Interested in the subjects at school

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
English Listening Comprehension - Talking About School Subjects in English
Video: English Listening Comprehension - Talking About School Subjects in English


It's easy to lose interest in your studies, whether you hate a particular topic, feel like you're drowning in work, or just bored in class. However, when you can find a way to enjoy what you are studying, you will be more motivated to do well in school - and you may even be able to enjoy it too!

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Part 1 of 2: Getting the right posture

  1. Find out what naturally interests you. While you may not be the biggest fan of every topic, there are probably a few topics that you are really interested in. Finding out the things you'd like to learn can help you become more interested in school in general. When you are naturally drawn to do something (like a favorite subject), it is called intrinsic motivation, and discovering such topics can increase your chances of success in school.
    • Think about which classes you give the most attention to, which ones you seem to be able to do best, which subjects you would like to study for, etc. This can indicate which subjects you are naturally interested in.
  2. Put subjects you don't like into perspective. If you try, you can become interested in a topic, even if you think you don't like it. Try to think about the purpose of the courses you are taking and why you should take them. This is called finding your extrinsic motivation.
    • Think of courses as stepping stones. For example, if you want to go to college, you know you have to pass high school subjects with a good grade, and this can motivate you to become interested in them.
    • You can even put your courses in a more precise perspective. For example, if you want to become an engineer, but your algebra teacher is not allowed, remember that good algebra grades are just the first step towards achieving your career goal.
  3. Relate what you study to in your daily life. Sometimes you can lose interest in your studies if you cannot see why a topic would be important or relevant to your life outside of school. Understanding some of the fun and interesting ways that school can be relevant can take away the boredom and listlessness. For instance:
    • Learning the basics of chemistry can improve your cooking skills.
    • Language lessons teach you things like visual language, rhetoric and persuasiveness. This information can help you understand how advertising works when using things like catchy slogans and sex appeal.
    • History lessons can help you understand when popular books, television shows, movies, etc. are based on historical events (and you can have a lot of fun pointing out when they get things wrong). For instance, Game of Thrones is an echo of medieval tournaments and the 15th century "Wars of the Roses", while Downton Abbey gives a pretty accurate picture of life on an English estate in the early 20th century (but one infamous shot accidentally showed a modern water bottle in the background).
    • Arithmetic can be used in many practical situations, such as doing taxes, calculating how much paint you need to cover a wall, and figuring out how much interest you're going to pay on a car loan.
  4. Examine your views of the school. If you are convinced that a topic is not fun or useful, or generally have no interest in school, ask yourself if there are any beliefs that are holding you back. You can learn to recognize and unlearn these negative beliefs to increase your chances of being motivated for school. For instance:
    • If you're not interested in a particular topic, such as English, ask yourself if anyone might have ever told you that you weren't a good writer. If so, know that those negative thoughts shouldn't bother you. Go to your teacher and explain the case, then ask him or her about ways to improve yourself.
    • Keep in mind that it isn't just your teacher's responsibility to keep you motivated for school. Even if you think you have a bad teacher, don't forget that you can take learning into your own hands and decide what you are interested in.
    • If you feel like a topic just isn't interesting, talk to friends who like it and see if they can explain why they like it.
  5. Find out what stress factors there are. While a lack of interest or academic skills in a particular subject can cause you to lose interest in school, other common stressors can do the same. This could include concerns about your appearance, social issues, bullying, etc. If you have problems with such matters, talk to a parent, mentor, teacher, friend, or other person you trust enough to ask for help. . If you can reduce your stress, you are more likely to become more interested in your studies.
  6. Don't be overly competitive. A little friendly competition can be fun and motivate to learn. However, too much competition creates fear, which can spoil the enjoyment of learning. Focus on your own performance and achieving your own goals.
    • Only be competitive if it continues to be fun and makes you interested in school, such as working on a science project or quiz competition.
    • You don't have to be the best at everything. Set your own realistic goals and don't worry too much about what others are doing. If you want to get a certain grade on a test, work hard to achieve it and don't worry about other people's grades.
  7. Write down what you like and don't like. Sometimes putting things on paper can help you figure out how to make yourself more interested in your studies. Take a piece of paper and draw a line in the center. On the one hand, you write "Things I don't like" and on the other, "Things I do like".
    • Write down anything you don't like about school. Try to be as detailed as possible. Instead of saying, "School is worthless and stupid," try to say something like "I'm embarrassed when the teacher asks me a question and I don't know the answer."
    • Write down everything you love about school. This part can be challenging, but do your best to indicate some things here. Chances are, there is something you like about school, even if it's just hanging out with your friends during recess.
    • View your list. What can you do about the things you don't like? For example, if you are concerned that you will not have an answer when the teacher asks you a question in class, you can try asking a question before class starts and raising your finger before the teacher asks you a question. That way you know you have something to say and the pressure is off.
    • What can you do to like more things? For example, if you are a computer expert, you could ask for more computer time at school, or by doing some of your homework on a computer instead of by hand.
  8. Talk to your parents, family, and friends about school. When you have a support group of people who care about you and want you to do well in school, you're more likely to be interested in it. Talking about what you are learning and what you are doing in school will help keep it in your mind in a positive way. Parents, family, and friends can be wonderful audiences.
    • If your parents or family ask you about school, don't think they want to bother you. On the contrary, they are interested in what you do, and you will feel good talking to them about it.
    • Don't be afraid to talk about problems or difficulties at school. A good support group will be understanding and try to help you.

