Determining your heart rate

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Check Your Heart Rate
Video: How To Check Your Heart Rate


Adults generally have a resting heart rate of 60-100 beats per minute. An athlete in top form can have a heart rate between 40 and 60 beats per minute. People in better shape generally have a lower heart rate because their heart beats more efficiently. By measuring your heart rate you can get an idea of ​​how healthy your heart is and how hard you are working during exercise.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Taking your pulse

  1. Check your heart rate at your wrist. This is one of the easiest places to measure your heart rate because there is a large artery under the skin in that area. With every heartbeat you feel the blood rushing through your artery.
    • Keep your arm straight in front of you, palm up. Gently press your index and middle fingers against the inside of your wrist between the bone and tendon, near your wrist artery.
    • This will be about 1 - 2.5 cm below your wrist, on the same side as your thumb.
    • You should feel soft tissue under your fingers, not the bone. You may need to move your fingers, press slightly harder or less hard, until you feel it.
    • Count the number of strokes for 15 seconds and multiply it by four to get the number of strokes per minute. Use a clock to measure every 15 seconds instead of trying to count your pulse and the seconds at the same time.
  2. Measure your heart rate under your jaw. Here too you should be able to find a strong heartbeat easily and quickly.
    • Place your index and middle fingers to the left of your trachea, where your neck joins the tissues under your jaw.
    • You should be able to feel your pulse on either side of your windpipe, but it may be easier to find it on the left. You may need to move your fingers and press a little harder until you feel it.
    • Use a clock or stopwatch to keep track of 15 seconds, count the pulses you feel, then multiply by four.
    • You should get about the same result when you measure your wrist or neck.
  3. If you discover abnormalities in your resting heart rate, see a doctor. Your resting heart rate is the number of beats per minute when you have been inactive for at least five minutes; however, if you have just been exercising, it may take longer for your heart rate to decrease. Resting heart rate naturally varies depending on how active you are, how fit you are, how hot or cold it is, whether you are standing, sitting or lying down, your emotional state, your body size and what medications you are on. Consult a doctor if:
    • Your resting heart rate is higher than 100 beats per minute. This is called tachycardia.
    • Your resting heart rate is below 60 beats per minute while you are not an athlete. This is bradycardia. Other symptoms that can accompany this condition include fainting, dizziness, or being out of breath. If you are an athlete, a low heart rate can mean you are in good shape. However, your heart rate should not fall below 40.
    • Your heartbeat is irregular.

Part 2 of 2: Taking your pulse to check your heart rate

  1. Calculate your maximum heart rate (HRMax). HRMax is the theoretical maximum speed at which your heart can beat. It varies with your age and is used to determine how fast your heart should beat during exercise, depending on your weight.
    • Subtract your age from 220 years. For example, a 20-year-old should have a maximum heart rate of about 200 beats per minute.
    • Some blood pressure medications can lower your maximum heart rate. If you are on blood pressure medications and are using your heart rate to monitor your training, talk to your doctor to find out how to determine your maximum heart rate.
    • Consult a doctor before starting a new exercise routine if you have any health problems - especially high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease.
  2. Use your wrist to determine when to do moderate exercise. Moderate exercise for 2.5 hours a week can keep your heart healthy. You are expected to do moderate exercise if:
    • Your heart rate is 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. That means that a 20-year-old with a maximum heart rate of 200 beats per minute should have a target heart rate of 100-140 beats per minute with moderate exercise.
    • You dance, walk on a flat surface, cycle slower than 16 km / h, walk at about 5.6 km / h, ski, swim, garden, play tennis or golf. These activities should provide a heart rate that is 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. If not, you may need to exert yourself a little more.
  3. Take your pulse to determine if you are exercising vigorously. Exercising heavier for 75 minutes a week or longer will improve your heart health. You are thought to do more strenuous exercise when:
    • Your heart rate is 70-85% of your maximum heart rate. For a 20 year old this is 140-170 beats per minute during a vigorous workout.
    • You can walk at 7.2 km / h or faster, cycle at 16 km / h, walk uphill, walk up the stairs, do cross-country skiing, football, running, jumping rope, tennis, basketball or hard work in the garden.
  4. Recognize signs of an increased heart rate. If you don't have a monitor or want to stop to measure, familiarize yourself with the signs of an elevated heart rate. These include breathlessness or heavy, rapid breathing, sweating, and the inability to carry on a conversation.
  5. Measure your heart rate with a heart rate monitor if necessary. If you don't like calculating your heart rate by heart while exercising, you can buy a heart rate monitor or a fingertip pulse oximeter, which is a little more affordable.
    • Wearable wearable heart rate monitors are widely available on the Internet or in sports stores. You can buy them and wear them as wristwatches.
    • Most have an electrode that you put on your chest that sends information about your wrist to the monitor on your wrist. Find one that you find easy to use while you exercise. Read reviews online or talk to experts at sports stores to help you decide which one is most practical for your particular sport.


  • Start slow and as you get in shape you can train harder and still stay within these target ranges.
  • A person in poor shape can have their heart rate spike to 100 in just a few minutes or two minutes. As the condition improves, it will take more effort to increase the heart rate. This is a good sign.
  • If you're using a cardio machine (treadmill, elliptical, etc.), see if it has a built-in heart rate monitor. However, keep in mind that these can get confused if someone next to you wears a heart rate monitor.
  • To measure your progress, measure your heart rate before and after a 15-minute walk. Record the measurements. Early in the beginning, your heart rate will rise quickly and it will take a long time to return to your resting heart rate. As you continue to exercise and get healthier, your heart will work more efficiently and your heart rate will not be as high on the same 15-minute walk, and your heart rate will return to your resting heart rate more quickly.