Preparing for a long flight

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO SURVIVE A LONG FLIGHT // 17 Tips for Long Flights  ♡
Video: HOW TO SURVIVE A LONG FLIGHT // 17 Tips for Long Flights ♡


Long flights require more preparation than short flights, especially if you will be away from home for weeks or even months. Good preparation is very important to make your flight as comfortable as possible and to make sure you don't forget anything, but also to ensure that you leave the home front in good hands. With a good sense of humor and some perseverance, good preparation can help you get through your flight!

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Method 1 of 5: Prepare for comfort

  1. Bring a blanket and a pillow. To make yourself as comfortable as possible, you can bring a pillow and a blanket. Although some airlines offer passengers on long flights as standard, it is still more pleasant to have your own familiar items with you. There are pillows and blankets that are specially made for use on airplanes and are therefore very compact. These are often for sale at airports, so you don't have to take them with you from home.
    • With a blanket and pillow you never have to worry about the temperature on the plane or getting a stiff neck.
  2. Take wet wipes with you. You can use this to keep your hands clean, but also to clean spilled apple juice from your table, for example. This way you can be sure that both you and your environment stay clean and you do not have to walk to the toilet every time you want to freshen up.
  3. Bring an eye mask. Sometimes these are offered by the airline, but that is by no means always the case. An eye mask helps you to relax and makes it easier for you to sleep.
  4. Bring earplugs or good headphones. This way you can counteract any noise nuisance from other passengers or put on some music when you sleep and do not want to be disturbed by ambient noise. After all, you never know whether you will end up next to a crying child or a bickering couple. With earplugs or headphones you ensure that you are not bothered by anyone and you can completely shut off any nasty noises.
    • Listening to music on your iPod or smartphone can also help you relax.
  5. Wear comfortable clothes. On a long flight, comfort is a lot more important than how you look. So do not wear stiff, itchy or too tight clothing; you will regret it. Wear loose-fitting clothes that are easy to clean. Avoid synthetic materials or expensive brands that will attract attention. Unnecessary accessories such as jewelry and belts can cause you to be searched during check-in and also attract pickpockets. The less valuables you take with you, the less worry you have to worry about. A few clothing tips to make your flight bearable:
    • Don't dress too cold, but just take a warm sweater in your hand luggage to be on the safe side. If the air conditioning is on, then you can wear something extra.
    • Wear a few thin layers of clothing on top of each other. For example, put a tank top under a sweater. If it gets too hot for you, you can always take something off.
    • Bring warm socks. Socks can heat up your feet and thus your entire body. It is therefore wise to bring an extra pair, should it suddenly get a bit too cold.
    • Instead of jeans, opt for leggings, sweatpants or harem pants that allow you to sit and move comfortably.
    • If you are going to explore your destination from the plane, take an extra set of clothes in your hand luggage.
  6. Bring a small toothbrush and toothpaste. If you like brushing your teeth after dinner, bring a small toothbrush and some toothpaste. Brushing your teeth in the airplane toilet might not be too comfortable, but it's better than a bad taste in your mouth.
  7. Bring chewing gum. You can also bring gum with you to make your mouth feel clean and fresh again. If you experience problems with your ears during takeoff and landing, chewing is also a good way to relieve the pressure.