Part 2 of 2: Learning good habits

  1. Learn a set routine. If you fall behind on your homework or don't make enough time to do your homework, it can cause all sorts of problems that can drag you down. On the other hand, if you set aside a certain amount of time each day to study or do your homework, you will stay on top of things and probably be more interested in your studies. Plus, you will feel great about completing your tasks!
    • Keep a running list of things to do for school, such as on a diary. This will help keep track of things. Checking off tasks when you are done gives you the feeling that you have accomplished something, and this keeps you motivated.
    • Try to find a quiet, undisturbed place to work.
    • Make sure you have done your homework before you start using the computer, watch TV, play games, etc. This may seem difficult at first, but if you get into the habit of doing the things you need to do first, you will end up with more time have to spend on other things that you can enjoy.
    • If you have a lot of work to do, don't forget to schedule short breaks. For example, if you are going to study for several hours, don't forget to take a break every hour (eg, five minutes), walk around, have a snack, etc. - just to keep your head clear.
  2. Prioritize school tasks. First, do those activities that have the most impact (the most important or most interesting tasks). This will help you get going and keep you interested in your studies. For instance:
    • If you have an important test coming up that makes up a large percentage of your grade, it may be more important to study for it than proofreading an essay you've already written for another course.
    • If you need to read a chapter for a history course that you enjoy doing, you could start with that before moving on to your math homework (if that's less fun). Alternatively, you may decide to do the math homework first if it is more important, and use reading the history chapter as a motivator to get it over with.
  3. Break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. Having a big project or exam to study for can seem daunting and cause you to lose motivation and interest. However, if you break the task down into smaller chunks, you will feel like you've accomplished something and stay more interested.
    • For example, if you have a biology test on five chapters of your textbook soon, try studying them all at once. Instead, you study a chapter, or half of a chapter, every day leading up to the test. You will feel good about your progress every day.
  4. Find ways to vary your homework. If you find the homework you're doing boring, remember that you don't always have to do things the same way. A little variety can make things interesting. For instance:
    • If you have to write a book report every month and you have done it on autobiographies, make a book report the following month.
    • Instead of writing another essay for history, ask your teacher if you can make a recording in the style of an old radio show. You can even create a series of podcasts instead of essays.
    • Instead of just reading Shakespeare out loud for English class, you can also stage a scene, record it and share it online via a video streaming website for others to watch and comment on.
    • You could practice your geometry studies by building a scale model of a famous building or other object.
  5. Study with friends. Being part of a group of people all working on the same project can be a motivator to get your homework done; you can quiz each other, or help with difficult problems or topics, etc. If you want to study with friends, make sure everyone stays busy with the task and doesn't get distracted.
    • You can form a study group where you promise to work hard, not stray, and help each other. When you don't feel like you are alone, you are more likely to remain interested and motivated.
  6. Ask for feedback. If you are having trouble with your schoolwork or just want to know how you are doing, ask your teachers for feedback. You can consult with them and ask for help with a particular assignment or ask for general feedback. Most teachers will be happy to help you, and talking informally about your homework will help you feel more comfortable in school and remain interested in your studies.
    • Don't be afraid to tell your teacher if there is a problem in class. For example, if you feel like a teacher is calling on you too often, talk to him or her about it. Most teachers have no problem hearing your concerns and are happy to help you.
  7. Ask your teachers to help you think about learning and planning. You will be more interested and care more about your studies if you can control it yourself. Your teachers may be willing to adopt ideas you have for making the curriculum more interesting or structuring the lessons. Let them know what your learning style is and what things you find interesting, such as:
    • Variation in assignments
    • Enthusiastic lessons
    • The ability to choose what you want to work on
    • Good examples to learn from
    • Learning games (such as quizzes)
  8. Reward yourself for your efforts and successes. When you've worked hard, are doing well in school, or achieved a goal, try to reward yourself in some way. While it is not intended to make material rewards your primary motivation for doing well in school, an occasional reward can help you stay interested in your schoolwork. For instance:
    • Give yourself time to play a favorite video game after you have finished all your homework.
    • Ask your parents if you can go to a favorite restaurant if you do well for an important test or get good grades at the end of the school year.
    • When you've completed all your assignments and you're out of projects, give yourself a weekend to spend on fun things like going out with friends, going on a hike, or watching a favorite TV show.