Treat your girlfriend like a princess

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess
Video: Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess


A girlfriend is a precious gift that should not be taken for granted. If you feel that, you can show it by treating her like a princess using the simple steps below.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Show respect and kindness

  1. Be respectful and kind. Your girlfriend needs to feel like she is special. Always speak kindly to her, listen to what she is saying, and be respectful of her as an individual.
    • Your girlfriend should be more than just an object of your lust. Keep it to yourself sometimes, even if you are intimate.
    • Greet her respectfully. Get up and kiss her hand when she walks into the room. You can even nod or bow to her if you feel particularly regal.
  2. Touch her gently and sweetly. Hold her hands as you walk together. Kiss her softly on the back of her hand, if passion allows. Comfort her by gently hugging her from behind.
    • When you need to, touch her gently. Be gentle and loving with your girlfriend.
  3. Respect her wishes and try to fulfill them.
  4. Be considerate and caring. Never be rude; challenge yourself never to be angry or rude to her. This is going to come to haunt you in a big way and is a pretty common mistake. It can even lead to the loss of a relationship.
  5. Be proud of her and show it. When the two of you are out in public, present her as if you are lucky to be with her, because you have too!

Part 2 of 3: Being generous and adventurous

  1. Give her a present. Gifts can be big or small, everyday or meaningful. If you care about your girlfriend and want to treat her right, show her that you care with a small gift. Flowers, jewelry, and other small gifts are always appreciated.
    • Never forget to do the little things like buy her favorite candy, flowers, or anything else sweet for no reason other than loving her.
  2. Every now and then surprise her with breakfast in bed, or just a special breakfast that you know is her favorite. Also, it is always welcome to bring lunch and coffee to her while she is at work. If your schedule doesn't allow this, it will also bring a smile to her face when you pack a proper lunch with a sweet note for her.
  3. Take her out when you can afford to. Spend a good amount of your money on her. She will appreciate the attention, time and money you have spent on this. And more important; she will be happy to spend time with you.
  4. Give her massages. Massages are great! Shoulder, back and foot massages show that you are making an effort to make her happy. Even if you don't really know what you are doing, she will tell you what to do differently and appreciate the attempt as long as you don't hurt her.
  5. Go somewhere. Schedule a trip for the two of you every now and then (maybe twice a year or more, depending on how special you make it). Make it a weekend trip or spur her on with an adventure somewhere further afield, such as another country that you know she would love to visit. Book the hotel, book the tickets, and request her boss free time for her to leave.

Part 3 of 3: Communicate well

  1. Listen to her when she talks. If your girlfriend needs to vent, be there to listen. Ask her how she feels and show her that you care by taking her opinions and ideas seriously.
    • Recognize that she has your full attention.
  2. Often remind her that you like / love her and that you are happy that the two of you are together.
  3. Compliment her. This will show that you have a genuine interest in her and that you are paying attention.
  4. Keep reassuring her that she is the only one. Tell her that only she has your heart (beyond the possible religious doctrines you are attached to).


  • News flash: people are different. Honor those differences by paying attention to the things she says are important to her, even though she doesn't specifically use the words, "it's important to me." If she tells you about it, it's important to her. And if you listen carefully, she will tell you exactly how to love her well.
  • Accept her for who she is. The world is full of people trying to turn everyone around them into the ideal versions of the perfect boyfriend or date. Be different.
  • Be willing to accept your mistakes when she says you misunderstood her, even if she uses the "wrong" words. Remember, you are on the same side. There is no battlefield.
  • In addition to presents, girls enjoy being told that they are special and other sweet things. Everything is fine, but make sure to compliment more than just her looks. You need to let her know why she is who you are with and what makes her so special and unique.
  • When appropriate, give her a kiss out of the blue; light displays of physical affection are comforting.
  • Put her first, but remind her that you have other commitments as well. So also respect that she has other things besides your relationship that she should focus on.