Making your eyes look good without makeup

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


You don't have to put on a thick layer of makeup to make your eyes pop. Whether or not you are allowed to wear makeup, have sensitive skin or simply prefer pure nature, read on to learn how to make your eyes radiantly beautiful without makeup.

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Part 1 of 2: Make your eyes pop

  1. Curl your lashes. Even if you do put on makeup, many make-up artists believe that you should always curl your lashes because it makes your eyes look bigger and more awake. Curl your eyelashes first with an eyelash curler at the roots, then in the middle and then at the tips. That gives your lashes a natural curl instead of kinking them at a sharp angle. If you don't want to use an eyelash curler, there are other ways to curl your lashes too.
    • Blow on your fingertips to warm them up and press your lashes up. Hold for ten seconds and repeat if necessary.
    • Heat a spoon in a cup of hot water, then hold the edge of the spoon against your eyelashes. The hollow part should face away from you. Use your fingers to press your lashes against the brim.
    • Use a clean toothbrush to brush up your lashes. Run the toothbrush under hot water and wipe off excess moisture on a towel. Then brush up your lashes, starting at the roots, and hold the tips for ten seconds.
  2. Wear colors that make your eyes pop. Figure out which shades emphasize your eyes and buy shirts and scarves in those colors. Think about what color you often wear when people compliment you on your eyes, or hold different colors of fabric up to your eyes and let a friend tell you what looks best.
    • Blue eyes stand out with black and different shades of blue (dark blue makes your eyes a deeper blue, light blue makes them lighter), purple, pink and light green.
    • Brown eyes are beautiful with orange and red (or a combination such as peach), browns, bright blue, lavender, gold and moss green.
    • Green eyes are best with a shade of purple or green, black, dark blue, soft yellow and deep brown.
    • Golden brown eyes go well with black, dark blue and other dark, neutral colors, orange, burgundy and lavender.
  3. Keep your eyebrows in shape. Your eyebrows frame your face, balancing your features. Stick to strong, natural eyebrows instead of lines that are too thin. If you have them shaped by a beautician, you can keep it up with tweezers afterwards.
    • Do not wax your eyebrows, because your skin is too sensitive in that area. Rather pull the hairs out with tweezers or a thread.
    • If your parents don't want you to pluck your eyebrows, brush them up with a brush. Then your eyes look bigger.
  4. Use eye drops if your eyes are red or tired. A few drops of hydrating eye drops relieve red eyes and keep them looking fresh and radiant.
    • You can also use eye drops to reduce bags under your eyes. Just smear some droplets around your eyes with your fingers.
  5. Accentuate your hair color. If you like your hair color, choose a shade of mascara that will accentuate your hair. You can focus on your eye color, or you can bring out the different colored spots in your iris.
    • Dark hair makes light eyes pop, while bright colors make dark eyes stand out.
    • Red and copper look good with green eyes.
    • You can find tips on your own eye color and skin color combinations at

Part 2 of 2: Taking care of the skin around your eyes

  1. Get enough sleep so that you have fewer bags under the eyes and circles. The skin around your eyes is extra thin, making it very sensitive, and you can see it immediately if you have slept less well. Lack of sleep is bad for your circulation, making the blood vessels through the thin skin around your eyes more visible.
    • Sleep with your head a little higher, on two pillows, so that the moisture around your eyes can flow away better, so that you have fewer bags under the eyes.
    • Dark circles can also be caused by an allergy, genetic predisposition or your bone structure.
    • To reduce swelling, you can sleep on two pillows, so that excess liquid is better drained from your face at night.
  2. Massage the skin around your eyes to help wick away moisture and reduce puffiness. Puffy eyes usually develop when fluid builds up under the eyes. By gently massaging the skin around your eyes, the moisture can drain better through the larger lymph nodes where it is efficiently processed.
    • Tap gently with your ring finger (this is your weakest finger, so you will not press or pull too hard too quickly) and massage the skin around your eyes. Make circular motions around your entire eye, starting in the outer corner of the eye, down the bottom and then all the way over the brow bone.
    • Learn more complicated techniques for a complete facial massage.
  3. Invest in a good eye cream. You may have to experiment with different eye creams to find the right one, but in the end you need something that is hydrating and contains vitamin E. Be careful with eye creams that are too greasy, as they can clog your pores and leave small white bumps around your eyes.
    • Look for a cream that reduces swelling (caffeine can help with puffiness) or that contains a mild exfoliation.
    • Older women should try a cream that reduces wrinkles and firms the skin around the eyes, as it can sag as you age. A firm skin cream can help make your eyes look younger.
  4. Be careful with salt. Using a lot of salt, ve-tsin, alcohol, or sweeteners can damage the skin around your eyes or make puffiness worse. Too much salt causes your body to retain water and can make you swollen. Because the skin around your eyes is so sensitive, it will be the most noticeable there.
    • Eat less salt to reduce puffiness, especially right before an important day.
  5. Treat the skin around your eyes with home remedies. It's easy to reduce the swelling around your eyes with items in your kitchen. The cucumber slices that they always put on their eyes in movies really help to refresh your eyes. Put two slices of cold cucumber on your eyelids, or dip your face into a bowl of ice cubes and slices of cucumber to get rid of your puffy eyes in no time.
    • Try placing two cooled black tea bags on your eyes to reduce swelling.
  6. Ready.