Feeling confident

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Be Confident In Any Situation
Video: How To Be Confident In Any Situation


You may have already learned how to be confident, but what if you aren't so confident yet feels? Sometimes your feelings need some time to keep track of your behavior. However, that doesn't mean you can't speed up the process. Maybe you just need to exercise a little more, dress a little better, maybe you can think a little more positively, or smile a little more. Either way, feeling confident is an ongoing process that, once you can, will immensely improve your well-being.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Fooling your brain

  1. Dress tight. How would you feel if you walked into a posh restaurant with your pajamas on and a bad case of bedhead? Probably quite uncomfortable, and self-conscious. How would you feel if you walked into that same restaurant, but in your Easter best? While clothing doesn't necessarily make the man (or woman), it can make him (she) feel good.
    • It's a lot easier to feel good about yourself when you think you look good. So get in the shower, do your hair, wear clean clothes, and get some fresh air. You don't have to put on a gala outfit, but do your best to put together a nice outfit. Try to look your best.
  2. Be aware of your attitude. Enter a room with a lot of people in it. 9 times out of 10 you will be able to pick out people without self-confidence. That's because of their attitude. Maybe they slouch a bit, look at the floor, or shy away from eye contact. Imitating them can make you lose your confidence. So don't do it! Put your shoulders back and walk with your head held high and your chest out.
  3. Exercise. When you exercise, you look better. When you look better, you feel better. In addition, exercise causes you to produce endorphins. Endorphins make you feel more productive and energetic, like you are getting a real boost. And, oh yes, it also makes you healthier, it will make you live longer, and things like that.
    • You don't have to run marathons to reap the benefits of sports. 30 minutes of exercise a day (you can divide it into small portions) is all you need to stay healthy.
  4. Wear colors. There is a reason why people wear black clothes in times of mourning: it reflects our state of mind. People have a strong connection with colors. If you're feeling a little down, go for something with a color. You may not even need more than that.

Part 3 of 3: Practice makes perfect

  1. Do something you are good at. And yes, you are good at something. If you clean toilets for your profession, then you are good at it. And you know that! When we do things that we are good at, we feel proud and competent. This is where self-confidence comes from. And don't do it alone, do it often. It will remind you how great you are.
    • Being good at something, or mastering a skill, gives us character. It gives us something to talk about and makes us interesting. And it also makes us feel proud and competent. And doing something you are good at is fun too, did we mention that? So what are you waiting for. Take some time for yourself and do your thing.
  2. Talk to everyone. Lack of self-assurance also stems from not really understanding people. You can get around this by talking to everyone. It doesn't matter if it's just a comment on the mail, talk to everyone. You will probably learn this:
    • Most people are fed up with friendly people. They are not out to tear you down or to judge you. In fact, they probably enjoy talking to you and you probably enjoy talking to them.
    • Most people don't like to start a conversation either. They open up when you take the first step. They are just as nervous as you are to do that.
    • People like to form leftovers. They stick to what they already know, and usually don't deviate much from it. That's boring. Do not do it. You can learn a lot from people who are different from you.
  3. Keep talking to everyone. For real. The more you talk to other people, the less scary it gets. You will worry less about how people feel about you, less likely to think about how great all those other people are. You will begin to see that most people are very average. If no one else is a big deal, then you don't have to worry about how you come across.
    • And the more you talk to people, the easier it is for you to socialize. It can be a little intimidating at first, but after 100 talks about it, you will have become a pro at it.
  4. Compliment others. Remember that positive stuff we talked about for a moment? Apparently people like that. Let others know that you are quite good at it by complimenting them. It's a bit like “nice to receive, even more fun to give”. It feels great when someone brightens you up, but it will be even more awesome when you know you've cheered up someone else!
    • And also accept compliments elegantly. A simple thank you note is the best way to do this. Don't shy away from the compliment or make excuses. The other person is just trying to be nice to you. It's modest, okay, but it's not much fun for the other person. Imagine if they were to give you a present and you were to say, “No, no. I don't deserve that; take it back. ” Horrible!
      • That said, keep your compliments genuine. Don't say it if you don't mean it.
  5. Observe yourself and everyone around you. This is true twice:
    • Observe yourself and others, instead of judge yourself and others. If you stop doing that, the negativity will also stop. You expand your mind, and you can learn something from it.
    • Observe yourself and others so you can learn. Why are other people so confident? What makes you feel confident and what doesn't? What are your patterns, what are your triggers?
  6. Look for real role models. It can be a huge boost when you find someone who inspires you and your confidence. Just make sure that person is real - trying to be like Kim Kardashian probably isn't a good idea. You want to find a source of positivity and be able to draw on it when you need it.
    • In addition to being a role model or mentor, you should surround yourself with positive people. Hanging out with people who bring you down (on purpose or not), or force you to be someone you are not, will not make you happy. It's not worth it, no matter how rich, handsome, or smart they are.
  7. Be true to yourself. It's really hard to be confident when you're trying to be someone you aren't. We need to remember how we appear confident, but also remember who we try to be. Exhausting, huh? So take out the middleman; be yourself. So much easier.
    • You cannot be truly happy by pretending to be something or someone else. You may notice some positivity at first (wearing clothes that make you fit, etc.), but that will stop. What remains is how you feel about yourself. So if you hear a little voice in your head say, "No, rather not," listen to it. Being true to yourself, doing your own thing - that's self-confidence!


  • Sit upright, with head raised and shoulders back.
  • Always put on a big smile. This will make others feel like you are extremely confident about what you say / do.
  • If someone is trying to take you down or make fun of you, try to think how silly that comment is. Think of it as a joke, and don't take the comment seriously.
  • Self-affirmation is a powerful tool. Pronounce it as if it has already happened. Tell yourself, “I am a confident person. I can do anything I want. ”
  • Always make eye contact with your conversation partner.
  • In any environment, always consider yourself equal to the rest.
  • ALWAYS be honest and believe in yourself. If you don't, no one will.
  • Surround yourself with the people you love and people who make you feel confident.Don't settle for less. Being in a place where you have the support of others will make you feel good about yourself.
  • Remember that everyone is afraid of something. You're not the only one.
  • Maintain good hygiene habits.
  • Before going to bed, think at least ten times, "I am a confident person." This will keep you thinking positively, and you'll wake up more confident the next day.
  • Do something that scares you, such as driving or speaking in public. As Vincent van Gogh once said: "When you hear a voice in your head saying" You can not paint! 'Go right painting! and the voice will be silenced. ”
  • Be nice to other people. Take insults with a grain of salt.
  • Have a picture of your favorite superhero handy. Look at it every now and then to remind you how brave and brave you want to be. Tell yourself, "I'll survive no matter what happens today!"
  • You are amazing just the way you are! Never forget that!
  • Don't let nasty comments fool you.


  • Never be mean to others, or put down other people. Certainly not if you do that to boost your own self-confidence. People will start to hate you if you do.
  • Instead of anger trying to take at least "somewhat of confidence" feel, you would do better to know your true self. And to take good care of it. Your true self is noble and worthy. By taking good care of that, you will soon become more confident.