Method 2 of 5: Prepare for entertainment

  1. Decide what you want to do on the plane to enjoy yourself. You can do two things here. You can leave it to the airline company (check what they offer first) and take as little as possible. However, you can also bring your own things to be in control of what you do. Please note that not all forms of entertainment are allowed and that fragile items may break while traveling. The more you bring, the less space you have for souvenirs.
    • On the other hand, it might be useful to also have music or books (in the form of an iPod or e-reader) with you during your trip. Moreover, these devices take up little space in your bag.
    • What you may want to take into account is that with some airlines you pay extra for movies or other entertainment. So check in advance whether this is the case with the airline you are flying with. If you do not want to pay extra, it is better to bring your own laptop or iPad.
  2. Bring your electrical appliances. Things that can come in handy on the plane are, for example, an iPod for music and audiobooks, a laptop or iPad for reading and writing and a Gameboy or PSP. Although these devices have their advantages and disadvantages, they can provide a great distraction during your hours of travel. However, if you are going on vacation, you can consider leaving your laptop or other things that remind you of your work at home.
    • Bring your mobile phone; you might need it during your trip and if not, you can at least keep it safe. Many newer planes offer entertainment such as movies, music and TV series, so you don't need your own gear in principle.
    • If you bring a laptop or iPod, make sure that it is fully charged before departure. Depending on the length of your flight, you may also consider bringing an extra battery.
  3. Bring something to read. Do you have an unread novel lying around or do you finally want to read a full newspaper, then this is your chance. You can also buy newspapers, books and magazines at the airport, if you do not have time to visit the store during the preparation. If you have an e-reader, you can set up a few new books there before your flight. Reading material that you can bring is, for example:
    • Books (bring more than one in case a book turns out to be boring)
    • Gossip magazines like Story and Privé
    • News magazines such as Nieuwe Revu
    • Newspapers
    • School or work related books
      • If you like to write, you can also bring writing materials with you. Consider, for example, a diary, laptop or notepad. A flight can be the ideal opportunity to write.
  4. Bring games. Whether you are traveling with friends or alone, it is always a good idea to bring one or more games with you. Think for example of a classic game of cards, UNO or a travel variant of Scrabble or Monopoly. If you are traveling with someone, first ask what games they like.
    • You can also bring a notepad so you can play butter, cheese and eggs or hangman, for example.
    • You can also come up with games where you don't need any aids, just talk to each other. Think, for example, of word games, coloring games or memory games.
  5. Bring puzzles. Another way to keep yourself busy, especially if you're traveling alone, is a booklet of crossword puzzles or Sudoku. With this, the hours fly by as if it were seconds! With a medium-sized crossword puzzle you can easily spend two hours.
    • If you are traveling with children, the special Donald Duck holiday books are recommended. This includes puzzles, coloring pages and comics.
  6. Make sure all your electronic devices are charged before the flight. This is especially important if you want to use your laptop to watch a movie, for example. Some planes have power outlets, but this is not always the case. You can also bring an extra battery or charger so that you can be sure of power supply.
    • If one of your electrical devices needs to be charged urgently, one of the flight attendants can do this for you in the back of the plane. However, this is not always possible, so don't count on anything.

Method 3 of 5: Healthy flying

  1. Bring healthy snacks. To satisfy unexpected hunger, it is always wise to bring some snacks with you while flying. On the plane, these quickly cost you a small amount of power, so it is more sensible to just buy them in the supermarket. This way you always have something to eat with you and you never have to wait for the flight attendant to come by. Snacks that get you full and that are also healthy:
    • Apples
    • Almonds, cashews or pistachios
    • A muesli bar (as long as it doesn't crumble)
    • Raisins
    • pretzels
    • Dried fruit
  2. Drink lots of water. The air in an airplane is very dry, so it is important to drink enough. While you can't get liquids through customs, you can still buy them from airport shops after you've checked in. In addition, don't skip any drinks that are offered to you, because you never know when the flight attendant will return. Of course you can also ask for extra water, but it is easier to do this if the flight attendant is already on the road with her cart.
    • While it's important to drink enough, you don't want to have to run to the bathroom every half hour. Make sure you drink enough, but not too much. Remember, it's better to drink enough and go to the bathroom every now and then than to dry out and not go to the bathroom.
  3. If you quickly suffer from dry eyes, take eye drops with you. This way you prevent irritated eyes during the flight. This can be quite uncomfortable, especially if you can't do anything about it for hours.
    • Make sure your eye drop bottle is small enough to pass through customs or buy a bottle once you've checked in.
  4. Make sure to move now and then. According to the American Institute of Health, people who fly for more than four hours have a small chance of developing thrombosis. Stretching your legs every now and then can prevent this. Go to the bathroom every few hours, stretch regularly, and wear comfortable clothes that don't pinch your limbs. Some things you can also do are:
    • Drink extra before and during the flight
    • Wear support stockings to prevent your legs from swelling (only necessary if you are prone to this)
    • Stop drinking alcohol from the day before the flight. This dries out your body. Incidentally, this also applies to coffee, soft drinks and chocolate.
    • Take children's aspirin one day before the flight so that you do not suffer from stomach ulcers.
    • Reserve an aisle seat so that you can get up from time to time to walk around.
  5. Bring the necessary medicines with you. Consider, for example, pills for nausea, pain killers, sleeping pills or other medicines that you take regularly. Be on the safe side so that you can easily remedy any ailments that may arise.
    • If you are considering bringing a sleeping aid with you so you can sleep during the flight, make sure you have tried it at home first. This way you can be sure that the product works well and that you do not experience any unpleasant side effects.

