Increase your testosterone naturally

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Naturally Increase Your Testosterone: Scientifically Validated Options
Video: How to Naturally Increase Your Testosterone: Scientifically Validated Options


Both men and women can have low testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone that keeps the sex organs and metabolism in order, and also prevents bone loss. Although testosterone deficiency could be considered a medical condition, research shows that lifestyle has the greatest impact on testosterone levels. Exercise, sleep, stress and obesity all have an effect on hormone levels. Read on to find out how to increase your testosterone levels naturally.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Monitor your weight

  1. Consult your doctor for an annual physical exam. Ask your doctor for a detailed analysis of your weight. If you are overweight or obese, this may be responsible for the decrease in testosterone.
    • Obese people secrete more aromatosis. Aromatose is an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. The more aromatosis you produce, the slower your metabolism will work. This makes the problem worse. Try to work out a controlled weight loss plan with your doctor or dietitian.
  2. Avoid crash diets. Drastically reducing your calorie intake can confuse your body, preventing it from producing any extra testosterone at all. Try to reduce your calorie intake by about 15 percent for the first week.
    • All weight loss must remain in proportion. Try to lose one pound a week by improving your diet and exercising more.
  3. Put together a testosterone-proof diet.
    • Reduce the intake of sugars. As a result, you will mainly consume fewer calories, so that you will lose weight in a responsible way.
    • Eat more healthy fats. Healthy fats can be found in nuts, avocado, unheated peanut oil, fish, eggs, olives, and olive oil. Healthy fats even ensure that you get a healthier body. Make sure these healthy fats make up about half of your calorie intake.
    • Add more zinc to your diet. Research shows that natural zinc can increase your testosterone levels. Zinc can be found in dairy products such as raw milk, kefir and yogurt. Zinc is also found in beans, grass-fed meat and fish.
    • Eat after a workout. Whey protein, high-protein yogurt, and some vegetables can help build muscle. Building muscle helps you burn fat and produce more testosterone.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise regularly

  1. Start strength training. If you've never lifted weights, or used resistance bands or other equipment, ask a personal trainer or physical therapist for help. These can teach you how to do strength exercises correctly.
    • If you are quite weak, start with resistance bands.This is a light form of strength training with a rubber band that allows you to train weak muscle before you start lifting weights. Do this about 2-3 times a week for the first month. If you experience problems with your joints and / or back, you can continue to practice this form of training. There is also a difference in the strength of the rubber band. This way you can gradually build up your training.
    • By lifting weights three times a week for 11 weeks, you can increase your testosterone levels by 20 percent.
  2. Exercise with free weights or machines 2-3 times a week. For men, choose weights that tire your muscles after just 5 reps. Do three sets. After strength training, your muscles should feel a bit tired. Allow your muscles to rest for 24 to 48 hours.
    • Women and people with weight problems can choose to train more endurance. For example, opt for lighter weights and complete three sets of 10 or 15 reps.
    • Alternate full sets with half sets. This means that you only do half the movement at a time. This allows you to train both the fast and the slow muscle fibers.
    • Do not lift the weights too quickly. Breathe in and out slowly, never dropping the weights. Move the weights back to their original position in a controlled manner.
  3. Do interval cardio training. Start by spending at least 30 minutes doing cardio 5 times a week.
    • Interval training means that you first warm up, then sprint / train at full speed for 90 seconds, and then train at a “rest” pace for about 2 to 4 minutes. Repeat these sets for half an hour, thinking about your warm-up and cool-down.
    • The machines in the gym can be programmed to track interval training. Consider doing your cardio workout this way if you don't feel like jogging or swimming, or don't feel like timing your own intervals.
  4. Make sure you sweat a lot during your workout. While exercise in general is of course good, you will have to demand more from your heart to achieve weight loss and increased testosterone levels. This applies to both strength and cardio training.
    • Don't train too hard. If you are already in shape, too much cardio training can cause your testosterone levels to decrease. Your goal is to keep your metabolism high, but give your body enough time to rest and recover.
    • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. People who are somewhat dehydrated after a workout produce less testosterone.

Part 3 of 3: Adjusting your lifestyle

  1. Get plenty of sleep. Doctors recommend a night's sleep of at least 7-8 hours. A lack of sleep can reduce your testosterone levels by 10 percent.
  2. Move more. Exercising more and sitting still less often can balance your hormone levels, reduce stress and lead to weight loss.
    • Buy a pedometer. Make sure you have taken at least 10,000 steps per day.
  3. Reduce stress. Stress causes the hormone cortisol to be produced. Cortisol interrupts the production of other hormones, including testosterone.
    • Try to find the right balance between work and pleasure. Make sure you do something that you enjoy every day. In addition, try to avoid working days that are too long.
    • Consider meditation and / or yoga. These activities can reduce stress and also help you sleep better.
  4. Grab some sun. If you spend some time (15-30 minutes) in the direct sun, you will get vitamin D. If you keep the amount of vitamin D in your body high, your testosterone production can increase by up to 20 percent.
  5. Check your sexual desire.
    • Try to have sex in the morning. Your testosterone level is at its highest in the morning. As a result, you will deplete your testosterone less quickly than when you have sex in the evening.


  • Consult your doctor if you want to increase your testosterone production while on painkillers, anabolic steroids or Prednisone. These can cause your testosterone level to decrease. However, do not stop taking these medications unless directed by your doctor.


  • Doctor
  • Personal trainer / physiotherapist
  • Food with lots of healthy fats
  • Diet with a lot of zinc
  • Food with a lot of proteins
  • Resistance bands
  • Loose weights / machines
  • Water
  • Interval training
  • Sleep
  • Pedometer
  • Hobbies
  • Meditation / yoga
  • Vitamin D