Train your shin muscles

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Shin Splints Stretches And Exercises - Feel Better FAST!
Video: Shin Splints Stretches And Exercises - Feel Better FAST!


The shin muscles in the front of your lower legs are important muscles for running and walking. They are simple muscles to train on their own or with a resistance band. Since they are simple, they are also easy to forget, until they start to hurt during exercise. If you put in a little effort to train your shins, running and other forms of exercise can become a lot more enjoyable, allowing you to do even more.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Step exercises

  1. Do wall shin raises. These are simple exercises to stretch your shins while resting your back against a wall. As long as you have a solid background to support, you can do them just about anywhere.
    • Stand with your shoulders, back and butt against a wall. Place your feet away from the wall, with your heels about a foot length in front of you.
    • Keep your heels on the floor, toes up. Stretch as far as possible. This is called dorsiflexion.
    • Slowly lower your toes toward the floor, but not completely.
    • Do 10-15 reps. When you are done with the exercises, rest your feet briefly on the floor again, then do one or two more sets.
  2. Do single leg raises. This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but with only one foot at a time. It is a lot more difficult because you are only supporting on one leg. This is a good exercise to work towards after the wall shin raise.
    • Stand with your back against the wall and rest one foot lightly against the wall.
    • Lift your toes off the floor (dorsiflexion) and do 10-15 reps. Once you are done, switch feet and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
    • Since you only use one leg at a time, you don't need to rest between the legs.
  3. Does very step-downs. This is a simple exercise that you can do without a wall. You do the same kind of dorsiflexion as the one against the wall, but this time pretending to be walking.
    • Stand upright without leaning, with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
    • Take a step forward on the heel of the foot only. This should be a normal step, so about as far forward as you would during a walk.
    • Keep your toes in the air and make sure the ball of your foot is no closer than an inch to the floor.
    • Return to the starting position.
    • Do 10-15 reps with the same leg, then switch to the other leg.
    • A variation on this exercise is to try walking around the room on your heels. Just make sure to walk very slowly and keep your balance. If you feel like you are unbalanced, put your toes back on the floor.
  4. Do a seated shin stretch. This is a simple stretch that you can do anywhere. Choose a softer surface because you are sitting on the floor.
    • Sit on the floor, on your knees. Extend your feet so that the instep of your feet rest on the floor and your toes are straight.
    • Lean back gently and press your heels to stretch the front of your leg.
    • Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat three times.
    • If you want to stretch further, do one leg at a time to increase the weight. You can also try lifting your knees to further increase the resistance.
  5. Do very drops. These are simple exercises that require an elevation, such as a step, to provide resistance to the foot. This is probably best done at the bottom of a staircase or on a small elevation, rather than the top step of a staircase.
    • Stand with your toes on the edge of a step. Have something nearby to balance yourself.
    • Shift your weight to one leg (e.g. right) and then lift the other foot (left) off the step.
    • Lower your right heel and make sure your toes are pointing up.
    • Return to the starting position, then switch legs and do the same exercise with that foot.

Method 2 of 2: Using resources

  1. Pull up your toes. These are simple exercises you can do with a towel on the floor.Just make sure your feet are firmly on the floor. You can hold on to something for balance if needed.
    • Stand at the edge of the towel with your feet hip-width apart.
    • Grab the edge of the towel with the toes of one foot and pull the towel towards you.
    • Push the towel back into position.
    • Repeat this with your other foot.
  2. Stretch your calf muscles. This exercise uses an exercise band to pull the toes towards you. This action strengthens the shin muscle. You can also use a towel in place of the band if you don't have one.
    • Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
    • Loop the exercise band around the bottom of your feet at the arch of your foot.
    • Gently pull the band back into dorsiflexion, that is, pull your toes up towards your shins as far as possible, and hold that position for 10-15 seconds.
    • Repeat this two to three times on the same foot, then switch to the other. You can switch legs between reps, but it will probably be faster not to keep switching the band between feet.
    • The exercise band you use for these and other shin exercises should be a strip-shaped design that wraps around your foot and ankle. When purchasing the band, consider the resistance based on your current fitness level. If you are already active and working on your shins to improve your current workout, consider heavy resistance bands for average untrained men or active women, or extra heavy resistance, for active men and strong women.
  3. Do a resistance exercise for the shins. In this exercise, you use the resistance band and a fixed object to help stretch your lower leg. Your foot uses the band as a resistance to pull against when bending. All you need is the exercise band and something sturdy to wrap it around.
    • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Make sure your toes are pointing towards the ceiling.
    • Wrap the exercise band around the top of your foot and any stationary object. This could be a table leg or something else that will stay firmly in place.
    • Pull the foot against the resistance, pulling the toes back against the resistance of the band.
    • Do 10-15 reps, then switch feet. To increase the resistance, you can use a heavier band or do more reps, for example 20-30 per leg.
  4. Take a monster walk. If you have more room to walk, you can stretch your shin with the resistance band by taking steps. This will stretch your shins and your hip abductors.
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Wrap the resistance band around your ankles or thighs.
    • Step forward and to the right with your right leg. Then bring your left leg forward so that your feet are next to each other again.
    • Take a step back towards your original position and then bring your other leg back as well.
    • If you have the space, you can take a few steps forward before stepping back. Don't forget to alternate your leading foot forward with each step.


  • If you're concerned about shin pain, you should also exercise your calves, abductors, and hips. This helps to stabilize your shin, reducing the risk of problems such as periosteum irritation.
  • These exercises are not meant to be long, so you don't need a full workout for your shins. In general, they are best done as part of the warm-up before a regular workout, as they strengthen your shins for the heavier exercises you will be doing.