Take care of itchy and irritated skin

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to calm sensitive skin | What causes itchy irritated skin and redness?
Video: How to calm sensitive skin | What causes itchy irritated skin and redness?


Itchy and irritated skin, also called pruritus, can have a variety of causes, including dry skin, rashes, infections (bacterial, fungal), allergic reactions and numerous skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Regardless of the cause, constant scratching of itchy skin will only make it worse, so it's important to learn how best to take care of it. Lifestyle changes, home remedies, and medications can all help treat itchy and irritated skin, although a correct diagnosis can make treatment much more effective.

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Part 1 of 3: Changing the way you live

  1. Avoid scratching as much as possible. Regardless of the cause, constantly scratching itchy and irritated skin won't help - it may feel good at first, but it almost always makes the condition worse. As such, you should avoid scratching your itchy skin and try some of the remedies listed below, which can help relieve the urge to scratch. If the urge is irresistible, cover the itchy skin with breathable clothing or light bandages.
    • Keep your nails short, even and smooth to avoid doing more damage to your skin from scratching. Scratching can bleed, break blisters and cause infections.
    • If necessary, wear latex gloves, thin cotton gloves or socks over your hands to prevent scratching.
    • Instead of scratching, tap or pat the itchy skin.
  2. Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes with a smooth texture. Besides protecting your irritated skin from the sun and making it harder to scratch, baggy cotton (or silk) is more comfortable, feels softer on the skin and is more breathable than synthetic fibers. So stick to cotton and silk clothes, and avoid wearing itchy wool and synthetic or artificial fabrics, such as polyester, which don't breathe and lead to perspiration and more irritation.
    • Consider wearing loose cotton or silk clothing with loose sleeves when you are in your house. Switch to light and loose nightwear - flannel is nice in the winter months.
    • During the warmer months, stick to thin cotton or silk pajamas and only lie under a sheet so you don't overheat.
    • Avoid tight-fitting or sticky clothing for itchy and irritated skin. The more room your skin is given to breathe and evaporate sweat, the better.
  3. Choose a mild soap without dyes or perfumes. All kinds of additives in soaps, shampoos and laundry detergents can further irritate itchy and irritated skin, and in some cases they are the direct cause of your condition. As such, you should avoid using scented soaps, shower gels, shampoos and deodorants - look for natural alternatives that have minimal ingredients (the fewer artificial ingredients, the better) or that are hypoallergenic.
    • Rinse all soap from your body completely so that no residue is left. After shampooing, apply an unscented moisturizer to soothe and protect your skin.
    • Use a mild, unscented detergent when washing your clothes, towels, and bedding. Use the extra rinse cycle on your washing machine to get as much detergent out of your clothes and bedding as possible.
    • Dry your clothes and bedding with natural, unscented dryer sheets to avoid skin irritation.
  4. Take lukewarm baths and showers. Changing your bathing and showering habits can also help soothe itchy and irritated skin, if you haven't already. In general, it is best not to bathe too often (no more than once daily or your skin will dry out) and not hot or too cold - extreme temperatures can further irritate the skin. Hot water in particular can stress the skin, dissolve natural oils in the skin and lead to dryness and flakes. Instead, bathe with lukewarm or cool water and keep your showers and baths limited to less than 20 minutes - 10 minutes or less is ideal.
    • Adding natural oils, moisturizers, or baking soda to your bath water can soothe the skin and reduce itching.
    • Consider adding uncooked oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal (finely ground oatmeal for bathing) to your bath water for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Buy a shower filter that filters out chemicals that can irritate your skin, such as chlorine and nitrites.
    • Once you are done washing yourself, pat your skin dry instead of rubbing it. Use a soft, freshly washed towel and not one that has become a little rough.
  5. Reduce stress. Worries about your finances, job, school, relationships and social life often lead to stress, which can contribute to a variety of skin complaints, such as itching. The chemicals and hormones released in your body during stress can lead to rashes, blemishes and irritated skin. Reducing or controlling your daily stressors can help improve skin health and well-being. Don't be afraid to make major life changes to avoid stressful situations.
    • Be realistic about your obligations and responsibilities. People often get tense because they are too passionate or want to plan everything too much.
    • Think about reducing contact with people who are causing you a lot of stress.
    • Manage your time better. If you're always late and get tense because of that, get to work or school a little earlier. Plan ahead and be realistic.
    • Use exercise to deal with stress. Get active and get moving when you get stressed.
    • Talk to friends and family about your stressful affairs. Venturing out about your problems can already help. If there is no one to talk to, write about your feelings in a journal.