Method 4 of 5: Practical flying

  1. Determine which airline you want to fly with. Of course it is important to know which flights are available according to your mood and what suits you cost-wise. However, it is also important to know which airlines make your flight as comfortable as possible. For example, some airlines offer more legroom than others or offer more entertainment options. The longer your flight is, the more important these things are. Find out which society best meets your requirements by reading online forums or social media.
    • See what entertainment options airlines offer. Many newer aircraft, for example, offer their own video screen on which you can watch films or series. This is of course more comfortable than one screen that twenty people have to watch.
    • Many individual entertainment systems nowadays allow you to watch movies, news broadcasts, documentaries and all sorts of other things. You can also listen to music or play games.
  2. Select a comfortable seat in advance. Although there will always be someone in the middle of course, with a little preparation you can ensure that you are sitting at the window or the aisle. With many companies you can indicate this in advance. Before doing this, think carefully about what you want. If you like to look out of the window, it is of course best to reserve a seat at the window. If you would like to be able to go to the toilet every now and then or would you like to walk back and forth regularly, then an aisle spot is more suitable. Some tips for reserving your seat:
    • Many airlines offer the option of selecting your seat when you make your booking. However, this can cost you some extra money.
    • If you have not reserved a seat when booking your flight ticket, please try to do so at check-in.You can sometimes do this online, but also if you have already arrived at the airport.
    • If you want to board as late as possible or get off the plane as soon as possible after landing, choose a seat in the front of the plane. A disadvantage of this is that you are probably further away from the toilets.
    • Try to get a place at the emergency exit. Here you often have more legroom.
    • Try to avoid getting into the emergency exit line. Sometimes the backs of the seats in this row cannot be reclined!
    • Also avoid the back row of seats on the plane. Here, too, you can often not recline the backrest and, moreover, you are so close to the toilets, which can be accompanied by unpleasant odors.
  3. If you have young children, make sure they have a good seat. It may be cheaper to bring your baby on your lap, which is not nearly as safe as having your own seat. Incidentally, it is not allowed to take your baby on your lap on some long flights.
  4. Make sure you have plenty of time to transfer after a long flight. If you're flying from San Francisco to Paris, it might be tempting to change trains in Brussels within an hour, but it's wiser to leave a little more time in between. This way you avoid missing your connection because you have to go through customs again or cannot find your way. If you want to fly stress-free, make sure you have enough time to make any transfers.
  5. Check whether it is financially feasible to fly business class. This way you fly more comfortably and arrive fresher at your destination. The disadvantage of this is of course that this luxury comes with a price tag. However, if you fly more often, you may be able to pay for an upgrade with frequent flyer miles. You can try!
  6. Find out about the food options on the plane. With most airlines you can choose from countless options for meals and snacks. When booking your ticket you can already indicate what you prefer and whether you have allergies or are vegetarian, for example. Check 24 hours before your flight whether your preference has been met. There is nothing more annoying than a long flight without a hot meal!
  7. Before you fly, prepare for medical problems. Call the airline if, for example, you have allergies, are in a wheelchair or there are other things that require extra attention. This is best done 24 to 12 hours before departure. In addition, check whether you have the necessary aids and medicines with you. This way you are optimally prepared for your trip.
    • If you get carsick quickly, you can also take medication for this. Make sure you read the prescription of the medicine before you use it and take the tablet about two hours before flying.
  8. Before you leave, read what you can and cannot take in your hand luggage. After all, it would be annoying if you unexpectedly had to hand in your favorite pocket knife. You can often find the baggage rules on the website of the airline you are flying with.
    • Adhere to the regulations regarding the weight and size of the luggage. You quickly pay tens of euros per kilo too much!

