balance, your aloof behavior could scare people off.
    • Playing "hard to get" is not about manipulation, but about mystery: the point is that the other person keeps guessing and is not able to draw you precisely. In the early stages of the relationship, don't reveal too much about yourself.
    • Make the other aware of your attraction, but stick to your own limits as you get to know each other. Don't think that you have to get intimate with the new partner right away on the first few dates.
    • Stick to your curfew. It doesn't matter how much you have a good time: don't stay out all night with your new crush.
    • If you're worried that your lover might get discouraged otherwise, you might show the affection a bit in public. .
    • Don't be afraid to fence off the interest of other potential lovers trying to win your affection.
  6. Be spontaneous and unpredictable. Do you eat the same thing every night? Probably not, otherwise it would be boring. So why would you always stick to the same patterns and behaviors? By constantly letting yourself and others guess what you will do or say, you make your life intriguing and fascinating. This doesn't mean you have to be untrustworthy or implausible; it means that you are not afraid to let go, give up control and let yourself go with the flow every now and then. It is also an essential part of playing "hard to get" because your potential partner keeps wondering if you are fully available. Spontaneity keeps life interesting for all parties involved and helps to avoid routine concerns.
    • Be curious and open to new things. Break through old thinking patterns. Try things you think you hate, such as new hobbies or new foods.
    • Say yes'! If a friend invites you to go on an adventure, accept that invitation. Say "of course" if a practically stranger whom you know before asks you out. In fact, pick up the phone and initiate the date yourself.
    • Switch off the television. Go out into the wide world and do something; don't waste your time watching other people do that.
    • Change habits and activities regularly. Experiment with new running routes, go to a new restaurant and choose a different breakfast.
    • Be fearless. Do things you fear. Approach any new experience or situation with courage and an open mind. Always surprise yourself. If you can, you will always continue to surprise others.


  • Pests often have negative connotations, as they are associated with manipulation. However, teasing can also be used to flirt with people you would like to date.
  • Teasing is all about playfulness and fun, and can be applied at any stage of the relationship to keep things fresh and exciting.
  • Teasing can quickly make guys like or hate you. So don't do it too often unless you like to leave an ill-mannered and rude impression.


  • Men tend to overestimate what women are trying to convey with their flirtation and sexual advances. Women, on the other hand, tend to underestimate what men are trying to convey with their flirtation and sexual advances. Basically this means that men tend to think you are flirting when you are not; and that you'll be more likely to think that the cute kid at that party wasn't flirting when he was. What we are trying to say with this is, be aware of the fact that signals can be misunderstood. Always be clear about what behavior you will and will not accept from your potential partner.