Part 2 of 3: Using home remedies

  1. Use a cold compress. Cold compresses can help relieve itching and irritation caused by a number of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Cold therapy can also help reduce inflammation by narrowing the tiny surface blood vessels under the skin. Soak a clean, soft cloth in cool water and put it in the fridge for a few hours before wrapping it around your itchy and inflamed skin.
    • Wrap your irritated skin in the cold compress for up to 15 minutes, two to three times a day, or as needed for temporary relief.
    • To make a cold compress last longer, put some crushed ice in a small plastic bag and wrap it in a soft cloth before applying it to your itchy skin.
    • You should not soak the irritated skin in ice - that can give you some initial relief, but it can also shock your blood vessels and cause frostbite.
  2. Use aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is a popular remedy for inflamed skin regardless of the cause, but it is particularly effective for sunburn. It has a strong effect to soothe irritated, itchy skin, reduce sensitivity and significantly accelerate the healing process. Aloe vera also has antimicrobial properties, which is helpful if your skin condition is caused by a fungus or bacterial infection. Apply aloe vera gel or lotion to the itchy skin several times a day, especially during the first few days after you notice irritation on your skin.
    • Aloe vera contains polysaccharides that help moisturize and keep the skin hydrated. It also leads to collagen production, which gives the skin its elasticity.
    • If you have an aloe plant in your garden, cut off a leaf and apply the thick gel that releases directly to your irritated skin.
    • You can also purchase a bottle of pure aloe gel from your local pharmacy. For best results, keep the aloe gel in the refrigerator and apply it as soon as it is cold enough.
  3. Apply some coconut oil on your skin. Not only is coconut oil a good skin moisturizer, but it also contains fatty acids (caprylic, capric & lauric acids) which are strong fungicides meaning they kill fungi such as candida and others. So, if your itchy and irritated skin is due to a fungal infection, apply some coconut oil three to five times a day for a week and see if it works.
    • The fatty acids in coconut oil kill yeast and fungi by destroying their cell walls, so it is very effective, but safe for your skin.
    • Coconut oil is also effective against bacterial skin infections and other causes of itchiness, such as eczema and psoriasis.
    • A good quality coconut oil becomes a solid at room temperature, instead of a liquid.
  4. Apply thick ointment or cream to your skin. Heavy ointments such as petroleum jelly, mineral oil, butter or vegetable butter are recommended for highly irritated skin (such as with eczema) because they trap moisture in the skin and create a protective layer against irritants. Creams such as Eucerin and Lubriderm are thicker than most lotions and can also be helpful, but you should apply them more often as they are absorbed faster. Hydrate your skin throughout the day, especially after a bath, so that the moisture remains in the skin and you are less likely to have dry or flaky skin.
    • If your skin is particularly itchy and irritated, consider a hydrocortisone cream. Over-the-counter types (less than 1% cortisone) are helpful for quickly reducing irritation.
    • If your skin isn't overly irritated, consider lighter, natural moisturizers with vitamins C and E, MSM, Aloe vera, cucumber extract, camphor, calamine, and / or calendula - all of which help repair and soothe damaged skin.
    • Take the time to massage the cream or ointment into your itchy skin, especially around your fingers and toes.
  5. Keep your skin well hydrated. In addition to applying creams and ointments to keep moisture in your skin, drinking plenty of water will also keep your skin hydrated so that it is less likely to itch and become irritated. Concentrate on drinking purified water, natural juice and / or sports drinks without caffeine so that your body and skin can hydrate and repair themselves quickly. Start with at least eight 200 ml glasses daily.
    • Avoid drinks with caffeine as it is a diuretic that stimulates urination and can lead to dehydration.
    • Caffeine-rich drinks include coffee, black and green tea, most soft drinks (especially cola) and the majority of the energy drinks.
  6. Consider antihistamines to reduce itching. Over-the-counter antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or loratadine (eg, Claritin, Alavert) can help relieve itchy and inflamed skin that is characteristic of allergic reactions, psoriasis and eczema. Antihistamines block the action of histamine, which is overproduced during allergic reactions and leads to swelling, redness and itching of the skin.
    • The decrease in histamine prevents small blood vessels under the skin from expanding, counteracting the redness and itching sensation.
    • Some antihistamines can cause confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, and blurred vision - so don't drive your car or operate large machinery while taking this medication.