Method 5 of 5: Prepare For Your Flight

  1. Make sure you get a good night's sleep before you leave. Although you may have intended to sleep on the plane, it is wiser to start your flight well rested. There are all kinds of circumstances that can make sleeping on the plane difficult. Maybe you are sitting next to someone who has a rather unpleasant body odor or a baby cries for hours. To prepare for these things, you better arrive at the airport rested. If you have children, make sure they too have gotten enough sleep before boarding the plane. This can prevent a lot of drama and inconvenience.
  2. If you are ill, make sure you can prove that your illness is not contagious. For example, if you cough a lot, take a doctor's note stating that you are allowed to fly and that you cannot ignite others (anymore). If airline staff think your illness is contagious, they can deny you boarding. Also make sure you have the correct papers with you to take any medicines with you. This way you avoid unpleasant situations in countries where people deal with this less understandingly.
  3. Check the weather at your destination. This way you can pack the right clothes and possibly also take a jacket or shorts with you during the flight. It can be quite annoying when you have to plod through the snow in your T-shirt or arrive on a tropical island in your turtleneck sweater.
  4. Take all possible travel documents with you. Check that the whole family's passports are still valid. In many countries, the rule is that the passport must be valid for at least 6 months to enter the country. So make sure that this is the case! Other things to remember when preparing your travel papers:
    • Make sure you have applied for the necessary visas before departure. It is often easier to arrange this in advance. This way you avoid having to queue at the airport to get the paper.
    • Bring some cash, a credit card, and traveler's checks. Also make sure that your debit card is set up correctly so that you can also withdraw money outside of Europe.
  5. Get vaccinated. In all your enthusiasm, you could well forget to get vaccinated against malaria, for example. Check well before your trip whether this is necessary and ask your doctor for advice if necessary. In addition, buy any additional medicines in the Netherlands and not in the country of destination. This way you can be sure that you have the right tablets with you and you do not have to consult a foreign doctor during your trip.
  6. Pack essential supplies a few days before your trip. This includes your clothes, medicines, tickets, passports and toiletry bag. It's wise to make a list to make sure you don't forget anything important. On the basis of this list you can also keep an eye that nothing is stolen or lost.
    • Leave your travel information with your neighbors, friends and family. For example, there are always people who know where you are in the unlikely event of an emergency.
  7. Decide how you want to travel to the airport. A long flight is usually a sign that you will be away from home for some time, so parking your car at the airport may not be convenient. You can check to be sure whether this is a possibility after all. Especially at smaller airports, parking costs can be quite reasonable. Also check that your car is safe, whether you leave it at home or park it near an airport. Other ways to travel to the airport are a rental car, shuttle service, taxi or train.
  8. Make sure you are at the airport in plenty of time. If you are disabled or need extra help with checking in, it is better to arrive an hour early. You probably won't get bored at an airport anyway; there are all kinds of shops, cafes and even spas to keep you entertained.


  • Examples of tools to combat boredom are game consoles (Nintendo DS, PSP, Gameboy), iPods, MP3 players, games, crossword puzzles, books, magazines and a smartphone.
  • Bring a charger for all your electrical appliances. However, it is not certain that you can actually charge devices on the plane, so it is best to ensure that all devices are charged or that you have an extra battery with you.
  • Take chewing gum with you to combat any ear pain during takeoff and landing.
  • Bring multiple forms of entertainment. You won't be able to enjoy yourself for ten hours with just an iPod.
  • Be polite to the flight crew. You never know what extras you will be offered when you smile sweetly.
  • Take a small toiletry bag with you in your hand luggage. This way you always have something on hand in case you lose luggage.
  • Always take your medicines with you in your hand luggage.
  • Bring an extra shirt and pants in case your suitcase gets lost. You never know!
  • Make sure to be at the airport about two and a half hours before your flight. That way you have time to eat something, buy a book and go to the toilet. It is not recommended to arrive later; then you have to hurry terribly and you are tense before your flight starts. Also keep in mind that going through customs and checking in baggage may take some time.
  • If you have a small letterbox, make sure someone empties it for you every now and then. You can also ask if PostNL will hold back your mail for you.
  • If you have ear problems, make sure you have earplugs and gum with you to make takeoff and landing smooth. Earplugs are also a useful aid if you want to sleep for a few hours during the flight.
  • Say goodbye to the friends and family who aren't coming to the airport to see you off. Leave your contact and travel details so they know where you are and how to contact you. Also make sure to leave copies of your passport and credit card (of course, only give these to reliable persons). If you run into problems, this can be of great importance.
  • If you have goldfish or cats, have someone take care of them while you travel.
  • Read the airline magazine to find out which devices you should not use during the flight. This way you prevent a flight attendant from taking off with your brand new iPhone.
  • If you don't get a hot meal during the flight, make sure you bring your own salad or sandwich. At most airports you can get them in all kinds of restaurants and shops.
  • Buy an adapter to ensure that you can also charge your electrical appliances abroad.
  • Ask one of your neighbors to park your car differently every day. This makes it seem like you are just at home.
  • If you are traveling with a baby, ask your doctor for travel advice.
  • Make sure you leave your home safe. Set timers so that the lights are on at night and any thieves think you are just at home. This is especially important if you live in an unsafe neighborhood.
  • If you have pets and a garden, it may be wise to have someone look after your house and animal. This could be someone you know, but also a professional who you hire to water your plants, get the mail out of the letterbox and walk your dog.


  • Don't rely too much on the in-flight entertainment system. After all, this may be broken or it may only contain films that you have already seen. Make sure you always have your own stuff with you to enjoy yourself.
  • If you use a shuttle service to travel to the airport, please specify an earlier departure time. This way you prevent delays during the trip to the airport from throwing a spanner in the works.
  • At airports it is very important that you behave appropriately. These are, for example, some rules that you can adhere to:
    • Do not carry illegal substances in your luggage. This is very important. If you are not sure what is allowed and what is not, call the airline you are flying with to be sure.
    • Do not get up during takeoff and landing.
    • Turn off electrical devices if prompted by the pilot. Some electronics can cause malfunctions that make landing or take-off more difficult.
    • Don't do stupid things or make fun of bombs or terrorism.
    • Make sure all electrical appliances are on the airplane stand while flying.
  • Avoid having to go to the toilet while drinks are being delivered. The airline crew's trolley takes up quite a bit of space, so it will be difficult to get to the toilet.
  • Prefer not to mention when you are going on vacation. While you can tell friends and family about your trip, it is not wise to mention on Facebook or Twitter when you will be away. This is ideal for burglars who have it for your house.


  • Puzzle book
  • iPod or MP3 player
  • Travel pillow and blanket - these are often provided by the airline
  • Snacks - especially important if you have allergies or get hungry quickly
  • Games
  • Magazines - buy these at the airport
  • A good book - a long novel or an e-reader full of books is no superfluous luxury
  • DVD player - optional and probably unnecessary
  • Chargers for your electrical appliances - don't forget these!
  • Passports and tickets - very important
  • Pens and pencils - colored for kids, blue or black for adults
  • Extra underwear and toiletries
  • Wet wipes - for a quick freshening up on the fly.