Part 3 of 3: Seeking medical treatment

  1. Use prescription corticosteroid cream. Ask your doctor or dermatologist (skin specialist) for a diagnosis of your skin condition. If the above remedies don't really help, ask your doctor to prescribe a corticosteroid cream. Cortisone, prednisone and other corticosteroids are strong anti-inflammatories and reduce skin redness, which can reduce itching.
    • Prednisone is stronger than cortisone and often a good choice for severe sunburn, psoriasis and allergies - it reduces inflammation by reversing the size of the capillaries under the skin and suppresses the immune system response.
    • After applying corticosteroid cream to itchy skin, wrap the affected area in plastic wrap as it can improve absorption and help clear blisters.
    • Side effects of corticosteroid therapy include thinning of the skin, edema (water retention), pigment changes, varicose veins, stretch marks and a weakened immune system. Chronic use can lead to dry and flaky skin.
  2. Ask your doctor about other prescription medications. Rather than strong corticosteroid creams for itchy skin, other prescription medications may be recommended, due to the lower risk of side effects. For example, calcineurin inhibitors can be just as effective as corticosteroid creams in some cases, especially if the itchy area is not very large. Calcineurin inhibitors are available as creams and pills.
    • Examples of calcineurin inhibitors are tacrolimus 0.03% and 0.1% (Protopic) and pimecrolimus 1% (Elidel).
    • Other prescription drugs that can reduce itching of the skin are antidepressants, such as mirtazapine (Remeron). Side effects may include drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain and vision changes.
    • For reasons unknown, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft), can help reduce various types of skin itching.
  3. Experiment with phototherapy. If all other treatments aren't effective for your itchy and irritated skin, your doctor may recommend a special therapy that combines exposure to certain wavelengths of ultraviolet light with certain medications that help make your skin more sensitive to UV rays. Phototherapy appears to work for many skin conditions, especially eczema, by increasing the production of vitamin D in the skin and killing all microorganisms on the skin - the effects are less inflammation, less itching and faster healing.
    • For the treatment of most skin conditions, short wave ultraviolet B (UVB) light is the most commonly used type of phototherapy as recommended by dermatologists.
    • Broadband UVB phototherapy, PUVA (Psoralen and UVA) and UVA1 are other forms of phototherapy sometimes used in the treatment of eczema and other skin conditions.
    • Phototherapy avoids the UVA portion of the light, which is harmful to the skin and can accelerate skin aging and increase the risk of skin cancer.
    • Multiple sessions are usually necessary until the itching is under control.


  • Avoid substances that can irritate your skin or cause an allergic reaction. This includes nickel, jewelry, perfume, cleaning products and cosmetics.
  • To avoid itching and irritation from sunburn, avoid unnecessary sun exposure.
  • Stay out of the sun in the hottest part of the day and wear sun hats, sunglasses, and a broad spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher).